Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It's Not Our Mothers Kitchen Anymore....

This past weekend while making breakfast I had to smile as I looked down to see Tempeh bacon, Red hash and Gluten Free waffles and thought this isn't my mothers kitchen anymore. This is a long way from My mother's meat and potato recipes I was raised on, let alone how I was cooking just a few years ago. With my own health issues and the changing world concerns over GMO, food allergies and sensitivities our kitchens and our cupboards are far from our Mothers. Our views on meals and recipes are ever changing too, sometimes as quick as a new iphone is out on the market. Yet some of the challenges our Mother's faced have not gone away. Getting everyone in the household eating better can still be a chore in itself.

When I was first told that basically 95% of my diet was suppressing my immune system and if I didn't remove them I would complicate my already serious condition I had no choice but to make drastic changes to my diet.  I never imagined that would make life and my work in the kitchen twice as hard as I struggled to cook meals I could eat and keep my ex husband and son eating what they were accustomed to. While trying to figure out what I could and couldn't eat anymore. I found the task at times overwhelming. I later found out that from the outside my family and friends had no idea what was happening to me, the sad thing neither did I. I was just doing the best I could with the information I had at that time. I started to introduce my new eating habits to friends and family along with trying to still be included with social events and outing hoping that food would not be a barrier but this too was a disaster.  I then decided I needed to get back to cooking at home and eating like a family. In order for me to make this work I understood I would have to recreate how I ate and how I feed my family. Making small steps would be key if I wanted to make these big changes to our diets and our household. 

Over the years I have been willing to experiment, research and have fun with food and that really paid off this weekend as I am now lucky enough to have created another great opportunity to make a healthy meal and share it with the ones I love and it taste delicious. 

Most of our Mothers could of never prepared us for the challenges we face today when it comes to food and what is best for our families in this ever changing world. So it has been a journey for me of trial and error all the way.  After years of reinventing I can only say, no two kitchens will ever be alike and no two picky eaters might agree on one dish, So here is what has worked best for me:

1. Never Give Up
No matter if it is ridicule from your family members and friends or disasters in the kitchen, Carry On!! Over the years I have had many a disaster in the kitchen. In the beginning this almost made me give up. Then I started to view my cooking when it came to this as an experiment. Most people don't know that I once could cook the best lamb shank for miles around and my mash potatoes were sure perfection in taste but Tofu and  Making Raw Nut Burgers were like a foreign language to me. Looking at my time in the kitchen more like time in a lab made it fun and made it easier to try new foods on my family and friends. For the first few years I always had a back up plan for dinner if it went bad but for the most part I just pick a new recipe tried it and never gave up. One other thing, when it comes to family and friend and the ridicule and skepticism you might get.  How I solved that is in the words I here most often; Don't you age? So either my new way of eating is helping in giving me a more youthful appearance or that death becomes me really is true either way let your life and the changes speak to those who make fun of something they know nothing about.

2. Experimenting with Food Exchanging
Getting your family to accept some food changes is hard on many levels. Some foods give comfort, other feed a craving our body is signaling a need for. My way of facing this challenge was to slowly trade out food. Maybe they are still Barbeque Chips but now they are Gluten Free. ( Even if you are not gluten intolerant studies more and more are showing Gluten issues to be rising in the numbers of patients being seen with digestive illnesses.) looking around there are more and more companies who are catering to taste and health now so it is easier than ever to do this. If you don't have much time in the kitchen to start or prepare foods, change what small things you can and introduce the new foods even by mixing them in. Meatless Crumble is way to trade out meat products and not lose flavor, You will have to be creative at times but it can be fun to see your family enjoying foods that once just saying the word got you a YUCK!!

3. Trying New Menus and Recipes
This is the simplest; Don't be afraid to try new things. When I first started I used You Tube and my library a lot. I remembered about those old cooking shows on TV and thought that watching videos from people just like me would give me a boost and it sure did. I was then able to go to my local library and find some of the cookbooks talked about online and in the videos.  At first I just introduced breakfast food changes and added desserts. They seemed the easiest to start right away with and not get to much notice or fuss. Then I moved to trading out weeknight regular for once to twice a week a new recipe. Work at what pace is best for your lifestyle but once or twice a week was perfect for us. Now it is much more but even on a busy week we try to add one more.

4. Reinventing Old Favorites
I also found that taking Old favorites and changing the recipe to be a healthier version was a great way to keep everyone happy. It's like showing appreciation for their participation in your experiments in the kitchen throughout the week.  Other times I would find a raw, vegetarian or vegan dish that duplicated in the best possible way the original flavor. This was fun in many ways. I must say this takes patience and a tough skin, sometimes nothing can compare to a original or mom's old style of cooking. That is where the Never Give Up will come in handy.

