Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Call Of The Divine Warrior......

It always seems I have so much on my plate. Illness, being a single Mother along with being a driver and shopper for my Mother, writing a book, taking care of a house hold,  getting my Yoga Certification, just being a women, sister, friend, seeking enlightenment, the list can go on and on.

These past two years though has been the hardest. I have had to let go of a relationship that had  been toxic to me while fighting a court battle to protect the rights of my son to just say "No" .  To have the court system look at him not as a number on a docket but a real living breathing person with emotions, feelings and opinions of his own, more important that kids have voices too and that they are not property to be fought over, used as a weapon of revenge or against their will be shuffled from home to home like a bag of luggage or exposed to bullying or abuse because one parent chooses a partner whose lifestyle is not like your own.

These past two years brought up Anger I had never experienced and pain so wrenching some days I thought my heart was just going to explode but I carried on the best I could. I let go of the distractions and worked on the co-depend behavior that kept me trying to make a sick man well with just my love. I learned how to stand up for what was right no matter the risk or cost and I held on to the truth knowing in my heart that it would in the end set us free.

 I never gave up on the vision that some day I would get my children's book published along with the others that are waiting, like dreams on the shelve I was keeping, knowing one day I would grow tall and strong enough to reach them and pull them down and open them up. Lately I checked and I am so close to opening that first jar!! You know the feeling of " I cant tell you but I feel like I am here to do something important"  that you just cant shake. It's that feeling that comes from deep in my soul that has kept me alive and moving through the pain, the doubts, the fear, the heart ache and betrayal I have experienced.

This morning I was drawn to get one of my Oracle decks out for my meditation.  ISIS Oracle, one of my two latest ones,  called to me. I simple asked can you tell me just something or a message about where I am going or whats going on? Knowing deeply that even I need outside validation of my outwardly path I knew the card that I would pull would give me insight, strength, warning or blessings.  To my surprise it gave me all.

   "The Divine Warrior guides you to your Divine Destiny. The Divine Warrior energy exists within men and women as an inner propulsion to continue with a worthy path even during times of difficulty. When faced with a challenge, a true Warrior will summon more of him or herself to the cause- it might be more wisdom, focus,intelligence and surrender into the Divine. The Warrior within has great inner resourcefulness and determination. This part of you will lead you to spiritual success"

As I read the description tears came to my eyes of just how true this card is when it comes to my Divine Warrior aspects and self.  I have bravely faced many challenges yet never have I wavered very far from the path for very long before that inner voice would call me to summon everything I had to carry on. A deeper part of me knew that I just hadn't experienced all life had to offer me yet but more than that, what I was capable to accomplishing, Mind, Body or Soul.

I am just starting to be able to accept that in February of 2013 for the first time in over 15 years the virus that was causing the Cancer was "Non-Detected" because only 4 months later would the court battle began. I never really had a chance to celebrate my victory or enjoy my time in remission before we knew it would come again for me and it did.  I am only starting to even comprehend that there are no more court dates, no more lawyers and mediation, that I no longer have to police myself and censor myself  because of fear my words might turn into weapons that could lead to my son telling me again how "He wanted to end his life".

 This path has not been a easy one but today's card gave a reassurance that I am on the Divine Warrior path and that Life will bring challenges of our truth, our integrity and determination to not give up the fight.  The fight to live the life you were born to live, to be one day stand tall enough and strong enough to reach for your Dreams.

This card is for all of us who when we wanted to give up we didn't, We surrendered when we needed to and fought like Hell when we had to but most of all we listen to the Divine Warrior in each of us that whispered to us to just keep moving on.

May your Divine path be opened up and May you enter into this time of change as a gift for your diligent work of never giving up on yourself...

Monday, October 26, 2015

Everyday is a winding road.......

When looking back over the years and just the posts on here I find that I have had as many new beginnings as I have hit dead ends. I am starting to think it has been neither. It has been more like a steady growth with the shedding of the old me along with creating a life that meets my needs and feeds my passions more than like a cow being lead to slaughter goes through the motions knowing in the end there is only death but never being able to fully enjoy life.

 I have witnessed many deaths of my old self over the years. Wayne Dyer said once that yes he believed in reincarnation he feels like he has been reborn many times in this lifetime and so do I. Maybe that is what the mystic were trying to say that as we awaken to our own individual strengths and weakness we can let go of  what no longer serves us and work at those things that bring us back into oneness with ourselves. With language we have created chaos and confusion. Simplicity is where we can find freedom from suffering.

When we relearn to trust ourselves and our inner voice the old world does die and a new one is born and sometimes it is in a blink of an insight and other times it is after suffering so long there in no other choice but to surrender.

When I first recognized how sick I was I remember standing in the bathroom telling my then husband that " yes I believe in the possibility of reincarnation but I will never be this person, in this time in history, with you and Austin or most of all in this skin I am in again". I remember how I pulled up the skin from my hand while saying those last words and think how true that statement was.  My whole life changed in that moment. I might not be guaranteed a afterlife but I am giving daily chances to become born again in this one by accepting my worth, living for and through my passions and accepting the small deaths along the journey that lead me back to the Truth.

Life is only a journey of self discovery you can either enjoy the ride or like a cow to slaughter wait for it to all end.

As for me I will keep moving down this winding road that keeps leading me back to my true authentic self....

Thursday, October 22, 2015

We are capable of so much more....

Yesterday my mind was a buzz with blogging, bringing an old group Medical Misfits back to life on Facebook and feeling somewhat alive again. My body is still in a resting mode. I have been rubbing on Lemongrass oil on my neck and shoulders along with doTerra Balance.  The combination of the two have been helpful in relieving the stiffness in those areas. Yesterday was the first full day without a headache and No Body aches! I have decided to take the rest of the week and possible weekend to continue resting up while getting caught up. My mind seems to be sharper and ready to get on with organizing all the information and notes I have had since early 2000.

