Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Just Thinking Out Loud.....

What a roller coaster this winter has been. Knocked off course a few times, under virus attack again and once again testing those boundaries and risking friendships and love in the faith that there is something beautiful waiting on the other side of all this.

This New Moon Eclipse must be like a deep cleaning of the inner truths and the outside lies. Asking us to choose our path Faith and Love or Fear and Hate. I have felt and said this before that the time is coming when each soul must make its choice of if it wants to keep repeating lessons or learn it and move on. This school is ending.

I was doing some research and came across a video that explored many ideas I have often thought about not only with human consciousness and the direction our society is heading but with our connection to the past and the idea of, in order to know where you are going you have to stop long enough to see where you have been. In this all or nothing society that we have been taught to not dwell in the past and that much is true. Yet we have lost the gift of the past, which is to learn.

I am not into sports but I would imagine that after ever great loss and win the coaches and players watch replays of the games and moves they felt contributed to or sabotaged the outcome of the game. Most of us have lost the ability to do that consciously so the universe has a beautiful yet sometimes painful way of making us face those choices everyday and without a replay or a change of play, the game is bound to either keep repeating itself or explode by the sure insanity of it.

We must learn from the past but learn not to dwell there in it. Dwelling in the what if's keep you from experiencing the what could be's has always been my thought. My first question when talking with some one who is seeking my counsel over a painful event is Did you learn something? No really? not just the superficial “Not to do that again”. You see that means you haven’t went far enough to find the lesson that keeps looping. So your bound to have it happen again. There are patterns and cycles in everything. There is no coincidences. Not when you look deeper into the mean of things. Weather a curse or a blessing my brain takes notes of meanings in everything that is drawn to. Not to say every event is interconnected but depending on how deep into thought you want to get you might just find even if it is a string that is connected there. It's there for a reason. Yet as painful or happy the lesson. The key to not repeating it is to now move from the past into the present and applying what it was you learned. Believe me you will have an opportunity to do that...

Lets just say Eclipse season is like the push we need to make it to the next level of understanding ourselves and the world in which we are helping to create. Like each one that came before it brings opportunities to grow and change. Huge leaps in personal and global consciousness. It's like the exam is here and time to prove what we have learned and to see if we have enough courage to use it.

I have been researching and seeking answers to many questions over the past 20 or more years. Definitely since my Father died. And this much I have found to be true. Becoming and striving to be a solitary individual in a society bent on creating a hive mentality is a very courageous and brave act and those that find it seem to not only create their own happiness but seem to be the most intelligent people you will ever meet. They now live from where lessons are learned and new ideas applied. Where they are now experiencing life on life terms and accepting each event as an opportunity to expand their understanding and experiencing life from a new perspective. If it was only that easy....

I have been struggling along with everyone else in how t break free of old habits and patterns. Not only in my everyday activities but in my deeper thoughts and understanding of the world in which I reside in. This year the man made calendar will of said I have watched 50 sunsets and sunrises. You think that I would have more to show for that but it has taking me about that long to untrain my mind to the things that have never served me, to let go of the guilty that never belonged to me and learning to accept that as much as all my life I wanted to be like everyone else, I am not and never will. That I am responsibly not only to myself but especially to my son to be the best version of myself I can be and the greatest gift I can give him is to learn from my mistakes and help him learn from his. The lessons them selves are not always easy and what I am learning is it is just as hard sometimes to learn a new way of doing and thinking about things. Yet it is so gratifying to not have to be repeating the same lesson time and time again. I never believed we were here to just survive and if so we should already know from science that we are an incredible species weather Natural, Created or Hybrid. We have survived many events with less then we have now and lost it all to rebuild it again and again. We must only look to our own personal and global past to learn from and take responsibility for our actions and try and understand the other intentions and behaviors. Then when presented with an opportunity to now apply, do it without hesitation. That is what they say separates us from the other mammals. Our ability to think and reason for ourselves. Its such a shame we have lost this survival instinct. Keep in mind intentional or unintentional either way there is something to gain to make sure that lesson has served you well. Then move on to leaning new ways of perceiving and being in your world. You would be surprised how small action bring about big results. Just like small acts of Faith conquer life long Fears. 

Well it will be interesting to see what changes and new opportunity come my way through learning to set these boundaries and staying true to myself and remembering that, even if we have a zillion things in common no two experiences are the same even when experienced by the same person. ( No matter how many times they say, “I know how you feel” that's just a human way of saying “Hey, something like that happened to me too”. ) So I need to go easy on myself and allow new doors to open while keeping the Faith that as the road splits that I will have learned all the lessons I needed to make it to the other side. Peace will reign on Earth as promises but remember we have to go through the revelations first. Knowing something is only one half of then doing something about it. The first step on the path is always the easiest its those last few that take real dedication and applying what you have learned.

Eclipses season is the best time for inner perceptive and outer change. Use this time wisely, we never know when the road will split but we can be sure we want to be on the side of what we want, not more of what has been...