Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Reflection on the events of the last week....

I know it was been a bit since I have been able to sit down and gather my thoughts on everything that it happening.. It is amazing how it seems that when ever life hands me a golden apple there is always someone trying to poison it...
Lets see.. where do I start; The publisher loved the book!!!!! I am so excited. I am hoping to hear from her this week and see what the next step is.. While on one hand I am celebrating on the other I am now facing the toughest challenge so far. Austin's father is taking me to court over custody issues and claiming I am emotionally and physically unstable. Funny how the mirror works both way on this issue. While these two things are happening I am living my 21 day challenge and working on another book project as well. The tests never seem to amaze me...
I can see the road ahead and to me it is another of life's questions. Will you stand up for who you are and what you believe in? Have you learned. The answer to both this time is yes!!!
I can see that somehow the universe in all it glory is opening a door to freedom not trying to imprison me with fear and doubt. This past summer Austin saw his Father for who he is and I saw my illness for what it was not and now it is all coming together like a beautiful sunset of colors.
It is a beautiful journey that has lead me to this week, where on the 13th I will be One year in remission! What a blessing...
I could not imagine If I would of been facing a challenge like this sick..  I would of never made it through. So I know there is some divine timing in everything and how it is unfolding. I also think it is wonderful synchronicity that today I was sent the little princess in honor of Shirley Temples passing. That movie taught me so much and I can see today that belief and courage coming through in everything I do.
As much at times I want to cry and in the next moment jump for joy I am learning to just be grateful for every moment because each one is a reminder of just how far I have come and how much more I have to go... life is not a destination it is an experience and I can never say I haven't lived each experience to it fullest and for that I am truly blessed.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Time to get my book off the shelve!

So today is an exciting day! I will be sending my children's book, "Even Goats Can Wear Coats" to a new publisher! I was set too have it published right before I got sick this last time and the project was put back on the shelf. Well I'm taken it off the shelve and dusting it off and setting it free!
My heart is soaring... I will keep you posted!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's only been 3 days? Wow what a difference a day and a smoothie can make!!

Wow what a past few days it has been. I guess that woodpecker I saw the other day wasn’t kidding, change is here! With all the small daily changes I have been making it seems like I can feel the progress. I woke up this morning feeling lighter. I know that might seem like a strange thing to say but its how I feel. My body feels slimmer and my movement more glided then setting down each foot step. My mind even feels sharper as I started my day with inspiration from within. It is like every moment I am living through change. Each moment an opportunity to expand my mind, body and soul.
I must say it has been a long time since I have felt this good.

It was the year 2007 and I had learned I had Chronic EBV. At the time not much was known about it. When the doctored called to give me the results he said “ I have good news and bad news, you were right you have chronic mono, which is EBV. The bad news is it is rare and not enough people have it so there is not enough research for me to do anything for you at this time. “ Yes talk about a slap of reality. So I did what I had done since I was 30 and got the shingles repeatedly every month, I researched. I became my own doctor. I learned that my immune system was not working at its full potential and that something was definitively wrong with my B-cells. I had to build up my immunity. I went back to the doctors where armed with my new research we set into motion a set of Allergy tests along with a Gluten and Celiac test. I also started B12 shots. I also made a decision to get my carbs addiction under control. To my surprise I came back allergic to things I had ate my whole life and even that very day. I was shocked at the results! Animal, Environmental and Food allergies were off the chart. I should have been living in a plastic bubble. Had I been allergic all my life or was my immune system that shot that I was poisoning my body everyday and not even knowing it. All I knew was that I had to change everything I could and I did. From things around the house to the food I was putting in my mouth changed over night and over the next few months. It was very hard on everyone, emotionally and financially. I was left depressed and feeling like I would only be able to eat raw lettuce with lemon juice for the rest of my life and have to live in a plastic bubble suit. I had been through so much and now the comfort of food was being taken away. Meals became a time of shame and depression. If we went to friends or family house I had to explain why I had to bring my own food and what was wrong with me. I tried to make the best of it but it was hard when one; I didn’t know what was really wrong and two; It felt bad enough them feeling sorry they had to eat in front of me and other with the to bad for you but yum this is sooo good attitude. One day it just got to be to much! Guess you can say I had enough!