5. Learn more about the Food Industry and The Human Body
I found it helpful for me to learn as much as I could about different ideas around eating and the food industry and share those with my family. Not in an over zealous convert way but helping them to understand why I was making the changes in our diet. Weather that was health issues or other concerns. Being informed seemed to help with decision making and everyone feeling the changes were to have a better life not be punished or deprived. Health in school will only take you so far and even their teaching is outdated in many ways so research for yourself and your family. There was also a book called Becoming Younger by  Dr. Norman Walker that taught me more about my body and how it works then anyone. His book changed my life and I recommend it as a building book to a healthy life. The more you learn about your body and how it relates to food  the less you will struggle around food issues and digestive illness.  That was at least the case in my life.

6. Make Eating Healthy Fun
It has been the variety and willingness to try things that has made eating an experience and food a healthy part of our life. Over the years many foods have came and gone but the overall theme of having delicious food that are healthy and beneficial to us are still key. Keeping on track was the hardest part sometimes. What I found helpful in this area was getting the family involved in coming up with new ideas around food.  Googling new restaurants and making a day of going somewhere new and going out to eat is always a fun outing and last Thanksgiving we  experienced a Vegan Meetup.  We meet some great people and gained some new ideas and even recipes. Getting the family involved in Cooking Dinner or even Picking a new Recipe can make a huge difference. Once again you might have to be creative but believe me the more you can get everyone eating the same under your roof the grocery bill goes down, there is less sickness in the house and even a renewed sense of family that once was in every kitchen across America.

7. Little Steps Are Better Than No Steps At All
Last but not least I have been at this for a better part of 8 years and I have not made the strides I once set out for but the small changes I have made has made my family more aware of what an important role food plays in their life.  It was the small changes that didn't threaten to change anyones life but mine that slowly made its way into everyone's by it beginning with me.  So never underestimate those small but subtle changes you're making in the kitchen they are having an impact. Ones that would make our Mothers proud. 

It's true, it might not be our Mother's kitchen anymore but It still holds a special place in most of our hearts. Some of the recipes and menus have changed over the years but the idea of good food and family still ring out like they did this weekend for me. Eating good does not have to be complicated it just has to be looked at like any other area of our life where we might not be living to our fullest. Starting somewhere is better then never starting at all and let the changes speak for themselves.

So what changes over the years have you been inspired to put into action?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Humans Suck At Relationships!

I have been tossing and turning all night, thinking about things and I have come up with not a new conclusion but one worth revisiting.
This planet sucks at relationships! Living on such a small planet you would think we would know by the calendar year 2015 how important it is that we all get along. 
I have been recently drawn to study the area of human evolution. I use those words with a slant towards hu-man as told though science,evidence,creation, darwinism, mysticism  and religion I have found one thing true in all. We are taught mentally that we should live in peace and harmony,even given rules and guide lines in every area of our lives. Yet here we are like kindergarten kids on the play ground or like this video I watched this morning where kids as young as 4 were arguing because one mother said it was raining the other saying it was sprinkling. Before you knew it the little girl started to be mean because he wouldn't  agree with what her mommy said then poked him in the chest, it was touching but also heartbreaking as the little boy cried out in pain and sadness that she had poked his heart! We as Adults with the capacity and forethought to kill and hurt are acting out this scene  in the world, our cities and government even worse in our own homes.
At our core as humans we have the ability to come together in adversity but we are also the same that create it. Why is it that we refuse to accept our differences and embrace the other persons struggle,understanding before judging and thinking of those in need as just that, in need.
Looking back on this planets history you can only concluded  something has gone wrong. Austin said to me last night. Animals and plants would survive without man but man could not survive without them. Why mom dosent your generation not get that? What could I say. We suck at relationships  of all kinds.
Our relationship to our whole world is not based on truth half the time. It's based on false or misleading information  or we just accept what is told to us third party and never researched for ones self. The best thing a pastor once told me was if you want to know the truth don't take my word look it up for your self. I took that advice and was no longer attending church one year later.
You see with every area of our life we develop  relationships.  You and your bosses,Co workers, neighbors family and friends and so on. The one that is lacking the most is with ourselves. Developing a relationship within and outside ourselves is what all religions and mysticism talk about. Prayer and meditation, connecting to others through acts of kindness and brother hood of man,to take responsibility for our planet and all its inhabitants.  This is the garden of eden isn't it? Or is it a playground of kindergartens making a mess of things waiting for some Heavenly Father or Alien big brother to come home and clean up the mess and punish those who have been bad. Even better reward those that sat by and did nothing but paid there tithes?
 Do I have the answer, of course not but neither does anyone else. I do know one thing what we are doing and how we are behaving is not working that is for sure. I will say I know the first step in changing things begins with me and it begins with you.
I guess acceptance and understanding there is a problem means you have the ability to solve it as well. So I'm now admitting it we suck at relationships in general!!!
So now what do we do, hence the up all night.  To solve a problem we first have to look at what we are doing and not doing.
So here are some practical step to start doing just that;

A. Working in the areas of listening
We tend to want to defend in conversation or share more then we are willing to really listen with intent and understanding.

B. Stop jumping to conclusion based on information not gain through direct contact or research.
We are a nation of; telling the story then checking the facts last. I see this in  media all the time both in mainstream and the internet. People sharing information but never taking the time to verify facts. This goes for social media as well if not more.

