Monday, December 30, 2013

A Time Of Reflection......

After writing in my Journal this morning I was surfing my documents and came across a old entry that I wrote after a healing session done by a very close friend of mine. As I started to read it I was taken back to that morning and once again reminded of who I am and just how far I have come..

 As I woke this morning and the events of yesterday start to play in my head. I feel I am still processing what happened but a few things have become obviously clear.
The first is that I have been telling myself all along that I needed to learn to “love myself”. What a lie I was telling myself to keep me in the state of thinking I needed to do more, be more... It became clear as I laid on the session table allowing the hidden wounds of my past to fly by me as if going through a worm hole in space. Watching everything that had wounded me and brought shame into my life go by . I was watching and feeling all the times of my past that the pain and confusion was to much to bear that I had not only hidden the memories but also created a disease to slowly wipe them out. The problem was now the disease was not only removing the wounded memories but the magical ones too. It had become time to face them and bring healing into my life. As I viewed each one that stopped by to look me in the face it became clear I had to stop and look at who I was now.. because coming from deep inside me I knew that is all I have and really all that matters. As I did it became apparent that one thing was clear. I had kept up the good fight, never giving up on myself. I had been like a fighter in the ring. I took the punches and shook it off and got back up to fight again. Each time learning something new about myself and a new skill to take back in the ring with me. I watched as with each pain and trauma I forgave my offender and moved on seeing them and events as my greatest teachers. Now something through the emotions was coming to the surface and it was my deeper love and respect for myself.
At first I could not see it.. because I need to understand something first. I had never created these wounds I was just a part of them. Using the fighter analogy when you step in the ring you are not sure what will happen and each punch or action is a reaction to the opponents moves. Like a dance of reaction and action. I knew in my heart I had never intentional brought pain to anyone in my life. Maybe misunderstanding but I have not one malice or cruel bone in my body. This I know to be my truth. So to me it had not become as much about the dance as what I did with it. Was I going to let it consumes me or was I going to take it as a lesson and move on. I had always chosen to move on. A deeper part of me calling through the fight, the battle, the tears and the pain to not give up, to never give up. It brought me back to that moment on the deck not so long ago when I thanked Creator by saying “ Thank you for never giving up on me “ and I heard “ It was you that never gave up on you”.. The tears rolled and my heart started to open and I could feel the love I had for myself want to touch the surface but it was still being held back. Why? I asked had I not given up, why had I not allowed these people and event to change me.. steal who I was and cause me a life of suffering and more pain now brought not by them but by myself... and the first of two images came to mind. The first in all his glory was the image of Jesus with his hand outreached to me and he said “Faith” faith my child you never lost the true meaning of faith... and the with a smile that would light up the universe his next words “ you kept the greatest of my commands”.. “ Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you”.... by now the tears flowed. Gushed is a better word... My heart cracked open and I saw the love I had for myself and others... At that moment the most painful and fearful memory’s came like the damn had bust and I at that moment as my eyes open there no other instinct but to be held and that is what happened with loving arms around me I let go my greatest fears and my greatest pain... As I was held for the first time in my life by someone that wanted nothing in return but to love me and with that I let go... Then he spoke those words... “ Now you must forgive yourself”...
The second of the insight was hitting and it was again becoming clear that I had never deeply forgiven myself for the pain I had let in. I had always been able to forgive my oppressors and understand why they hurt me but had I ever really forgave myself for letting them hurt me.. As I gathered myself to lay back down and clear the next level the words that were being spoken was... forgive yourself that little girl misses you and loves you let her come back. Like going through the next worm hole I watched as the clock ticked back to my childhood and I use that word to describe the years not the time. I truly never had a childhood.. At 5 I had learned tough lessons and by 9 was pretty much on my own.. never really having friends or family around I grew up fast and those years of discover became years of survival and lessons that till yesterday was all I knew. Then she appeared.. With her hair that flowed down the back of her spine touching the tip of her hips.. with those beautiful hazel eyes a glow, in her jean summer dress tied in the back and of course her dirty barefoot feet.. It was me at the age of 6. I loved that dress and she looked beautiful and she was looking at me asking me to come with her... she took my hand and danced me through the grass field with sunflowers blowing in the wind and she was singing to me the way I sing to Austin... I cried for I hadn't felt that kind of love and freedom in a very long time... I turned to her and said “ Please forgive me, I never meant to let them hurt you”.. and with the eyes of a angel and a heart that spanned the universe she said “ It is you that must forgive you, it is the only way to be free” and in that moment I felts her heart reach out to mine and I said the words' I forgive.... I forgive you and I forgive me... and my heart burst open in that instance she smiled and I must say I smiled to then she let go of my hand and said “The battle is over and you have won the fight.. I knew you had it in you..” I could feel her eyes saying put down your weapons, let go of your fears, now you will find peace. As she started to walk into the Sun light she looked back and said.... “ You do know how beautiful you are don’t you? Stop looking outside for validation of who you are all you need is to look within.. it is the only place you will find the truth..” As she disappeared in a Rainbow light from the sun.. I now could feel myself.. My beauty, my knowledge, my wisdom and most of all the love I have for myself...
All these years I had been searching outside myself for the validation of being loved but all along I had it right inside me if I would of took the time to see.. As I pulled myself out of the session as it came to a close.. I was taken back by the two things that now had set me free... forgiving myself and learning that I never need to learn to love myself if I just would have had the right eyes to see I would known I never stopped loving myself.. I just need to stop letting others define what love was to me.
As I slowly got up from the table I took a few minutes to really feel myself... my face, my nose.. my skin and a voice in my head echoed.. I guess I am beautiful... and smart.. and I do have a good heart. Then it dawned on me... I had never taken the time to see my own beauty, to look at my courage and strength to acknowledge my inner wisdom.... At that moment I was able to see how disconnected I was to my inner development.. I had always been so busy trying to work on the things that others thought were wrong with me I never took the time to enjoy the things that were “right” about me.. it is not to say I will ever give up my sense of discovery and expansion but now it is not to fix or make better but to expand upon. Yesterday was a great unveiling of the deeper hidden wounds that just needed to be brought to the surface not to relive them but to see with new eyes and let them go.... Like a line from a Hallmark movie “Wishing Well” “ There once was a man that said I can not even see what is right in front of me”.....
I have to say that out of the session, I was told I looked ten years younger and I can only say I felt ten years lighter and as the night drew to an end.. I found myself giggling and it felt good and I was finding a inner strength that I never knew I had... I was in my minds eye going over relationship I have in my life now and the ones I want in the future and I have discovered I am worth more then I ever gave myself credit for and that I no longer have to or will try to convince people I am worthy to love, it now is up to them to prove to me they are worth to be in my life because loving just comes natural to me....