I turned to You Tube!! I knew there had to be something out there. I was a sick stay at home mom who had a 5 year old at home and I needed some help. I found it one morning with a video posted from Ani Phyo. I had been researching for a while when I came across raw food.. it was a perfect fit! Then watching her make a fresh raw apple pie, I knew I found a piece of heaven in my food hell. I got out my allergy list and went to work. I started studying raw food and turning my kitchen into a pharmacy! I loved it. It was slow at first and the idea of some of the recipes were so foreign that at times it intimated me but I was committed. I decide to go to the library and see if they had her cookbook “ani's raw food kitchen” They did!! That book became my bible. I used the library's one so much. I finally just went and bought one! I started to live out of it everyday, picking one new thing to try and adding others to my daily eating. I was feeling the change but more important I was taking control. Taking control over my illness and my nutrition. I slowly start to convert my ex-husband who if he wanted dinner had to to have a raw meal. With that attitude I had to make sure his taste buds were satisfied every time. I loved that challenge and it gave me a opportunity to be creative in my kitchen. I had a strategy which was two -fold. Since it was hard enough to cook two meals a night and at times three with Austin meals as well, if I could get him to eat at least one meal and then convert him to a health way of eating as well it would make my life so much easier. He did and I was on a roll. I was making cheeses from nuts. My own mayo, ketchup and sauces. I was in heaven, I could eat again and I had the pleasure of sharing it with my friend. I would wake up feeling so good life was getting better and it did! So good that I was hiking and out so much I decided to try playing sports. I got on a co-ed softball my ex -husband work had put together, I was so excited to finally be doing so well I could hike in the morning and have a practice game on the same night. I was flying on a cloud. Unfortunately that was shorted lived. At our first practice game I tore my calf muscle and was on crutches so my ex-husband was bringing home taco bell. I had lived the raw life for over three months and in that short time I had seen such a turn around but there I was laid up now for three months and watching everything I worked so hard to achieve go down the drain. When I recovered it wasn’t the same. I kept some of the dish and ideas but the enthusiasm was gone. I knew unless my whole house hold eat like me I would have this battle all my life. So I comprised. I cut out the big allergens and decided I would just live with the small ones. What a fatal mistake that turned out to be. Over time I would pay the ultimate cost of my denial and depression. More viruses and an added complication. In the following years I had two encephalitis attacks and the EBV grew into a body of cancer cells. My experience was not a total loss. I see my life as a lesson in acceptance, faith and hope to say the least up until this point but now I am starting to feel the call of the lessons of Bliss, Joy and Love...

Which leads me back to today. I have been at this moment in my life before but I had forgotten how good it feels to be fully alive. To be reaching for my full potential and feeling the changes in all areas of my life. How funny that must seem how just adding one smoothie, made at home, with love can start a change that feels like it could heal the world..

This is how I think I was meant to live, hell how all of us are meant to live. Find your passion, love your life, expand your mind and feed your body the gifts of Earth our Mother. There was no better feeling to wake up this morning knowing that yesterday I expanded 6 peoples minds and many more on the internet by just expanding mine. Trying something new and feeding our body not just food but nutrients that heal not destroy.

I have learned a lot on my journey of food and health and I still fall victim to my own denial and the ignorance of other. Like Dr. Norman Walker said “We can not live other people's life for them, nor can anyone else live ours for us”. So it is time to take another leap forward in my health and well being. Time maybe to see what my body at it's optimal heath can do! Lord knows we have been through a lot together and it hasn’t let me down yet. Maybe at 50 I will be doing that Yoga Girl hand stand and maybe next even a one handed one. Who would of thought the road back to self would be lead by a smoothie. We all have to start somewhere.

I missed feeling this good and I missed that feeling of control I had so easily again gave away.
Never again will I let bliss slip out of my hands because of anything less then to reach towards Nirvana... <3