Friday, December 28, 2012

Time For A Change....

It's time for a change in my blog. This Blog has been reflection of my life up until this point. It has been my attempt through the past few years to gain a better understand of my feelings and emotions and also hope to catch some memories of my life along the way. It has been a personal struggle since I play in the field of "perfection" and since communication is my strength but the virus has left me less then confident in that area I have struggled with this Blog and my video diaries.. So I am going to allow myself a new way of expressing myself and what is happening in my life..... so I hope you enjoy along with me this ride of self exploration and artist expression.... looking forward to seeing what unfolds.......

Waking Up and Breaking Free......


Not sure if I can explain how I am feeling but to say it is like waking up from a deep sleep. A uplifting as if a weight has been lifted. Maybe the prophecies of the veil being lift were as I suspected, a change in conciseness. I have diffidently been doing a lot of personal research in my life by living my theories and beliefs over these past 7 years and I personal am seeing through a new perceptive.  I can only say I have been in a cycle of change which felt many times as If I was struck and maybe at times I was. In my own denial and judgement. This time I can feel a self forgiveness and acceptance which I have never  felt in my heart before, it had always been only of the mind. Which seem to be right where I need to be. Living from the heart of what Matters.. not from Matters of the Heart.... breaking the cycle and finally setting me free.
    All that has happened I always believed was worth it good or bad.. it just was. What was needed to bring me to a moment. One in which over the years has changed many times as I aged.. now I see it was all bringing me to today... this feeling.. this knowing... the strange thing is I can not put my finger on what has changed but my heart can feel it and that is good enough for me . 
   I wish there was a word to describe this guidance I am feeling but there is not it just is. 
  I wish I could share the feeling of well being but I can not
 I wish I could share the secret of how this moment came to be but not even do I know.
 I wish I could give you the courage it will take to live your truth and the faith you will need to carry you through.. But 
I can give you this... It is worth it! every tear you will cry, every one you will lose and every truth you will find that was a lie... when you get here it will seem like past lives you once lived.... and you will be ready to live the life you were meant... one with inner acceptance and understanding, that alone is priceless.....