Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Keeping a Grateful Heart ❤

So it's the day before the start of the Holiday season and I am sure some of you are wondering where I have been. 
Well we had a State wide power outage leaving some Mainers without power for 5-7 days and I am sure there are people like myself still feeling some of the storms effects.
In a strange way being without power made it easy to conserve because we only had what we had. No water at first because without power the well can not be pumped and no wi fi or an abily to charge your phone unless you use your car but even what gas you have is precious because without power a gas station can not pump gas. And if you have to evcauate and who knows how far you want to make sure you have enough gas. Social media and checking in with friends becomes secondary to let's prepare for the worse but ride it out like it's nothing..
Belive me storms like that make you greatful because you know with 79-90 mile winds it could of been worse for us and it was for many Mainers across the state. That storm also hit hard in New Hampshire. 
That storm has taught me many lesson in which I promise to put into practice and share with you as life here on the Ridge gets back to as normal as it can be with winter on the way. I still look around my land with trees down knowing that next summer this city girl might have to learn to use a saw. Stay tune that might be pretty funny, wearing my flowered overhuals..
I have many stories to share and even hopefully some good news over these holiday and into 2018.
So Happy Thanks for giving day and may you really take the time to be grateful for what you have. We have more than enough, let kindness lead the way this Holiday because we are all one storm away from being homeless or devestated by one. Weather man made or mother nature.
Spread a little Joy, reach out and tell someone your grateful they are in your life because everyday is precious and we should be thankful were in each other's lives because when social media is cut off you really are living in the present moment by moment.
And the silence will either be deafening or will bring peace.
Me, I found peace and my purpose in a pomegranate pucker and haven't stopped thinking about it since.
So I am grateful to you for reading this blog and putting up with my sometime absences from this format. Understanding that I speak through pictures more then words but I am building back my confendence and soon I will be blogging consistent again.
So until I blog again take care of the ones you love and reach out to those you normally don't and have a wonderful Hoilday weekend.. ❤

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Finding the Connection

I have suspected for years the connection between Allegies and Illness. I still feel the reasearch in this area is lacking. The public and medical field perception of Allergies and Intolenace is archaic compared to the symptoms that I see in my own life and the lives of others around me struggling everyday to figure out what is wrong with them when Western medicine tells them that they're is nothing wrong.
The Question is were they trained in watching for Allergie signs and symptoms beyond Seasonal and the Six top Food Allergies??? What about the child allergic to apples?
Whose mother is told to give him apple juice in his bottle from the very doctor she took him too because he was ill? Do you think either one knew they were in strong terms poisoning him everyday.  Leaving the babies immune system comprimsed, then vaccinated  him with a virus in a vaccine shot all never known what medical problems will lie ahead. That's my story but with eggs.  I didn't find out I had allergies until I was in my 30, that was a lot of eggs. Everyday unknowing slowing killing myself and damaging my brain...
There are more of us out there that the connection hasn't been made or even considered.
Please if you suffer and the doctors can not find a reason. Ask to see a Allegist and start at there basic test. What is it going to hurt and for me it could of meant a completely different life one without all the emotional and menatly suffering that comes from being sick and not being able to do anything about it. Not because you won't but because you were never told you had another option to look into
There are more to Allergies then what you have been taught but even more research needs to be done!!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Life is more Fragile then you think but your Dreams are within Reach...

I have heard it said, it is always the first step that is the hardest and I do believe that's the truth.
Many a journey was started with that first step but many dreams are lost because of barriers we create in our own minds and we never take the first one. I know mine has kept me from following my dreams, I am not ready, I cant do it perfect or right, I have no money, what if I fail...
but what if I succeed should be what I tell myself.

These past two weeks have been hard with the passing of a Friend and the thought of losing two more and me having to go to the ER again over allergens has me thinking about how life is to short to not shoot for my dreams, do the things that bring me joy and passion. Instead of waiting for things to get better or until someone else comes around. The lesson has been there for years it just now watching my friends pass as one is accepting her fate since they have lived such a full and rich life and the other fighting inner battles that make it hard for them to live long enough to see their dream come true has inspired me to live mine before I pass. 

No one is guaranteed a after life no more then heaven could never be compared to our experiences here. There has been to much War, Violence and Pain and senseless acts of Hate and Theft. If I want to be part of the change I have to start somewhere and I have. Yesterday, I took more then the first step. I got out of my comfort zone to accomplish it and I am just going to keep moving forward.

I have always had a calling to help others growing up in a family whose life work and career were involved in Charity work so it is only natural that I would turn out a humanitarian but more then that it made me aware of how fragile humans and life really are but also how amazing this life and they can be. 

I have lived my Life without regrets but I fear the one I might have is if I never tried and I am not about to give up yet...   

Monday, October 16, 2017

Starting To Knock Some Dominoes Down

So this morning I decide to do some computer journal style writing to get my creative juices flowing again after many starts and stops only to have the computer shut down before I saved what I had written. This I must say was more then frustrating but an example of  the distractions that keep me on the hamster wheel I seem to keep finding myself.

As I had written earlier that I had heard it said that why people seem to have problems starting new projects are that they look at it like a domino effect. That you can not do one thing until you do an other. I have been telling myself that and even using that term. So needless to say it hit home. 
Even in starting up my blog again I had many road blocks mentally to open expression and sharing my thoughts again.