 I am right now and have been going through my numerous notebooks and getting familiar with what is in them. Since a lot of them were written during my illness and I cant even remember writing most of the things.  I recognize my hand writing but some of the words and thoughts are escaping me now when I am looking back. You can't imagine what a strange sense I get when reading such emotional words knowing they came from my heart but I have no memory of writing them let alone experiencing them,  During my illness Dr. P said to help me understand how the reoccurring encephalitis was affecting my brain was to watch 50 First Dates. That gave me the idea to write so I could remember but I seemed to forgot sometimes to write, leaving just moments in time captured on paper with no rhyme or reason. Thoughts along with recipes. yoga theory and poses, insight into inflammation, viral diseases to evolution theories and profound understandings of man and his relationship to the universe and himself.  it is a 15 year of study and inner perspective during a time when I was trying to understand what was happening to me and my body. It is a looking back not in the same way as one remembers memories of a past it is more in the amazement that the mind is more than a body part that tells the body what it is seeing, feeling and then try and make sense of it. It is a beautiful bio organic computer capable of doing things in which we have yet to be able to understand. One can say it has a mind of its own. Possibly a higher mind/self in which with open ears all of us can hear when we listen with our hearts and not the mind.  I can only speak for myself but in my case that higher mind was not only being a single mother but taking notes and gathering information to not only keep me alive then but even know. It left me memories of moments in time but it also left me with insight that has changed the very person I am and I see it changing my future as over the past 48 hours I have been amazed by the information I have at my fingertips. Its like many books are waiting to be written and all the research has already been done for me. Like a good student its time for me to gather my notes and write that thesis. My life is taking shape and I am so glad I am not in charge but my passion for helping others, my desire to be the change I want to see and the sheer fact that I didn't come this far to leave just yet, is!!! Time to let the Higher Mind/ Spirit Conciseness/Heart/Soul any word you describe that Divine Essences that never left my side while I was sick and kept my body, heart and soul in the kind of Faith it took to fight the sleeping dragon to take the reigns this time, the only difference is illness does not have to be its inspiration, Living an authentic life is.....

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Getting Back To Life...

As I am gathering myself and my things this morning for my Tea and Mediation time, I found myself smiling as I felt like a school girl going off to school. Getting my tea or sometimes sacred cacao going as I gather my note books, binders, pencils and pens, then spontaneously start grabbing things around the house to sit with and drink my morning cup of love and medicine. I laughed out loud as I thought "Oh yes, better grab that Yoga Teacher book, I need to spend time studying that today." Off to school I go, The College of Justine!!
 What a laugh but what a truth that is! I might not of been the best student in a industrial set up school but I am so the Poster Child of a Home Schooler,  I find a subject I like and I am interested in and within 48 hours I can and have researched more about it than most people would in their lifetime. It use to be jokingly said if you wanted to know anything ask Justine, she either will know, find out, or find someone who could answer it. Oh and the subjects ranged from simple how to's all the way to quantum physics and alternate origins of evolution.
Then I got sick and the doctors had no answers, so I turned to what I know best research. Just this time I thought I was researching to understand my illness and ended up learning how to safe my own life.
 Over 18 years ago I started a journey of holistic healing and conscious living that not only changed my life but as I said saved it. It start with a virus that just wouldn't go away and in early 2011 that virus became Cancer and Reoccurring Encephalitis and I had to fight for my life and my Consciousnesses (Brain) every day until February  2013 when the Cancer went dormant again. That still left many battles with now every virus in the Family Tree active but that also gave me years to study and  research my illness and other Autoimmune disorders and Inflammation diseases. I took that along with my history of study in the esoteric and mystic approach to healing and causes of disease and discovered the answers had been with me all along. Wow, what a ride it has been and I have tried to share with you along the way what has saved my life and gave me such a adventure in emotions but also helped me get through some of the most challenging times of my life and I have been honored to share that journey with you on here, Facebook, Instagram and most of all in person.
Though out those years I have kept many journals and notes and recipes that not only gave me inspiration through the years but insight to the Mind and Body connection along with the Divine presence that is moving through us and around us always. Over the past few months I have been coming across more and more notes and I was feeling a strong sense it is time for me to gather them. This last bout with the virus was not pretty and it came on faster than ever but left faster than ever!! It was like being given a second chance at life! How many times do I need to face death before I can finally lock that door behind me. I think twice is enough and since I was told another would kill me I see last week as a inspiration to get back to School! The school of life and gather and share, even possible lecture or teach again. I feel anything is possible! I didn't realize it until last night. The doctors knew the virus would come for me and it did, I faced the sleeping dragon and I put him to sleep before he could kill me. What a sense of gratitude I am having in this moment. The areas I have spent the last two years holding onto worked better than any western medicine could of ever did alone for me. I have learned so much about food, yoga and the divine body and the combined power of faith and action.
Over the winter I hope to share the journey of gathering my notes and recipes and developing a way to bring them into creation..  To be able to share those areas in which helps to serve your higher purpose and bring you, me and our planet back into balance with nature and ourselves.

I had a vision this last time I was sick it was time to weave my web of light so that not only may The Wounded Healer feel comforted but bring healing to all that wish to be healed, changed or transformed through faith and action.

" We must heal what is fractured before we can become whole."
                                                                                   Justine Brasil

Guess it time to gather my notes and get back to the school of life, I have some living to do......

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Time For Love Rehab in the Dept. Of Self-Love!

When it comes to Self Love many of us believe we already do. Our actions and words say otherwise.

  In my journey to find love I have been often told that I can not find love until I learned to love myself. Like others when I would hear this I would think I already do! If I didnt I would of stayed in realtionships that were painful and disfunctional. Yet I keep finding myself in relationships that are just that! They were not always as bad as the last but never less just as painful and disappointing. I felt I was a strong, independent women who had fought all odds to not only stay alive but raise a happy healthy young man through it all, so there had to be self love somewhere in there? Right?

  I am finding its not as simple as that and of course my actions and the fact that I am not enjoying a healthy loving relationship is making it quite obvious that my self love needs some rehab. I now understand that loving myself is essential to not only my personal growth but also to the fulfillment of my dreams and to developing healthy, happy relationships with others and instead of just trying to talk myself into believeing that I have self love. I need to have self-love and learn to foster compassion for myself and do it without thinking I am being selfish or that my needs are not as important as everyone else. 

