Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Finding the Connection

I have suspected for years the connection between Allegies and Illness. I still feel the reasearch in this area is lacking. The public and medical field perception of Allergies and Intolenace is archaic compared to the symptoms that I see in my own life and the lives of others around me struggling everyday to figure out what is wrong with them when Western medicine tells them that they're is nothing wrong.
The Question is were they trained in watching for Allergie signs and symptoms beyond Seasonal and the Six top Food Allergies??? What about the child allergic to apples?
Whose mother is told to give him apple juice in his bottle from the very doctor she took him too because he was ill? Do you think either one knew they were in strong terms poisoning him everyday.  Leaving the babies immune system comprimsed, then vaccinated  him with a virus in a vaccine shot all never known what medical problems will lie ahead. That's my story but with eggs.  I didn't find out I had allergies until I was in my 30, that was a lot of eggs. Everyday unknowing slowing killing myself and damaging my brain...
There are more of us out there that the connection hasn't been made or even considered.
Please if you suffer and the doctors can not find a reason. Ask to see a Allegist and start at there basic test. What is it going to hurt and for me it could of meant a completely different life one without all the emotional and menatly suffering that comes from being sick and not being able to do anything about it. Not because you won't but because you were never told you had another option to look into
There are more to Allergies then what you have been taught but even more research needs to be done!!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Life is more Fragile then you think but your Dreams are within Reach...

I have heard it said, it is always the first step that is the hardest and I do believe that's the truth.
Many a journey was started with that first step but many dreams are lost because of barriers we create in our own minds and we never take the first one. I know mine has kept me from following my dreams, I am not ready, I cant do it perfect or right, I have no money, what if I fail...
but what if I succeed should be what I tell myself.

These past two weeks have been hard with the passing of a Friend and the thought of losing two more and me having to go to the ER again over allergens has me thinking about how life is to short to not shoot for my dreams, do the things that bring me joy and passion. Instead of waiting for things to get better or until someone else comes around. The lesson has been there for years it just now watching my friends pass as one is accepting her fate since they have lived such a full and rich life and the other fighting inner battles that make it hard for them to live long enough to see their dream come true has inspired me to live mine before I pass. 

No one is guaranteed a after life no more then heaven could never be compared to our experiences here. There has been to much War, Violence and Pain and senseless acts of Hate and Theft. If I want to be part of the change I have to start somewhere and I have. Yesterday, I took more then the first step. I got out of my comfort zone to accomplish it and I am just going to keep moving forward.

I have always had a calling to help others growing up in a family whose life work and career were involved in Charity work so it is only natural that I would turn out a humanitarian but more then that it made me aware of how fragile humans and life really are but also how amazing this life and they can be. 

I have lived my Life without regrets but I fear the one I might have is if I never tried and I am not about to give up yet...   

Monday, October 16, 2017

Starting To Knock Some Dominoes Down

So this morning I decide to do some computer journal style writing to get my creative juices flowing again after many starts and stops only to have the computer shut down before I saved what I had written. This I must say was more then frustrating but an example of  the distractions that keep me on the hamster wheel I seem to keep finding myself.

As I had written earlier that I had heard it said that why people seem to have problems starting new projects are that they look at it like a domino effect. That you can not do one thing until you do an other. I have been telling myself that and even using that term. So needless to say it hit home. 
Even in starting up my blog again I had many road blocks mentally to open expression and sharing my thoughts again.

In taking a minute to really think about where I have used that term in my life I only have to look no farther then this blog.
First my writing skills and the time it takes me to write, read and post has tripled since I first was writing a online journal in early 2000 and before two viral attacks. So I would tell myself I will write when I am better. Then my ex took me to court over custody of my son and I had to guard my words and thoughts carefully so they wouldn't be used against me and the last excuse was that my computer is not a perfect fit for what I want to do. I am sure the list can go on. Those are just a few excuses and some are even legit that I give myself.

My time on my mat since my foot and wrist surgeries has been limited and not daily and I am still unpacking my house after a year because I secretly are still waiting for those who said they would help. I have decided no more. The dominoes must start falling, even if its just one by one.