I give thanks this morning to myself for having the courage again to not be afraid to go deeper and to have loved me those all these years.... “LOVE YOU JUSTINE!!!!!! and I love all of you!!  

These words echo true today even more so then ever.. 
Sometime it is good to look back it is when we get stuck there that we run into problems. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

I Dreamed Of Tea And Cookies....

Yesterday is but a blur of naps and some delicious 

 tea and cookies!!! 

As much as I had hoped for some company my body had other plans for me. I struggled most of the morning to get a few chores done and see if I needed to go out for a few things just in case it snows tonight.  The word now is that it might just be some wet snow and rain. I am glad because a little after lunch I fell asleep like sleeping beauty. 
I woke up and the sun had gone down and it was time to eat again. I missed my company and I felt at first as if I wasted a whole Saturday until I heard Austin tell me how I must of needed the sleep that my phone went off but "you seemed like you really needed the sleep". What is so cute about that is that is the same thing I am always telling him. I guess yesterday he was given me some mothering...
What ever the reason I agree, I needed it. After the session with Georgana she said I might need some rest and boy was she right. I am still feeling it this morning but was able to keep to my daily yoga practice of the Sun Salutation. 

Right now it is not the ritual I had set out in my mind but I am making sure I do it no matter what. Even if its in the middle of my kitchen floor in between Facebooking and making breakfast. 
I keep reminding myself that this is just a trial run before the first hits so if there are some bumps in the road that is fine as long as I work them out as I go. I even asked Austin what would he like to accomplish for himself this year. He told me this morning he would like to eat more healthy, learn Archery with me and as a hobby he will pick something then learn all about it..  
It is beautiful to be able to share some of his goals with him as we both step into 2014 with a new sense being. He has been watching me every morning stick to stretchering and the yoga, I am hoping soon he follows with taking better care his body as well. I can only be an example of the power of change and devotion if I am that example. 