I have decided to dedicate the month of October to be a Love Rehab month.  I plan on experimenting over the next 30 days in the area of
Self-Love!! Not Ego Love but True Self Love, the kind that develops only from self acceptance and validation.

I figured I better start out with three simple but important guidlines.

1. It is not selfish to care about yourself!!

If some of us put half the effort we put into other into ourselves  our lives would do a 360 turn around.
So this month I will make sure I am treating myself no differnt than anyone else. My needs and desires are important as well and they need to be met like everyone else!! 

2. Maintain my boundries!!

This is the only way I will be able to do #1. Dr. Phil had a line that I liked "You teach people how to treat you" and I have done that most of my life but like others I have not done it in a authentic way. I have allowed my need to be validated and accepted to get in the way of setting healthy and loving boundries for myself and others.  Its time I retaught myself and others around me what is now acceptable and what is not. 

3. Do what I need to do to be me and have my needs met!!

This too will be tough. When you have most of your life thought of others before yourself its not a easy task to now look at your wants and your needs.  I am sure over the next month I will start to see where my giving myself away has limited my abilty to not only have my needs met but be able to express them with healthy boundries and have a true idea of what self love is..

I am not sure where I will be at the end of the month but I have a feeling it will be a great way to celebrate my life as well as ignite my passion in ways I never belived possiable.

When I think about what the world would be like if we all practiced self love for ourselves along with compassion and acceptance for others I kind of feel like Neil Armstrong.  'That's one small step for Man, One giant leap for Mankind"

Like aways you are welcome to come along for the journey, I am sure we can all use a little Self-Love Rehab in our lives.....

Friday, June 12, 2015

Purslane Bliss.....

 So Wednesday was another great day at the farm. I have so enjoyed my CSA with Two Toad Farms in Lebanon ME. It has been a pleasure to work their land. I have learned so much and I look forward every week to spending time on their farm. I now know why their produce tastes so nutritional and delicious. Jordan and Mary Beth put a lot of love and hard work into every movement on that Farm from the planting to the harvest you know they have been there personally giving their all the entire way through.
Last week I was introduced while weeding to what I have come to know as  “wild edibles”. These are not just the berries and mushrooms that we all have come to recognize but the weeds that grow wild in Nature and probably in your own back yard. Yes, in your own back yard!
While weeding my curiosity was building as lately I have been drawn to juicing more greens. As most of you know in battling and suppressing my virus I use herb tinctures grown here in Maine and eat mostly from our local Farmers Markets. I have been doing that along with transforming my everyday food into medicine and practicing beneficial conscious eating. So it seems like the next logical step in boosting my immune system and detoxing my body from everyday stress and continual viral outbreaks is to allow Mother Nature to step in on a more direct level.
 As Jordan talked to me about the health benefits of this unwelcomed weed I expressed my desire to learn more and possible teach Austin. This way when we went on our hikes we could have a nature snack but it also is a great skill to have to be able to live and eat off the land. This will come in very handy also as we prepare for more skilled hiking and back packing trips. 
Little did I know that the door of curiosity would open up and allow me the opportunity to come back and harvest my own Purslane to experiment with and  also to spend 3 hours learning about Wild Edible with the Guru of New England mushrooms David Spahr this Saturday. The Maine Audubon is hosting a workshop at Fields Pond in Holden Maine.
 If I didn’t know better I would say the universe is in agreement with my move to more wild edibles..
 I say that not only because how events unfolded but as I was looking for ideas on what to juice with it right there in the SuperFood Juices book by Julie Morris that I had been using a recipe for Purslane Celery Juice! Who would of guessed...

Purslane Celery
makes approximately 16 ounce
Bonus benefits;
quick reboot, detox flush, slim and tone, strength and stamina and beauty and anti aging

1 handful purslane
1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
2 large sweet apples, cored

Juice all the ingredients, and whisk together to combine.

This is such a refreshing and sweet green drink. The hint of lemon from the Purslane and the Sweet honey crisp apple I chose made this green drink one that will become a regular on my road to redemption and rebirth!!!

There was no better feeling in the world as the one in harvesting my own greens and now drinking them into my body like a gift from Nature and Mother Earth. I think working at the farm has given me an opportunity to experience the hard work and beneficial properties of working and living off the land. I know that my soul has been guided by cosmic coincidences and a desire to help myself and I gladly take its help. As in my Facebook page the wounded healer states, I am searching always for the path that will lead me to whole healing as well as passing my experience and knowledge gained as I go. I have felt many changes since dedicating myself to a more regular yoga practice as well as committing to a healthier more plant and nut based diet. I have learned that the road to wellness starts with what you are eating. Healing comes more from what you are taking in then what you are putting out. There must be a foundation and I have learned by trial and error that for me it must start with my food. From there the mind clears and the body has a chance to rejuvenate, then the rest will easily follows. 
It seems each day Mother earth is reaching out to me asking if she can heal me thorough lots of Vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom, a mostly Raw Vegan diet with now wild edibles added in. It is wonderful to hear my body speaking and being able to give it what it needs. They say every cell in your body has a form of consciousness well if that is true then I can hear them asking me to get back to nature and now I'm sure they meant more like; Get your hands in the dirt and eat off the land!!

Here are some tips in Harvesting and Preparing Purslane:

1 Know your plant!
It is important when picking anything wild that you are sure about what it is before you touch it or place it in your mouth. I was lucky enough to have wise teachers on this one. I advise if you don't know someone knowledgeable in this area you contact your local Audubon society for workshops and classes or get a hold of some books. I have ordered a few and as soon as I get them I will be sharing what they are and what they are teaching. So Remember Know Your Plants!!

2. Make sure that when harvesting you are aware of where you are.
Purslane can be found in big cities, neighborhood backyards and growing wild among the forest trees. You need to keep in mind that harvesting ones that have either grown in organic soil or untainted by pesticides is the best way to go.  Most people in North America see these as a weed so they may be treated with poisons so trend lightly when found in residential neighborhoods or even highly trafficked road ways. plants pick up what is in the air around them and what is in the soil so look for nutrient rich places to harvest or know your Farmers and be lucky enough to weed their beds for them.