Winter is coming again and it wont be long before another year will have passed and still things will sit undone unless I start to knock down those dominoes, excuses and all. It has been a great summer and now it's time for me to get back to the job of living my passions and joys and not waiting for the perfect day, perfect time or someone else to come help me.

I am at the age now where my friends are starting to pass away, some before they have had a chance to live and others are living while they are dying...

I do not know how much longer I have to share my perceptions and insights about this wonderful journey I call my life but damn it I am going to share it with the world and if it makes one person think and another not feel so alone then my words have been worth it. Not only that but because it is my passion, my desire and my creative gift and it would be a shame to not share what talents have been gifted and earned by me..

This mornings computer set back almost got in the way of this post but no more, I am taking down those dominoes one at a time. 
There is never a time better than the present to start to live those things I cherish most or haven't been giving enough time in my life. 

Never to late to watch the dominoes fall and when they do it sure is a beautiful thing to watch and an amazing task to complete..

One I plan on not missing out on anymore. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

I love playing in the kitchen

I will say that spending time in the Kitchen has always been a passion but it also has been a saving grace.

Even when I was dying to be able to make a meal for my son and I felt like a huge accomplishment. Well it was, for me then and sometimes even now.

To think that I once had to relearn simple tasks that my brain once took for granted now makes every stir, every chop, every taste  one of pure pleasure. So these days mean more to me than just cooking and experimenting. They're a reminder of just how far I have come.

I love experimenting in the kitchen, it really can be so much fun and rewarding for your taste buds!!

Okay, so I am off experimenting with making Pineapple Salsa. The basics seemed easy, chop up some tomatoes and pineapple and some juice, then what?
I of course pull out a couple books, check out a few sources on the web and on I move.
Adding first some red onion, followed by some cilantro, then a little jalapeno closely followed sea salt. Still needed something so I added a dash more of sea salt and organic sugar.

Oh my, did it turn out tastey!! 

Can't wait to see what flavor developes after it marinates for a bit..

Like I said nothing better then homemade!! 

Sauce is Done!! Onward to Salas...

Yum, with a side of yum!

So the Kitchen is smelling good and pretty much done except a slow simmer, so on to some more salsa..

This time I will be making a pineapple and tomato base and after that who knows. Guess we will have to wait and see!!

Another Day in the Kitchen..

So the only thing getting me off the couch today is experimenting with these tomatoes.

I've really enjoyed the last couple days making salsa, tried my hand at tomato soup base but yet still there are tomatoes that are calling my name.

I think I will try making a more vegetable based sauce adding a little mushrooms and a little more of a whole cut bell pepper texture to my base and of course more local tomatoes, along with mine and see what I get...

Plus making a dish I can put on low gives me a chance to rest in between.

Nothing like lazy Sunday cooking to go with a nice Fall day like this.. 🍁🍂🌿🍃

Just a normal morning around here..

  This house has been great for Floyd to explore his feline side but not always so good for my motherly instincts.
  I love his sense of adventure but finding him on the ledge has it moments, like today.
I'm not sure what's creeper the idea he is watching me, thinking of pouncing on me or eating me. Then my Motherly instincts kick in and I want to grab him and bring him down.
The struggle is real as our eyes lock and then I walk past him in the "Really Floyd?" look. 

I love when my mind plays the "I can hear you Floyd..LOL " 

(posted our exchange on my personal facebook page and Instgram)

Just another morning here in the Brasil house..

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Soup is on

As I started to prepare to make my soup I noticed that some of my favorite ingredients were showing up again. I grabbed bell peppers, onions, celery, garlic and seasonings and as I started to chop everything I decided I would break it down in my vitimix then move it to the stove to slow cook it.
Except for maybe straining the soup to remove the Tomatoe seeds out I thinking it was tastey for a quick Tomatoe soup fix.
I added a vegan grill cheese sandwich and double yum to my tummy is all I can say.

In Tomato Heaven

I am so excited about getting some fresh tomatoes to use in a few recipes. Made some salsa earlier and today hoping to make some soup to go with a nice vegan grilled sandwich for lunch.. Yum!!