There is a reason I set out on that journey almost 5 years ago and it was to be the best Mother I could be for my son. The fact that my illness stole those years from me do not bother me as much any more as it use to, I know now we still learned valuable lessons along the way. 
Now it is time to live fully from those lesson and embrace life as the adventure it was meant to be.

Today I will still listen to by body and give it the rest it needs while being an observer of my own life and how I have been living it... 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Look Who Came A Calling This Morning.....

"If the Blue Jay has flown into your life, it indicates that you are moving into a time where you can begin to develop the innate royalty that is within you, or simply be a pretender to the throne. It all depends on you. The Blue Jay has no qualms. It will teach you either direction..........." 
Ted Andrews, "Animals Speak"

Reading those words were like a direct hit of truth. There has only been one other time words hit me so hard. Those came to me two summers ago during a session with a beautiful couple who told me my life would change dramatically. Bill said these words he still to this day does not remember.
 "You will never meet a vegetarian with meat on your breath." 

The reality of that statement and the truth of the Blue Jay this morning is hitting home in more ways then one.
 "You can not give away what you do not have"
"You are the one you have been waiting for"
and these words
"If you came to help humanity you must be here to do it"
They keep echoing in my mind this morning.... 
Asking me to step out of my mind and into the world, to not hide my light under my own bushel  but let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

I am heading off this morning to see my beautiful friend Georgana. Within her presence I always seem to find the acceptance I seek and the answers I search for just by feeling free to be myself fully. I can not wait to see what we discover about ourselves and the world we live in today just by being present in each others company. The lost art of friendship, is found within her four walls... 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

All you need is love....

I had a wonderful Christmas, I hope everyone else did as well....    

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Waking Up To A New Devotion and Commitment....

I love this time of morning, it is beautifully quiet. The darkness it like a resit button that brings me back in reflection to the day that just passed and how to move yesterdays thoughts into today's actions.  I feel this morning closer to the spirit of Christmas then ever before. That feeling of family and love but more a time of rejoicing in all things.  As I sit down this morning with my cup of joe, I easily go into conversation with myself. That ego part that loves to chat in the morning. Planning the day trying to be like the personal assistant that is giving you a worry report. "Here are the things to worry about to day." I am so glad I made peace with my assistant 7 years ago. Instead of my personal assistant aka Ego coming to me every minute to report the news, I call upon its service or opinion when I need it. We did compromise that in case of extreme emergencies it can still butt in. It took a few years to train myself and my ego to become partners on this path. Now we meet in the mornings over a cup of joe and my journal. It's like my own morning briefing session from the events of the day before.  
On its agenda this morning is making a commitment to a morning yoga/stretch meditation.  
The past week I have been feeling a inner yearning to devote myself to a daily practice of yoga and stretching.  I know I am not the only one whose soul and body are craving to be lived in more fully now. It is the commitment that needs to be there for me. 

I have been carrying around Richard Hittleman's books since I was 12. Trying unsuccessfully to make it a daily devotion. My soul was speaking but I wasn't able to understand yet. I also found it hard in the late 80's to be a 13 year old into yoga when the rest of my friends were into more material things and the outer experiance. It was ease to put aside the practice of yoga for the desire of adventure. I have over the years picked it up only to once again start to allow other things my personal assistant.. {Ego} thought were more important to get in the way. 
Then once I made my big move and became sick I was physically unable to put anything into practice except learning to live in the moment. Maybe that was my foundation for this yearning to live more fully in my body. Not only though Yoga practices but through the food choices I make. I am starting to hear from the whisperers of my souls divine mind that for there to be permanent change I must be willing to "Commit". Commit to the change and the process and then be devoted to it in all ways.
Sometimes in the illusion of our everyday we get lost and forget we are more then some meat suit walking around trying to make sense of the whole thing. We have to come back to the silence of our own mind and take a moment to communion with our own bodies so we can feel alive. Sometimes we also have to be willing to commit to a better life through taken actions. This is the desire that make me commit to this practice in a daily mediation type of prayer that not only honors the Prime Source that created me but also my Body Temple that houses me.
I have decided to commit to putting into practice a daily Sun Salutation 

Something simple to commit to daily. 

