Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Life Lesson #101

So My son is packing his lunch and decided he needed more chips and starts to try and stuff the rest of a bag stashed from his room into his lunch box. 
I can hear him struggling to make it fit and get up to help. It's in my nature not only because I'm his Mom but also because that's just who I am. 
As I get up I am asking questions, telling him I think I have a better way but as I get up I notice he just keeps trying to make it fit.
I say to him I will help you but only if your going to at least try it. I do not want to stop what I am doing to help if your not going to listen.
At the moment my hand reached the zip lock snack bag he had crushed his lunch bag and forced it closed and then looked at me saying
"I'm good"
In that moment I Thanked Him!
"For what Mom?"

That has been the problem most of my life I am always trying to make life easier for everyone else when most of the time they like doing it the hard way and never listen anyways.

When they are just whining and not asking for help leave them alone. They are going to do what they are going to do but if they ask then it means they are really ready to learn... 

Thanks again! Lesson Learned... ðŸ˜‡

Monday, April 1, 2019

It's Been A While....

It seems like a while since I sat down and tried to formulate what I am thinking into  words. Lately its just been me and the trees in quiet contemplation.