3. Harvest them when they are still young:
 If you are able to harvest them when they are young this is the best so far I have found. After doing some research online I found that as they grow their stems become tougher and the leaves become of a more thick sustenance and texture. At this stage they come out of the soil easy, root and all. They are  also easy to throw in salads and juicers, the other added bonus as well is they have that sweet lemony taste that cant be bet. I might change my mind as I explore this super green more but for now tender is what I think works best for this plant.

4. Make sure you wash your harvest before eating:
Even though you now should know your plant developed in good soil and is pesticide free it does not mean it still doesn't need a wash to rinse the dirt and clean anything that might be hidden on the plant or in the soil.  I used a salad spinner and cleaned only half the harvest and then gentle stored the other half to clean later today.  I love my salad spinner it really helps to make sure all the dirt and any little garden bugs are removed.  I will give you a tip that I only figured out half was through the process. Its best to first remove the roots before placing in the spinner, that way your not trying to clean the roots of the plant just the stem and leaves. Only the ones you wont be eating right away leave the roots on to keep them fresh. Purslane is a succulent like the jade plant so it is able after being harvested to live off its reserves for up to three days. I stored mine in a bag used to keep produce cold, I left the bag open and just a small ice block in it.  I followed my instincts and felt like they could not get to hot or to cold. So I just babied them.  

5. After derooting and washing them treat them like any other super green:
After I washed them I allowed them to air dry a bit before I placed them in a large storing container. I placed a paper towel in the bottom and then the Purslane then another paper towel on top. I have found my refrigerator sometimes builds moisture and the paper towels help. I am not sure thier shelf life yet but I am sure I will keep to the 3 day rule. Harvest and eat ASAP!! 

6. Experiment with your new super green;
Yesterday morning I started out with a Green Juice of Purslane and Celery, than I went on to have a great afternoon salad and than ended the night by adding a delicious avocado spread to my dinner. I know there is so much more I will find I can do with this plant as it becomes one of my favorite new superfoods.

Purslane and Asparagus Salad

( Like all my salads chop to to desired amount)

Red Leaf Lettuce
Purslane (chopped or whole)
Asparagus (chopped)
Bok Choy

Dressing of Choice;
Bragg's Healthy Vinaigrette with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Bragg Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I so enjoyed this salad. The combination of crisp asparagus and bok chop really brought out the lemon flavor of the Purslane. I also found that the radish added a nice peppery taste. To add extra flavor you can add: hemp seeds, dulse, tomatoes and chopped avocado.    

 Avocado and Purslane Dip/Spread

2 Avocados
Handful of Cilantro (chopped)
Handful of Purslane (chopped)
½ sweet onion (chopped)
½ red pepper (chopped)
1 clove chopped fresh garlic or powdered garlic
Juice of one lemon
Salt and Pepper to taste
Cayenne peeper to taste

Mix everything together and serve with chips or like me add it to tacos!!

 I look forward to my new found Purslane Bliss and hope you will join me by sharing your wild edible adventures and your Purslane recipes with me. 

Until then happy Purslane hunting!!

To keep up with my adventures in Food, Yoga and My Life you can follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter..  

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Damn is this ride almost over??!!!

Does anyone else feel like they have been on a roller coaster of self discovery and truth???!!!!

I know my ride has been non stop and I cant even remember buying a ticket.  It seems I have been doing battles with  Relationship, Food, Paths of Service and Just being a Damn Women, Mother, Lover and Friend. The Roller Coaster has seemed relentless. I first blamed it on a Emotional and Life Changing Summer. Moving my Mom and fighting a 3000 mile custody battle with my sons father.  Then I blamed it on a Hard winter, Men who cant seem to grow up and finally I had to look in the mirror. It might take me a while to see but the only one that is going to stop this ride is me!! It doesn't even mean that I need to pull the break. Its more like learn to enjoy the ride because in life, challenges never end. Some are just smaller than others.

 The Prayer that comes to mind is one in which all my life sat on the window sill of the kitchen and is now sitting on mine. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. "

There are things in my life that I can not change, and day by day I am learning to accept them and understanding there is a big difference in accepting them and being able to live with them.  I have now developed the courage of a lion when it comes to affairs of the heart and death but ask me to make a left hand turn, I will still give you that look.  Someone once said to me wisdom can only be gained by applying knowledge. I believe that statement to be so true. Life is always going to give us opportunities to see what we have learned and what knowledge we have gained along the way. asking us "What have you learned? Show me!" and its up to us to be present enough to recognize it. Over these past months I have come to some conclusions; That it is the simply things like; When things are tough go to the beach; When someone is just not into you, its not the end of the world it's just a opportunity for someone who does to come into your life; when the roller coaster of life takes you for a ride, keep your hands inside the car, scream if you need to and remember to look at the scenery if you can, so when you do get off you can decided if you ever want to do that again that makes the ride worth living.

 So I guess if I had to take that ride to get here so be it. Insanity only last until you realize you are the only one who has the key.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Restaurant Review; The Soup Guy

Come back to soup...the original comfort food

Sometimes when you are not looking for something that is exactly when you find it!!!That was the case with Dover New Hampshire's The Soup Guy.  In Early March a friend and myself headed to the Berwick Winter Farmers Market.  I had hoped to visit our friends from Two Toad Farms and maybe pick up some of Austin's favorite strawberry jelly. This was my first time going so I was excited to see all the venders and pick up a few things. It wasn't as big as I had hoped but I did find myself making my way past every table. I am not sure what caught my attention first, the sweet smells coming from that direction or the energetic and passionate about food owner Curtis Gould but both seemed like an experience not to be missed.  Making my way closer I was struck by the many Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free option they had. I thought I had died and went to heaven but the question was "does it taste good?"  Lets just say even as I am typing and thinking back to that day I am having a craving to sample another pick from The Soup Guy variety of menus choices. I quickly learned I was being drawn into the world of The Soup Guy. It took little time for me to decide, I not only wanted to know more about the owner but also taste more of what he had to offer.