Learning to be in each pose and feeling the connection with my body I am sure will not only be  nurturing for my soul but a needed stretch for my body. I have given myself permission to add poses but I must daily commit to this salutation.  There must be commitment and devotion. The commitment holds me accountable, the devotion brings me in divine union with self and source. I am excited to face myself with this issue of self discipline. Something I have not always done well with. Yoga is calling and my assistant thinks its a good  idea and my soul has been waiting for about 34 years for this day, so let get this experience started. What better day then Today!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Change is in the air....

As the 25th closely approaches I feel this inner desire and pull toward a new way of thinking. As if a veil has been lifted where I never knew one existed. A inner call to eat more consciously,  do art, learn to be present in my body in stillness and in motion. A inner vision of possibilities that I had once dreamed of even touch and now coming back into focus. A awaking of a deeper yearning for a new experience and understanding of my new place in the world.. a shift in my consciousness is happening. I can feel it on many levels of my being.  My body is asking to be moved and stretched. To be given food that nurtures the body and feeds the soul. My emotions are learning to work with my mind not against it, they are learning to dance together for the first time and My soul is learning to speak though actions and creation. My whole being is watching the unfolding as my eyes reflect back to me the coming changes that have been foretold.. Where these new thought forms will take me even I don't know.  All I can say is shifts like these bring in great changes that usually expand my soul and enrich my life in ways I alone could never of imagined.  I have committed to myself to allow this upcoming year to be a transformation of my true desires into reality. Doing that will take some commitment, dedication, preparation and practice...  It will also take a deeper communion with my soul then I have experienced before. Weather I am ready or not I hear the call from my soul and my mind, they are ready to explore a deeper understand of reality and my place in it. It will be interesting to see where this next year will take me. Like a book with no end, another chapter is being written, which means another journey begins..

Conscious Eating For The Holidays....

Today as I put the finishing touches on my menu for the Holiday I found my soul getting excited. The last few days I was pulling out recipes and rereading magazines to see if I could  be inspired to create a wonderful Christmas experience. I was looking for something warm and also traditional. I must say I feel excited about my choices.. 
First for Christmas Eve, a hearty and flavorful dish of Homemade Marconi and Cheese and Cornbread. 

I will have to make some changes of Coarse.. 
Starting with using Quinoa elbow that will keep the pasta gluten free. 
I will also be using vegan butter Earth Balance and my cheese will be  one of the Daiya brands. It is a great cheese alternative and melts wonderfully. Last but not least I will be using Hemp milk to round things off. I really enjoy converting recipes over so that I can eat them and I am really lucky I have a son willing to experiment with me. I wish I could say my cornbread was gluten free and egg free but it's not. In case my Marconi is a disaster I promised Austin the cornbread would be good!  So I will be substituting 1 Tbsp of Milled Flaxseed with 3 Tbsp of water for 1 egg in the recipe and taking my chance with the rest of the ingredients. I have made myself a commitment to learn how to bake a few of my favorite carbs gluten free this upcoming year and I am really looking forward to that!! 
I will maybe round the meal off with a nice simple salad and hope that it warms our soul and delights are taste buds all at the same time. 

As for Christmas Dinner this year, I have decided in keeping with my warm hearted winter holiday theme to serve a Traditional  Lamb Shepherds Pie with a side of seasoned green beans and rolls. 

I debated between vegetarian or traditional most of the day. I knew that it was a great transitional dish as well and that removing the meat would not harm its essence or flavor if done with love and care.  I also knew that the traditions dish of Shepard's Pie made with lamb would also make for a wonderful winter meal as well. Either way I knew Shepard's pie would make for the perfect Christmas dinner. I wanted something that said home cooking but with a taste of gourmet flavor, I mean it is Christmas. So with out any restrictions I created a shopping list of sweet peas, mushrooms, mixed corn and carrots. I got some fresh thyme and rosemary, picked up a sweet onion and fresh garlic. I also picked up some red wine and Worcestershire sauce to add some flavor to the lamb.  I would flavor the green beans with stewed tomatoes, mushrooms and pancetta. I would have to settle for some store bought gluten free rolls for now but next year they will be freshly made.

Like a painter with a plate of colors to choose from I am excited to be creating such a warm and loving dish for such a special day...

I have a feeling that the next two days my kitchen will be full of joy and my taste buds in heaven while staying true to what my body needs and my soul desires to keep me in balance with all things.

