Monday, November 25, 2013

Right is Right, Wrong is Wrong Post Inspiration ... {last court case; 28:30 time mark}

This is the Court Case that inspired my earlier post Today... Enjoy!!!

Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong...

In watching a case of Peoples Court I came to a conclusion about the "Truth". If someones Truth is not yours does that always make them a Lair? When you watch litigants in a court setting both swearing to tell the truth you expect there to be some consistence in their stories but most often there are not. Often both stories are so opposing that you wonder how could they even know each other. One of them has to be lying. That's the most obvious conclusion. What if we took that thought farther out? What if they Both believe that to be True, what make one a lair and how do we choose which one to believe? Both in life and in law you look for a more likely then not scenario, does that make sense. If your really good you can translate body language and pick up on discrepancies. It is when Both parts are so convincing of their Truth that we need to ask ourselves maybe that person believes this to be "their Truth"  Then we must assume they acted in such a way as normal to their belief of the truth as they were experiencing it..  You see I have lived by a understand that there will always be "My" Truth, "Your" Truth and all we need to do is meet in the "Middle".
In watching this one episode Truth could never be more opposing. Two stories that are now being brought before a stranger to determine the "Truth" or up hold the law. In watching the case unfold you know that looks can be deceiving but that there is more here then just a breach of contact case.As I listen to the case I too wondered how one person can either lie so blatantly to the judge or  had they really convinced them self that was the Truth? The only thing left was facts but sometimes there will never be hard evidence of certain truth we hold dear. To explain my point of view here. We all believe in a "God" we have no evidence that would hold up in a court of law but yet millions live as if there is one. So even facts do not make the difference sometimes in who is telling the Truth. So here we are left again with opposing stories, not enough facts to support one side over the other and one compiling witness. The defendants daughter, who says she is standing on the side of what is right. As she said when asked "why are you a witness against your mom?". "I know Right from wrong, this is wrong. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong". The judge then does something not often done in small claims, she take a recess to give time for the plaintiff to try and get more evidence. She too knows someone is a bold face liar and  wants to get to the truth. In life I think there is times when we feel like this. We just want to know the facts and get down to the truth and other times we are fine with the perception we get from others or come to find for ourselves. Either way it is coming to the Truth. There is one thing this case was bringing out for both sides was either this Mother was going to get a wake up call from a daughter who was only living up to the morals her mother once set for her that she herself were not living or this Daughter would have to live with the fact that she stood up in court and called her mom a liar. There was not going to be no middle ground here. No coming to a meeting of the minds. You could see it as the Daughter spoke after the recess that she never want to be in court and the Mother pain of asking herself why?? It then became obvious that the Mother was lying as her eyes got teared as her daughter spoke. You see there is something about Truth that most want to deny to others and themselves but you can't. It is one of the universal Truths.. You can try and lie to everyone else but you can NEVER lie to yourself. Not at the core of your being. Even murders will say "I knew it was wrong but....." You see we can have many perceptions of the Truth but as this young women said "Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong".. Even though it is hard for us as humans to respect each others truth we must let go of the idea that there is only one truth and that is ours. There are many! Also that at the deepest part of each human lies the ability to know wrong from right and when called upon to face it there is no escaping it. Truth has the ability to either keep us Captive or set us Free, it is up to us how we will perceptive it but more important how we act on it. Standing up for the Truth is not always easy but it is necessary for personal and global evolution..... At the end of the case the Mother lost and in the hallway was thankful it worked out like it did. To watch her you know she was now at a turning point of her life. I thought how ashamed I would be if my son had come to court to make sure I was held accountable for my actions. That is something a parent should be teaching a child not a lesson a child must teach from a court room in her 20. The Truth shall set you free in more ways then just your soul. I will say this episode reminded me that My Truth and Yours might not meet in the middle but if we both sit back the Truth will be right there in front of us and at a deep level we will know.. Even if a word is never spoke, we will know the truth and it has the ability to set us Free....

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I am who I am and I wouldn't change a thing!!!!

Most of you know I have struggled time and time again with a illness that not only in some aspect stole my life but also gave me some of the best insights into life itself. As I look back at the last few years let alone my whole life I am struck with a observation I am sure only I can reach because it is only I who has lived with this 24/7. It is only I that live from the perception of my own mind. Through the last few years of my active illness I have struggled many times to explain myself, express myself and reach out to others in many ways, it is not until now being in remission 9 months can I really start to see it all come together as my mind is now clearer and my memory sharper than it has been in a while. It has only been lately that I have been able to myself come to terms with a illness that not only effect my body but also my mind.
Like coming out of a deep sleep to awake only to find that you have been living between two worlds or sometimes more like living in two worlds at the same time. Looking back and even observing myself now I can see how this illness has shaped along with my experience who I am and how I view the world and universe around me. Over the years I have tried to understand it myself, I have tried to seek answers outside myself as well, only to time and time again be brought back to my own conclusions and theories. That is not to say that I have not had many experience and validations of my perceptions from others including highly educated people but it is to say that I have met very few people who truly get me and understand fully the world I see through my eye. That truly understand my perception of the world we live in. How can they, many time I find myself confused by it as well.
The last 9 months have been a eye opener on many levels of my life. At times bringing me to my knees and other bringing the beauty of the world into full circle. I am still in the process of understanding everything but one thing is becoming clearer and clearer.. That life is more then the shadow aspects of our mind or the programmed beliefs we have been taught and that life is not about learning to Survive It but learning to Live It..... and that I am who I am because of who I am and that does not make me broken or an outcast but that makes me beautifully unique unto itself...