So this past week I had the pleasure of taking a road trip to Dover New Hampshire to have lunch and sample more delicious food from The Soup Guy.  I must say I was excited to see what menu items they had on their Food Truck.  Since January Curtis Gould, owner and chef of The Soup Guy expanded his events and Farmers Market retail outlet by setting up a standing Food Truck in the parking lot of Janetos Plaza in downtown Dover. It has not only been a big success but he is working on other ideas to bring community and healthy food choices together for not only Dover but New England as well.  I must say it had been a while since I had eaten from a Food Truck and I had forgotten how this Grab and Go idea was now crossing the country and let alone food barriers. What a great idea to be able to grab something healthy to either eat then or take home for later and knowing that it is all Natural, 100% Gluten free and locally sourced whenever possible makes The Soup Guy a perfect match for this girl. 

The  first thing I noticed was how amazing the choices were! From Wraps to Quesadillas, Chili and of Course a Variety of Soup and Soup Toppers. 

I really didn't know where to start as I waited for the owner Curtis Gould to get there so I could sample some of his most popular dishes.  The List of Soup Toppings made my mouth water and I hadn't even decide what I would like to sample with them!

The first thing that caught my eye was how you can tailor make your soups and smoothie to fit your taste buds by picking a choosing toppings or smoothie ingredients that you like. No pre made list, just made to order. This I find is a great way to experiment with new food ideas but also change it up on those days when you're looking for just a little something different to spice up your day!

 I hear even If you can't decide or you need some help there is always a friendly face behind the window willing to help you out. 

While waiting I had the pleasure of meeting a few of the regulars who stop by for a smoothie or to grab a bite to eat on their lunch. The overall theme I found in talking to everyone was that The Soup Guy offers something for everyone. The die hard Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free eater and those who care more about Great Taste and Good Quality then what is in it have both found a place they can enjoy. It is not hard to see why in 2010 they were the Winner of "Best of NH" Magazine for Healthy Soups! Soup might of been the base of this recipe for success but its the details to taste, flavors and using local produce whenever possible in all his dishes that keep bringing customers back. 

Shortly after meeting Curtis Gould I could see why his recipes were so delicious and the idea so rewarding not only for himself but also for his customers. Curtis's sees food more than as a business, he sees it as a way to give back to the world through something he is passionate about, food. When he talks about his food and business you can see his goals are centered around a lifestyle he himself lives daily making his business just a extension of himself in many ways. He has a passion for food and shares it with the world by serving up comfort food that is timeless. While keeping an eye on freshness, details and of course taste.

Boy was my taste buds singing as we began to sample a mixture of The Soup Guys most popular dishes along with Curtis Goulds favorites.

I started with their Cuban Citrus Black Bean Soup.....

The flavors were amazing and as much as a black bean soup can sometimes be heavy on your tummy this left me wanting more and thinking about taking some home for dinner later on that night. The flavors danced on my tongue and as I said left me wanting more.

 Then of course you know when I found out that they were known for their Bootleg Chili I had to have a tofu chili dog!!!!

I must confess it was the "Best" Chili ever! You would never know it was Vegan! The flavors were so delightful that I almost forgot I was eating something that wasn't sinful but good for me! 

It wouldnt be fair to not take a moment a talk about The Soup Guy's Chili, how could I not.....
With ingredients like this how could you not have a winner on your hands! 

His Chili does bring back one of the comfort foods from my childhood, when a chili dog was smothered with diced onions and cheese with a dollop of sour cream! Yum! Now it is possible to have all of it back but now served Vegan style and its good for me!! My Taste Buds and My Soul are very happy!! Who said eating healthy had to be boring? Not The Soup Guy for sure!
Welcome Back Chili Dogs To My Life, I Had Missed You So!! 

I must also tell you they have an option of putting chili or soup on top of rice adding another great way to enjoy the flavors you love. This seems to be a hit at The Food Truck!

 Just when I thought I had tasted all I needed to now make The Soup Guy one of my new favorite spots in Dover to grab a bite to eat Curtis asked me to try the "Americana Falafel" with a topping of jalapeno pear salsa..

Okay, if I wasn't in love yet when Curtis offered me a bite of his Americana Falafel I fell hard and fast and it only took one bite with the salsa to know I was in love and addicted. I must say that alone is worth the 30 minute ride to Dover! If you are a Falafel lover or never had one this is The Soup Guys must try!! I can not stop thinking about it and I will admit I have had to stop myself from jumping in the car and making my way to Dover to grab another bite of what can only be described as "Falafel Love" 

What more can I say except we topped our tasting off with a nice cool refreshing and delicious smoothie... Which like any great desert left me feeling more than satisfied. The Soup Guys prices are reasonable, tastes are amazing and even if you're not into healthy or conscience eating the Chili alone will rock your world. 

As for the rest of my visit it only confirmed what I already knew. Curtis Gould's idea of bring back comfort food in a way that not only awakens your taste buds but feeds your body and soul is just the beginning for The Soup Guy. 

So if you're ever in Dover New Hampshire and are looking for a great place to eat or if you're out at a Farmers Market and see The Soup Guy there, make sure you sample some of the fabulous soup and other dishes they have to offer.  I promise like me you will fall in love with the first bite and be longing to find a way to make The Soup Guy a part of your life.... 

For More Information or To Check Out Where You Can Sample some Amazing Soup or Chili you can contact The Soup Guy on Facebook at facebook.com/thesoupguy or come visit their Food Truck at Main St. and Chapel St. in Janetos Plaza, Dover NH or call (603)866-6398

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Gluten or Not To Eat Gluten That Is The Question....

I can not count how many times I am still asked about this whole "Gluten" thing.  It is strange how after all these years there is still plenty of confusion surround it. So let me clear up a few things I do know.