This Christmas food is my medicine but also my therapy.......  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

We Truly Are Stardust

I was reading a blog this morning and came across a beautiful quote from Astrophysicist, Niel deGrasse Tyson. Which expressed the simple but yet beautiful fact that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically and the rest of the universe atomically. How amazing is that?!  He is right how large that makes me feel and how special that makes each one of us. Why does that thought make me shy away? Why am I afraid to see myself as different then what I have been taught to believe. From the moment we are born at least my generation we have been born of separation and sin. That from my first breath I already was something that God looked down in shame on.. that I had to confess of my sin, even though I had done nothing but been born of flesh and from that moment I was taught I am and always will be a sinner no matter what I did. That even attending church could not guarantee my favor with god. That I had to be vigilante of some red horned shaped devil man and his following that would tempt me into being worse then a sinner, a active one...  It all sounds so bizarre when reduced to the truth. It's funny how quite the opposite is True,  I am Creators greatest creation and the moment I was born I was given the greatest gift of all; life in the Creators Kingdom..  Earth it is just one of his Kingdoms in the heavens and yet maybe we are on a small planet, in a small universe but we are part of a larger picture, a deeper meaning to life, one in which we are celebrated for our worth and our lives treasured as the Children of God and Living Creation. One where we are not sinners but a beautiful dance of biological, chemical and atomic energy that some how was gifted consciousness in the search for ones place among the stars. Where on the day you were born you weren't looked upon as a sinner as much as a Miracle... Maybe if we started seeing ourselves through those eyes we would finally be set free from our sins since the cross seemed to have done no good. No good at all.. Then we can see each other in ourselves and in turn start to respect life and each other in a more loving and respectful way. If you knew that everyone was you and what you did to them you did to yourself , let alone GOD!! what a difference that would make in today's world and the next generation. Next time you look at something see God and try hating it, judging it or even worse hurting it.. trying seeing everything from a larger picture, lets say a Heavens view down not on a world of sinners but a world of potentialities...
Thank you Niel deGrasse Tyson for making something so complicated so simple and yet so true...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Morning Insight and Commitment...

Yesterday was a very lazy day in which I did mostly nothing. I mean I got up to check on Austin, stretched a bit and took care of our basic needs but that was about that. The storm had carried with it about 12-14 inches of snow and I was content to just be in my head all day. I must say at one point we did try to tackle Austin's Xbox but after a few hours of what felt like circles we gave up. Today all this computer stuff makes no sense.. being all connected seems to make life more   complicated then when we got to choose when and who we talk to or even commerce with. I am still a bit confused seeing as for the last three years I have been basically for layman's terms sleep walking but it seems to me I have woke up in a world of the Matrix.. What happened to the good old days when you bought a game console you plugged it in and played it. Now you have to open accounts, give personal info, blood type and first born just so you can turn it on and use it. Oh and God forbid there is something wrong 2 hours emails to fix something that use to be fixed by a reset button on the side. I don't know about anyone else but that seems like more work to me. Why do they need so much from you.. consumer safety, marketing, updates, ect, Yuck , BS, yada yada yada.. more like invade my privacy and take up my time so my kid can play your game..that even though I bought it I cant just play it. Madness and I thought I had lost my mind while I was sick. Maybe I was in the better place all along..

 Today's insight.. If it wasn't broke in the first place don't fix it and sometimes what we think are advancements in civilization are really loses of  our liberties in disguise...

Today I commit to unplugging myself from the Matrix from time to time to see what the Hell is really going on here in my own life and on Planet Earth!!!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Morning Insight and Commitment..

It is hard enough just to live in this body let alone in this world.  I know I am not like everyone else, looking back I have known that all my life. Yes it is true I have tried to deny it but what I have learned is truth is truth not matter how much you try to lie to yourself it is impossible. I can think back easily of many occasions were reality met consciousness in such a way that there could be no denying something super natural but more like super human had just occurred. That is the question that has hunted me all my life was it me that was making things happen? was it them, who ever they are or is it a little of both. Is this on Purpose or is this Chaos ?
These questions have been with me so long they have just became a part of who I am. Gathering answers to my own riddle so that some day I can solve it. As strange as it might sound to some that riddle has carried me on many adventures and saved me from many heart ache, even death. It has kept me alive when death came knocking each time and it opened unseen worlds I never would of believed true with out experiencing it for myself.  In the early morning like today when the snow is falling and our world is shifting I find an inner need to speak to a deeper part of myself or maybe it is more like listen.There is nothing more beautiful and awaking then being in the presence of ones own mind and being present within ones own body. It is within the silence of the moment and the relaxing of the body that I find comfort in the fact that even though I might not have all the answer I seek I do have the ones I need and each day more is reviled.