C.Make amends where amends are needed.
It's okay to be wrong, it is a act of weakness to hide behind anger then admit you were wrong. This goes for personal and national  relationship too. We never have to accept a wrong done to us but we still are responsible for how that manifest in your life and those around you. To make mistakes is human to deny we do is just foolish!

D. Start thinking about how your actions and words will effect the people around you.
It was said that in the Native American tribes not one decision was made without thinking and discussing how it would effect 7 generations out. We now have no consideration for how it effects our world let alone our closest relations.

I guess the most important would be start that inner relationship with your mind and how you interact in your world and relationships.  Take time to see where you suck in those relationships your in everyday,not only with the human inhabitants of this planet but all living things.

How that conversation with Austin started was he wanted to know who God really is. It's hard to explain to a 12 year old God is everything you see and lives within you and me while he sees the world killing each other daily with guns and bombs and with words and deeds. We are a living contradiction and a society that has forgotten it's roots.  I hope in Austins time we will learn to get along and get back to creating a garden not a military war zone..
It's never to late to mend relations but it could be someday to late to recover what we will have lost. All because we never learned how to play nice...  Now wouldn't that be sad!

So what will you do this weekend to better your relationship with yourself or the world around you?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Restaurant in Review...

Hen House Cafe
446 Main Street, Springvale, ME 04083
(207) 850-1052

If you follow me on Facebook then you know this is one of my favorite places to meet for breakfast. This past month  I even received a coffee mug with my name on it!! It seems only fitting that I would start of my new Blog series Restaurant Review with them. 

You see if you live in a big city it is very easy to find a place that either specialize in vegan/vegetarian/allergy aware dishes on its menu or at least offers a few choices but in a small town it is like panning for gold. Here at the Hen House I struck Gold!!!!

I remember the first time I walked in I was greeted with a Friendly  "Sit anywhere but hurry we are about to have a sing along" Sing a long I am from California a friendly face would be nice but a choir of strangers singing in a restaurant what had I gotten myself into,  Of course we sat down and joined along the best we could and everyone had a great laugh then it was back to business. At that time the Cafe was under other ownership and even called something else and it wasn't always the food that brought me back as much as the people that worked there.  

Over time it came to our attention that the Cafe might be closing or changing hands. I worried maybe I would have to find another place to have a great cup of coffee but where would I ever find people who cared about their customer like these people did. That is so rare today that I almost was mourning the   "good old days"  That feeling was short lived when we learned two of the waitresses had decided to make a go of it themselves and keep the place alive. I have more respect for those women then they even know. 

In no time they had the place renamed, decorated in hens and roosters and the smiles were bigger and the food was beyond good!! They were determined to make it work and I was determined to help anyway I could. The problem was my food allergies, it limited what I could eat. That is the one thing that holds me back from eating out more then ever. Have you ever tried to ask a server to change something and watch their face in horror as they try not to tell you everything is prepackage so it cant be change. You really learn what restaurant are frozen food based fast.  So one day I got brave and said  "can I have a veggie omelet no eggs?" It took a minute to sink in but the answer was "I don't see why not" WOW!!! before I knew it I was telling them about my illness and food allergies and even told them about my gluten problems and the rest is history now. Before I knew it the girls were offering Gluten free toast on their menu and willing to remove items to fit what I could eat. I was not only impressed but the quality of the food didn't suffer and I could finally go out to eat close to home. 
Over the years I have been begging for a gluten free muffin since they make the BEST muffins in town but the cost of ingredients does not equal just me having one. So here I type not only hoping to get out the word of this great place and these great people but selfishly hoping my gluten sensitivity friends will fall so in love with this great cafe that everyone can share in what I am sure would be the BEST GLUTEN FREE muffins around!!!!

As you can see this review is somewhat bias for this Cafe but the truth be told it really is the best Cafe around. The food is consistent no matter who is in the kitchen, service is great and always with a smile and a quick story or catch up. You tend to make friends with the regulars and are greeted like family, Its not uncommon to have tables of complete strangers laughing and talking while waiting for food.  Plus where else can someone like me order a eggless omelet and not get laughed at or even told no we cant do that or we can and charge me the same but give me less food. Not to many places and they are always willing to experiment with new items on the menu.

If you are looking for great food and service this is the place for you. If you are like me and have food allergies or have been looking for a place that serves fresh food and gluten free this is the place to be.  Who knows you might even see me and if not you will see my coffee cup just hanging there waiting on me to have a cup of coffee, a eggless omlette and some gluten free toast. Life doesn't get better then that, at least for me!!!! 

You can check them out on Facebook for their specials and to see other reviews at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Hen-House-Cafe 

Hope to see you There!!

I will be doing this series throughout the year so if you know any place you think deserve to be recognized for their attention to making sure they serve both Vegan/Vegetarian/Allergy aware items on their menu or if there are ones that specialize that you think are Blog worthy in the New England Area Please let me know. It's time the restaurant industry started looking to service the growing consumers that are looking for a great place to eat just like every one else!