Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reconnecting with that Little Girl and Giving Her a second chance to Live!

This morning and the last few days I have been taking sometime to go within and really find what has got me to this point in my life. As some of you know I have been reading and sharing my mental time with my new friend "Zig" and the first part of his plan to success is to look at ones self image. The first few paragraphs really got me thinking about my thinking lately. what kind of self image have I been portraying. I was coming up with a blank or just didn't want to look so I took a different approach. One I took when I was first told I should be dead. the one were you look through your children's eyes and ask yourself when they grow up what will they remember about you and your time with them. This again shook up my world a bit, then I really took a look at my actions and emotions the past few months and even past few years. As you might be able to tell this was a bit deeper then I wanted to go. seeing as the past month has been such a emotional ride itself why did I ask for more emotional pain but the truth be told I never want to walk this path again!!! so what ever it takes. The next step was to go deeper and see how I really see myself into comparison to how others see me or I allow them to see me. This took on a whole new world of its own. I guess it is easy to look at how others might perceive you another to ask yourself how you see you. 

In the eighties there was a term being thrown around that never sat well with me "healing your inner child" I would pick up books look through a few pages and then move on never really understanding or even wanting to look at that part of me. Guess now I must if I want to gain some acceptance and understanding of who I am and how I got here. last night after talking to a really good friend of mine we talked about nurturing that part of me that was neglected, abandoned and abused when I was younger. That part of me that never had a chance to grow up because life became serious at such a young age that I never really was given the foundation in which to build a stable life or at least the emotional and mental stability I now crave . Please do not get me wrong I have forgiven my mother for not knowing how her actions had effected me and I have forgiven my father for his silence response to things he didn't know was either going on or what he could do about them. I have even forgiven them for allowing to to leave home at such a young age and never once asking me why or what my life was like during those years. Forgiveness finally came years ago and then I set the memories on the shelf  and was just grateful I survived those years but that little girl still never got what all little girls want, let alone every child on the face of this earth. LOVE! people have criticized and judged me as a mother for the affection I show to Austin and way I mother him but if they walked a mile in my shoes during my early years they would know why I love like I do and how I know the importance of giving children the love, acceptance, encouragement, truth and understanding they deeply need and crave. So now as I look at what as a little girl I missed I am at a loss to how to gain that back. So instead of looking back I am like always moving forward.. Asking that "Inner little girl what she would like" " what can I do to bring her healing and joy. to nurture her in such a way that I can integrate those years into a the women I am becoming now. I know I have some work ahead as I look back and let go. I am brought back to another time in my life where words and actions took on a new and deeper meaning. Here I stand again understanding that in the New Age movement there are a lot of terms we throw around and use with out even knowing the deeper meaning. We can not truly understand a word or phrase until we have experienced it. Now the term inner child takes on a humanness I never imagined and  is giving me an opportunity to explore that part of my childhood missed so long ago. Isn't it amazing how in my last post I said that I felt "Zig" was taking me back to move me forward and that is what is happening. That little girl is waking up and asking to be acknowledged and healed from her inner wounds. 2012 for me is starting to be the end of the world.. the world I held onto in order to survive and now I am moving into one where I will finally be able to live free from the wounds of the past. the band-aids are coming off and it time for the real healing to begin. The first thing I think I will do for that little girl is buy her a stuffed animal.. Austin bestfriends are covered in fur and take baths in the washer and I love the way they make him smile, Guess I will go find my first best friend too.. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dreams Of Pringle Machines and My New Friend Zig

   This morning has been great! Nice to wake up with a feeling of Hope and a promise of a new day. Austin woke me up asking if we could have a pringles 
vending machine in our house and of course I said yes! I really cant see why not. I asked what kind it would carry and he said original and sour cream and onion. My only request is for pizza flavor and he said yes so its a deal!! I asked if he had a dream about one and he said yes mom and boy was it nice.
  Nothing like a great creative dream to get the imagination going. I am sure deep inside Austin knows the chances are slim that we would be getting one soon but he loves it that I never say no to a day or even night dream. I guess that is why his imagination and dreams have stayed alive. I just cant help myself I by no way never want to be a dream stealer!! There are enough other people out there waiting to do that so never let it be said a Mother would crush her baby's dream of a pringle machine!! 

On to other things took a walk this morning after starting to read "See You At The Top" by Zig Ziglar. I am sure I have read this before but somehow it found its way back in my hands yesterday at the library and I am so glad it did! I am already starting to like my new friend "Zig" what a delight to wake up with his words pouring into my soul over a great cup of herbal tea. 
He does make a new day feel like the first day of the rest of my life. Boy have I said those words a million time and probably have restarted my life a couple times now that I think of it. Yesterday when watching an old "Wayne Dryer" video he talked about maybe not believing in reincarnation but he does see in his own life that he has had many bodies and many lives. This really got me thinking about that and it really open my heart to a new way of thinking of  what I once thought of as my failures. They were like mini deaths not poor attempts at a good life. In every story of victory there are always many obstacles and challenges. Even "Joseph Campbell" talks about the Hero's Journey" and that it is never an easy one. So when did I pick up that life here was spouse to be a straight shot to happiness and success?  Guess Zig is right sometimes our stinkin thinking comes from outside ourselves. maybe I have lived many lives in this one body with many Hero's journey and now it is time to take another one! I sure like the sound of that better than. "Great Justine look at the mess you made again and you are no further to your goal of a good life then you where 4 years ago".. YUCK what a bad taste that leaves in my mouth and what a pain in my heart. I like the thought of a new adventure around the corner! Some how that puts a skip in my walk and a song in my heart. and who knows maybe there is a pringle machine just waiting for a good home!! 

Well with that I am off to eat some breakfast maybe watch a movie and spend the day getting to know myself a little better and listening to my new friend Zig remind me of the things I once taught about but since i have been sick forgotten.. Feels like he is rekindling an old part of me to go on this new adventure and what more can I ask for on a beautiful Thursday morning!!