Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summer of Endings and New Beginnings....

My summer has been a powerful one in many ways. I was out of my element and more then once my patience and tolerance of heat and people were put to the test. When asking my son what did you think about your summer, I thought I might get some discouraging feed back but to my surprise he said it was the best summer ever!! What? How?  He went on to explain how he enjoyed seeing me get angry and how we laughed through most things that would get other people upset or they would of just quit. Not us we laughed and  said tomorrow would be better.  When he put it like that I fully understand. It was the best summer because we were both put to the test in our own ways. Yes, summer is spouse to be fun but it is also about Family! This  summer was about Family more then just in the literal sense. We not only were  moving my mother to live closer to us ( Since its clear she is going to out live us all, she practically asked if she could have back the portion of her life insurance payment she has set aside for me since she said I will probable die before her.. LOL) and get her out of that spiritually and financial bankrupt town but we were extending our family in many ways as well.  I had heard earlier in the year that this would be a time of Family for me, I am now coming to understand what that meant. It also said I could be coming into a more authentic time where I will not even be able to hide the truth from myself, that too is becoming more clear. This summer, homes were opened and hearts were changed just by the simple act of following ones inner guidance. It truly has been the summer of endings and  new beginnings of letting go and stepping up, This summer asked for Faith beyond belief and sometimes gave me Disappointment and Despair that I thought might rip open my heart. We got to see really what we are made of not when times are good but when things are unknown and you only have each other to count on. That is a powerful gift to give yourself let alone those you call Family.
 Over all If your summer was anything like mine,
 It will be a summer to remember!!!!!!