Today I will live within my body aware of all things and I will have communion with my soul mind in a deeper way.

Monday, December 2, 2013

What if there "Really" is a God???

What if there "Really" is a God? Not the elusive God of the Church but a Universal essence that lives within all Living things? Not one that is Judging because that would be like Judging its self, since all living creations seen and unseen as in the elements forms {wind, air, fire and Earth, Stars and Germs and everything in expansion} come from its contemplation of itself. Not the God of War, because that would be like the Body attacking itself. Like a Autoimmune disease that sees itself as a invader and tries to kill itself off without even knowing it. Not like the God of Greed, who demand  a tithing, a sacrifice or a perversion of the truth to gain his LOVE. That would be like having to pay for Gods grace, That giving your life or killing another human in its Name somehow would earn you a place next to his throne. You would be killing a aspect, like a child of the One your trying to Honor? Killing of God's Children, that makes no sense. That would be like a God who speaks of Truth would never condone a lie especially done in his name or to trick or mislead another, It would be like trying to lie to yourself and we all know that is the one person we can not lie too. If we come form the One, we are the One, the offspring of his Divine creation. Why would a God create such amazing creations to only demand worship instead of give Love.
I mean what if there was a "God" a Creative Force that upon its own desire to expand and evolve it created all you see and even the air you breathe.  It has no Face, because it is Faces less, It has no Gender because only Humans have a body in which its spirits dwell. It has No religion because it has no need to worship itself. It has no Law but the ones of Nature and Physics that keep It's kingdoms in balance and ever creating and evolving. Yet the Force is Compassionate and Just. It's Intelligence surpasses our Human understand but yet the Force is ever teaching and allowing us to choose our lessons as we go. Like a Parent that watches over their child but allows them the freedom to become who ever they chose to be, the Force allows us free will. What if evolution and spirituality were not separate but one aspect that two words belong too. What if Religion and Science were basically the same thing but yet came from two different perspectives. What if the God of our current understand is not at all what we have come to know with the limited understand we have been taught but that "God" is a living essence of the possibility in which lay before our very eyes each and everyday. That in the wind it hugs us with it's outreached arms. With the breathe of life it kisses us softly and everyday breathes new life into it children. That with it's contemplation of itself and allowing its children free will that all you see before you it created along side of you, lending you it ever presence as a guiding light when you let it. That it does not judge you because it does not judge itself but be ever amazed at the challenges you met. It demands nothing more then you are willing to give and asks nothing in return  because it is content within itself. Its only gift is expansion a opportunity to evolve as it was given that itself by something of only its understanding.  That there is no judgement day, no need for war or greed just the desire to be alive and to be a part of this kingdom that was created for and by you and others like you.. What If... Wouldn't the world be a better place if we expand our idea of "God' to go past idea, theories or dogma's . To go  past division and find unity in a expanded understand of the Human race and its place in this Galaxy, let alone Universe. If we gave up our kid like ideas of a White Haired Bearded Man somewhere up in space who Judges those that do not worship and kill in his Name?? Who like Santa makes a list of the Naughty and Nice and decides their fate by listening to the opinions of those that worship him and hold judgement over their own species... who are sure that Paying for grace and bullet proof cars are a sign of true Faith.. Its is time to move pass those things into a deeper relationship with self and the one who made you. So for Today just ask yourself "What If' and as you breathe in know that "The Creator" is kissing you with the breathe of Life, When Nature comes to visit know it is "God" reaching out to make Heaven meet Earth Through the Mother of  Many Forms.When you are faced with a challenge weather great or small that "The Force" is giving you an opportunity for inner or outer growth, a small step in evolution of your Mind, Body and Spirit. A exercise in Free Will without Judgement but those of your own. That When you look to the Skies and the Heavens shine down that you are never truly alone. For we are "All" creation in motion and the same "Spirit' that guides and speaks to you in the echos of your mind speaks to them as well and if you listen closely you to can hear all living things speaking the language of the Creator known as "LOVE". That the same life "Force" that runs through you, runs through all things. No matter the form in which "God" appears it is still All "God" and Today "The Creator" is with you in all things because it is All Things including "YOU"...