Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Damn is this ride almost over??!!!

Does anyone else feel like they have been on a roller coaster of self discovery and truth???!!!!

I know my ride has been non stop and I cant even remember buying a ticket.  It seems I have been doing battles with  Relationship, Food, Paths of Service and Just being a Damn Women, Mother, Lover and Friend. The Roller Coaster has seemed relentless. I first blamed it on a Emotional and Life Changing Summer. Moving my Mom and fighting a 3000 mile custody battle with my sons father.  Then I blamed it on a Hard winter, Men who cant seem to grow up and finally I had to look in the mirror. It might take me a while to see but the only one that is going to stop this ride is me!! It doesn't even mean that I need to pull the break. Its more like learn to enjoy the ride because in life, challenges never end. Some are just smaller than others.

 The Prayer that comes to mind is one in which all my life sat on the window sill of the kitchen and is now sitting on mine. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. "

There are things in my life that I can not change, and day by day I am learning to accept them and understanding there is a big difference in accepting them and being able to live with them.  I have now developed the courage of a lion when it comes to affairs of the heart and death but ask me to make a left hand turn, I will still give you that look.  Someone once said to me wisdom can only be gained by applying knowledge. I believe that statement to be so true. Life is always going to give us opportunities to see what we have learned and what knowledge we have gained along the way. asking us "What have you learned? Show me!" and its up to us to be present enough to recognize it. Over these past months I have come to some conclusions; That it is the simply things like; When things are tough go to the beach; When someone is just not into you, its not the end of the world it's just a opportunity for someone who does to come into your life; when the roller coaster of life takes you for a ride, keep your hands inside the car, scream if you need to and remember to look at the scenery if you can, so when you do get off you can decided if you ever want to do that again that makes the ride worth living.

 So I guess if I had to take that ride to get here so be it. Insanity only last until you realize you are the only one who has the key.