1. It is not a fade or a diet.
The hardest thing about being out to dinner and saying "do you have that in gluten free?" is the looks you get. In the restaurant industry there is still an ignorance when it comes to this subject. Most owners still believe that Gluten intolerance or Celiac disease is a minority of their customers not the majority and only highlight the items on their menu that contain no gluten. They do not take the next step in creating menu items to support a more steady and returning customer base. They also do not take the time to educate themselves and their staff on this issue. They also are lacking in the area of other food allergies as well.  I find this most frustrating and why I now do food reviews for the restaurants willing to brave the unknown.  I also find it frustrating when friends or family make jokes around the subject because as with the restaurant industry they have never took the time to research what Gluten is and why it effects so many people. Most people I run into think it has something to do with the Adkins diet. I can see why, in that diet most people removed breads and found they were feeling better but still had issues. Years later it became clear that removing gluten was the key to better health not eating more meat.  Also removing gluten from your diet is not considered a fade that most of us jumped on. For most of us it is a journey to good health and healing digestive issues that have plagued us for years. To say it is a fade or diet really goes more to the fact that most American still do not connect eating to good health. They see it as a luxury not nutrition. Until we see food for it's true purpose regarding our bodies and health I fear this debate will continue. For the majority of us it has become a lifestyle not by choice but because without removing it our over all health will suffer.

2. That most American suffer from a range of digestive diseases from chrons to diverticulitis with out any relief from medication.
 Medications only helps with the symptoms but never changes or effects the cause. leaving most people to continue to suffer. Diets and eating habits are crucial in making a difference. Yet I find most people still eating food that effect them in many ways, some they don't even know about.  In my own personal research I have found that inflammation is the main cause of most disease and getting a handle on it can be the key to overall good health.  I also have talked to so many people who just experimenting with removing gluten made an impact on their daily lives. In my case most of my unexplainable health concerns were around food allergies I was not even aware I had, which caused inflammation and neurological issues, that then in turn lowed my immune system allowing for the virus to take hold more easily,  So as you can see in my case and most Gluten was a road block to healing or controlling digest disease.

3. That Gluten free is here to stay.
I have been battling not being able to eat gluten for so long I have kind of forgotten the days of carrying lemons in my purse for dressing, being able only to eat a plate of vegetables as an entree and feeling like a freak to others that didn't really care to understand. Dont get me wrong we have came along way from those days but there still is misinformation and ignorance around a grown number of people who each day are suffering because of Gluten. More and more I see people of different ages and ethnic background hovering the Gluten free items in confusing and sometimes shame over something that should be widely accepted. The idea that nut allergies and bee stings are mainly the only thing out there that can do damage or kill you when it comes to allergies are archaic and we need to move into a new understand and appreciation for those suffering from these types of diseases and illness.

So when it comes to Gluten or Not to Gluten only you can answer that question. You are the best judge of your body and how certain food may effect it. My only advise to those of you suffering digest problems, excessive gas and bloating, unexplained illness and fatigue. Before you write it of to old age and undiagnosed auto immune. Try changing the foods you consume and experiment in removing gluten from you diet for a month and see what happens. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones to find healing without gluten or maybe you will find nothing changes but you will never know unless you try. I also want to say I do hope more restaurants start to cater to the growing numbers of consumers looking to eat out while being respected for their dietary needs.  You might be surprised the new customer base you will get with just some small changes to your menu.

Here is a quick chart to get you started and remember; one mans bread could be another mans poison!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It's Not Our Mothers Kitchen Anymore....

This past weekend while making breakfast I had to smile as I looked down to see Tempeh bacon, Red hash and Gluten Free waffles and thought this isn't my mothers kitchen anymore. This is a long way from My mother's meat and potato recipes I was raised on, let alone how I was cooking just a few years ago. With my own health issues and the changing world concerns over GMO, food allergies and sensitivities our kitchens and our cupboards are far from our Mothers. Our views on meals and recipes are ever changing too, sometimes as quick as a new iphone is out on the market. Yet some of the challenges our Mother's faced have not gone away. Getting everyone in the household eating better can still be a chore in itself.

When I was first told that basically 95% of my diet was suppressing my immune system and if I didn't remove them I would complicate my already serious condition I had no choice but to make drastic changes to my diet.  I never imagined that would make life and my work in the kitchen twice as hard as I struggled to cook meals I could eat and keep my ex husband and son eating what they were accustomed to. While trying to figure out what I could and couldn't eat anymore. I found the task at times overwhelming. I later found out that from the outside my family and friends had no idea what was happening to me, the sad thing neither did I. I was just doing the best I could with the information I had at that time. I started to introduce my new eating habits to friends and family along with trying to still be included with social events and outing hoping that food would not be a barrier but this too was a disaster.  I then decided I needed to get back to cooking at home and eating like a family. In order for me to make this work I understood I would have to recreate how I ate and how I feed my family. Making small steps would be key if I wanted to make these big changes to our diets and our household. 

Over the years I have been willing to experiment, research and have fun with food and that really paid off this weekend as I am now lucky enough to have created another great opportunity to make a healthy meal and share it with the ones I love and it taste delicious. 

Most of our Mothers could of never prepared us for the challenges we face today when it comes to food and what is best for our families in this ever changing world. So it has been a journey for me of trial and error all the way.  After years of reinventing I can only say, no two kitchens will ever be alike and no two picky eaters might agree on one dish, So here is what has worked best for me:

1. Never Give Up
No matter if it is ridicule from your family members and friends or disasters in the kitchen, Carry On!! Over the years I have had many a disaster in the kitchen. In the beginning this almost made me give up. Then I started to view my cooking when it came to this as an experiment. Most people don't know that I once could cook the best lamb shank for miles around and my mash potatoes were sure perfection in taste but Tofu and  Making Raw Nut Burgers were like a foreign language to me. Looking at my time in the kitchen more like time in a lab made it fun and made it easier to try new foods on my family and friends. For the first few years I always had a back up plan for dinner if it went bad but for the most part I just pick a new recipe tried it and never gave up. One other thing, when it comes to family and friend and the ridicule and skepticism you might get.  How I solved that is in the words I here most often; Don't you age? So either my new way of eating is helping in giving me a more youthful appearance or that death becomes me really is true either way let your life and the changes speak to those who make fun of something they know nothing about.

2. Experimenting with Food Exchanging
Getting your family to accept some food changes is hard on many levels. Some foods give comfort, other feed a craving our body is signaling a need for. My way of facing this challenge was to slowly trade out food. Maybe they are still Barbeque Chips but now they are Gluten Free. ( Even if you are not gluten intolerant studies more and more are showing Gluten issues to be rising in the numbers of patients being seen with digestive illnesses.) looking around there are more and more companies who are catering to taste and health now so it is easier than ever to do this. If you don't have much time in the kitchen to start or prepare foods, change what small things you can and introduce the new foods even by mixing them in. Meatless Crumble is way to trade out meat products and not lose flavor, You will have to be creative at times but it can be fun to see your family enjoying foods that once just saying the word got you a YUCK!!

3. Trying New Menus and Recipes
This is the simplest; Don't be afraid to try new things. When I first started I used You Tube and my library a lot. I remembered about those old cooking shows on TV and thought that watching videos from people just like me would give me a boost and it sure did. I was then able to go to my local library and find some of the cookbooks talked about online and in the videos.  At first I just introduced breakfast food changes and added desserts. They seemed the easiest to start right away with and not get to much notice or fuss. Then I moved to trading out weeknight regular for once to twice a week a new recipe. Work at what pace is best for your lifestyle but once or twice a week was perfect for us. Now it is much more but even on a busy week we try to add one more.

4. Reinventing Old Favorites
I also found that taking Old favorites and changing the recipe to be a healthier version was a great way to keep everyone happy. It's like showing appreciation for their participation in your experiments in the kitchen throughout the week.  Other times I would find a raw, vegetarian or vegan dish that duplicated in the best possible way the original flavor. This was fun in many ways. I must say this takes patience and a tough skin, sometimes nothing can compare to a original or mom's old style of cooking. That is where the Never Give Up will come in handy.

5. Learn more about the Food Industry and The Human Body
I found it helpful for me to learn as much as I could about different ideas around eating and the food industry and share those with my family. Not in an over zealous convert way but helping them to understand why I was making the changes in our diet. Weather that was health issues or other concerns. Being informed seemed to help with decision making and everyone feeling the changes were to have a better life not be punished or deprived. Health in school will only take you so far and even their teaching is outdated in many ways so research for yourself and your family. There was also a book called Becoming Younger by  Dr. Norman Walker that taught me more about my body and how it works then anyone. His book changed my life and I recommend it as a building book to a healthy life. The more you learn about your body and how it relates to food  the less you will struggle around food issues and digestive illness.  That was at least the case in my life.

6. Make Eating Healthy Fun
It has been the variety and willingness to try things that has made eating an experience and food a healthy part of our life. Over the years many foods have came and gone but the overall theme of having delicious food that are healthy and beneficial to us are still key. Keeping on track was the hardest part sometimes. What I found helpful in this area was getting the family involved in coming up with new ideas around food.  Googling new restaurants and making a day of going somewhere new and going out to eat is always a fun outing and last Thanksgiving we  experienced a Vegan Meetup.  We meet some great people and gained some new ideas and even recipes. Getting the family involved in Cooking Dinner or even Picking a new Recipe can make a huge difference. Once again you might have to be creative but believe me the more you can get everyone eating the same under your roof the grocery bill goes down, there is less sickness in the house and even a renewed sense of family that once was in every kitchen across America.

7. Little Steps Are Better Than No Steps At All
Last but not least I have been at this for a better part of 8 years and I have not made the strides I once set out for but the small changes I have made has made my family more aware of what an important role food plays in their life.  It was the small changes that didn't threaten to change anyones life but mine that slowly made its way into everyone's by it beginning with me.  So never underestimate those small but subtle changes you're making in the kitchen they are having an impact. Ones that would make our Mothers proud. 

It's true, it might not be our Mother's kitchen anymore but It still holds a special place in most of our hearts. Some of the recipes and menus have changed over the years but the idea of good food and family still ring out like they did this weekend for me. Eating good does not have to be complicated it just has to be looked at like any other area of our life where we might not be living to our fullest. Starting somewhere is better then never starting at all and let the changes speak for themselves.

So what changes over the years have you been inspired to put into action?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Humans Suck At Relationships!

I have been tossing and turning all night, thinking about things and I have come up with not a new conclusion but one worth revisiting.
This planet sucks at relationships! Living on such a small planet you would think we would know by the calendar year 2015 how important it is that we all get along. 
I have been recently drawn to study the area of human evolution. I use those words with a slant towards hu-man as told though science,evidence,creation, darwinism, mysticism  and religion I have found one thing true in all. We are taught mentally that we should live in peace and harmony,even given rules and guide lines in every area of our lives. Yet here we are like kindergarten kids on the play ground or like this video I watched this morning where kids as young as 4 were arguing because one mother said it was raining the other saying it was sprinkling. Before you knew it the little girl started to be mean because he wouldn't  agree with what her mommy said then poked him in the chest, it was touching but also heartbreaking as the little boy cried out in pain and sadness that she had poked his heart! We as Adults with the capacity and forethought to kill and hurt are acting out this scene  in the world, our cities and government even worse in our own homes.
At our core as humans we have the ability to come together in adversity but we are also the same that create it. Why is it that we refuse to accept our differences and embrace the other persons struggle,understanding before judging and thinking of those in need as just that, in need.
Looking back on this planets history you can only concluded  something has gone wrong. Austin said to me last night. Animals and plants would survive without man but man could not survive without them. Why mom dosent your generation not get that? What could I say. We suck at relationships  of all kinds.
Our relationship to our whole world is not based on truth half the time. It's based on false or misleading information  or we just accept what is told to us third party and never researched for ones self. The best thing a pastor once told me was if you want to know the truth don't take my word look it up for your self. I took that advice and was no longer attending church one year later.
You see with every area of our life we develop  relationships.  You and your bosses,Co workers, neighbors family and friends and so on. The one that is lacking the most is with ourselves. Developing a relationship within and outside ourselves is what all religions and mysticism talk about. Prayer and meditation, connecting to others through acts of kindness and brother hood of man,to take responsibility for our planet and all its inhabitants.  This is the garden of eden isn't it? Or is it a playground of kindergartens making a mess of things waiting for some Heavenly Father or Alien big brother to come home and clean up the mess and punish those who have been bad. Even better reward those that sat by and did nothing but paid there tithes?
 Do I have the answer, of course not but neither does anyone else. I do know one thing what we are doing and how we are behaving is not working that is for sure. I will say I know the first step in changing things begins with me and it begins with you.
I guess acceptance and understanding there is a problem means you have the ability to solve it as well. So I'm now admitting it we suck at relationships in general!!!
So now what do we do, hence the up all night.  To solve a problem we first have to look at what we are doing and not doing.
So here are some practical step to start doing just that;

A. Working in the areas of listening
We tend to want to defend in conversation or share more then we are willing to really listen with intent and understanding.

B. Stop jumping to conclusion based on information not gain through direct contact or research.
We are a nation of; telling the story then checking the facts last. I see this in  media all the time both in mainstream and the internet. People sharing information but never taking the time to verify facts. This goes for social media as well if not more.

C.Make amends where amends are needed.
It's okay to be wrong, it is a act of weakness to hide behind anger then admit you were wrong. This goes for personal and national  relationship too. We never have to accept a wrong done to us but we still are responsible for how that manifest in your life and those around you. To make mistakes is human to deny we do is just foolish!

D. Start thinking about how your actions and words will effect the people around you.
It was said that in the Native American tribes not one decision was made without thinking and discussing how it would effect 7 generations out. We now have no consideration for how it effects our world let alone our closest relations.

I guess the most important would be start that inner relationship with your mind and how you interact in your world and relationships.  Take time to see where you suck in those relationships your in everyday,not only with the human inhabitants of this planet but all living things.

How that conversation with Austin started was he wanted to know who God really is. It's hard to explain to a 12 year old God is everything you see and lives within you and me while he sees the world killing each other daily with guns and bombs and with words and deeds. We are a living contradiction and a society that has forgotten it's roots.  I hope in Austins time we will learn to get along and get back to creating a garden not a military war zone..
It's never to late to mend relations but it could be someday to late to recover what we will have lost. All because we never learned how to play nice...  Now wouldn't that be sad!

So what will you do this weekend to better your relationship with yourself or the world around you?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Restaurant in Review...

Hen House Cafe
446 Main Street, Springvale, ME 04083
(207) 850-1052

If you follow me on Facebook then you know this is one of my favorite places to meet for breakfast. This past month  I even received a coffee mug with my name on it!! It seems only fitting that I would start of my new Blog series Restaurant Review with them. 

You see if you live in a big city it is very easy to find a place that either specialize in vegan/vegetarian/allergy aware dishes on its menu or at least offers a few choices but in a small town it is like panning for gold. Here at the Hen House I struck Gold!!!!

I remember the first time I walked in I was greeted with a Friendly  "Sit anywhere but hurry we are about to have a sing along" Sing a long I am from California a friendly face would be nice but a choir of strangers singing in a restaurant what had I gotten myself into,  Of course we sat down and joined along the best we could and everyone had a great laugh then it was back to business. At that time the Cafe was under other ownership and even called something else and it wasn't always the food that brought me back as much as the people that worked there.  

Over time it came to our attention that the Cafe might be closing or changing hands. I worried maybe I would have to find another place to have a great cup of coffee but where would I ever find people who cared about their customer like these people did. That is so rare today that I almost was mourning the   "good old days"  That feeling was short lived when we learned two of the waitresses had decided to make a go of it themselves and keep the place alive. I have more respect for those women then they even know. 

In no time they had the place renamed, decorated in hens and roosters and the smiles were bigger and the food was beyond good!! They were determined to make it work and I was determined to help anyway I could. The problem was my food allergies, it limited what I could eat. That is the one thing that holds me back from eating out more then ever. Have you ever tried to ask a server to change something and watch their face in horror as they try not to tell you everything is prepackage so it cant be change. You really learn what restaurant are frozen food based fast.  So one day I got brave and said  "can I have a veggie omelet no eggs?" It took a minute to sink in but the answer was "I don't see why not" WOW!!! before I knew it I was telling them about my illness and food allergies and even told them about my gluten problems and the rest is history now. Before I knew it the girls were offering Gluten free toast on their menu and willing to remove items to fit what I could eat. I was not only impressed but the quality of the food didn't suffer and I could finally go out to eat close to home. 
Over the years I have been begging for a gluten free muffin since they make the BEST muffins in town but the cost of ingredients does not equal just me having one. So here I type not only hoping to get out the word of this great place and these great people but selfishly hoping my gluten sensitivity friends will fall so in love with this great cafe that everyone can share in what I am sure would be the BEST GLUTEN FREE muffins around!!!!

As you can see this review is somewhat bias for this Cafe but the truth be told it really is the best Cafe around. The food is consistent no matter who is in the kitchen, service is great and always with a smile and a quick story or catch up. You tend to make friends with the regulars and are greeted like family, Its not uncommon to have tables of complete strangers laughing and talking while waiting for food.  Plus where else can someone like me order a eggless omelet and not get laughed at or even told no we cant do that or we can and charge me the same but give me less food. Not to many places and they are always willing to experiment with new items on the menu.

If you are looking for great food and service this is the place for you. If you are like me and have food allergies or have been looking for a place that serves fresh food and gluten free this is the place to be.  Who knows you might even see me and if not you will see my coffee cup just hanging there waiting on me to have a cup of coffee, a eggless omlette and some gluten free toast. Life doesn't get better then that, at least for me!!!! 

You can check them out on Facebook for their specials and to see other reviews at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Hen-House-Cafe 

Hope to see you There!!

I will be doing this series throughout the year so if you know any place you think deserve to be recognized for their attention to making sure they serve both Vegan/Vegetarian/Allergy aware items on their menu or if there are ones that specialize that you think are Blog worthy in the New England Area Please let me know. It's time the restaurant industry started looking to service the growing consumers that are looking for a great place to eat just like every one else!