In taking a minute to really think about where I have used that term in my life I only have to look no farther then this blog.
First my writing skills and the time it takes me to write, read and post has tripled since I first was writing a online journal in early 2000 and before two viral attacks. So I would tell myself I will write when I am better. Then my ex took me to court over custody of my son and I had to guard my words and thoughts carefully so they wouldn't be used against me and the last excuse was that my computer is not a perfect fit for what I want to do. I am sure the list can go on. Those are just a few excuses and some are even legit that I give myself.

My time on my mat since my foot and wrist surgeries has been limited and not daily and I am still unpacking my house after a year because I secretly are still waiting for those who said they would help. I have decided no more. The dominoes must start falling, even if its just one by one.

Winter is coming again and it wont be long before another year will have passed and still things will sit undone unless I start to knock down those dominoes, excuses and all. It has been a great summer and now it's time for me to get back to the job of living my passions and joys and not waiting for the perfect day, perfect time or someone else to come help me.

I am at the age now where my friends are starting to pass away, some before they have had a chance to live and others are living while they are dying...

I do not know how much longer I have to share my perceptions and insights about this wonderful journey I call my life but damn it I am going to share it with the world and if it makes one person think and another not feel so alone then my words have been worth it. Not only that but because it is my passion, my desire and my creative gift and it would be a shame to not share what talents have been gifted and earned by me..

This mornings computer set back almost got in the way of this post but no more, I am taking down those dominoes one at a time. 
There is never a time better than the present to start to live those things I cherish most or haven't been giving enough time in my life. 

Never to late to watch the dominoes fall and when they do it sure is a beautiful thing to watch and an amazing task to complete..

One I plan on not missing out on anymore. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

I love playing in the kitchen

I will say that spending time in the Kitchen has always been a passion but it also has been a saving grace.

Even when I was dying to be able to make a meal for my son and I felt like a huge accomplishment. Well it was, for me then and sometimes even now.

To think that I once had to relearn simple tasks that my brain once took for granted now makes every stir, every chop, every taste  one of pure pleasure. So these days mean more to me than just cooking and experimenting. They're a reminder of just how far I have come.

I love experimenting in the kitchen, it really can be so much fun and rewarding for your taste buds!!

Okay, so I am off experimenting with making Pineapple Salsa. The basics seemed easy, chop up some tomatoes and pineapple and some juice, then what?
I of course pull out a couple books, check out a few sources on the web and on I move.
Adding first some red onion, followed by some cilantro, then a little jalapeno closely followed sea salt. Still needed something so I added a dash more of sea salt and organic sugar.

Oh my, did it turn out tastey!! 

Can't wait to see what flavor developes after it marinates for a bit..

Like I said nothing better then homemade!! 

Sauce is Done!! Onward to Salas...

Yum, with a side of yum!

So the Kitchen is smelling good and pretty much done except a slow simmer, so on to some more salsa..

This time I will be making a pineapple and tomato base and after that who knows. Guess we will have to wait and see!!

Another Day in the Kitchen..

So the only thing getting me off the couch today is experimenting with these tomatoes.

I've really enjoyed the last couple days making salsa, tried my hand at tomato soup base but yet still there are tomatoes that are calling my name.

I think I will try making a more vegetable based sauce adding a little mushrooms and a little more of a whole cut bell pepper texture to my base and of course more local tomatoes, along with mine and see what I get...

Plus making a dish I can put on low gives me a chance to rest in between.

Nothing like lazy Sunday cooking to go with a nice Fall day like this.. 🍁🍂🌿🍃

Just a normal morning around here..

  This house has been great for Floyd to explore his feline side but not always so good for my motherly instincts.
  I love his sense of adventure but finding him on the ledge has it moments, like today.
I'm not sure what's creeper the idea he is watching me, thinking of pouncing on me or eating me. Then my Motherly instincts kick in and I want to grab him and bring him down.
The struggle is real as our eyes lock and then I walk past him in the "Really Floyd?" look. 

I love when my mind plays the "I can hear you Floyd..LOL " 

(posted our exchange on my personal facebook page and Instgram)

Just another morning here in the Brasil house..

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Soup is on

As I started to prepare to make my soup I noticed that some of my favorite ingredients were showing up again. I grabbed bell peppers, onions, celery, garlic and seasonings and as I started to chop everything I decided I would break it down in my vitimix then move it to the stove to slow cook it.
Except for maybe straining the soup to remove the Tomatoe seeds out I thinking it was tastey for a quick Tomatoe soup fix.
I added a vegan grill cheese sandwich and double yum to my tummy is all I can say.

In Tomato Heaven

I am so excited about getting some fresh tomatoes to use in a few recipes. Made some salsa earlier and today hoping to make some soup to go with a nice vegan grilled sandwich for lunch.. Yum!!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Finding My Way Back Home

I woke up this morning once again reflecting on all the changes of this past year. There are so many it's hard to keep track of them yet it is exactly what I had seen for myself. That one day I would wake up and  it would feel like it has always been..
That the changes would come like a thief in the night and in what seems like a blink of a eye, I bought a house, moved to the woods on a acre and half piece of woodlands and fell in love..
Not only did I fall in love with myself, I am practicing new ways of being in relationship with others.
What a gift both have been.
Learning a True Lesson in Love.
I have learned that I need to stay true to my roots. not just my spiritaul ones but my physical ones too.
That I can not change who I am. I am clearly differnt in many ways but yet I have found others as myself who due to our ancestral ties share my unshakable traits.
To some I might be called a Moon child but really I am of the Stars and of the Earth. My blood has graced the thrones of the Red haired Kings and fought in some of the bloodest battles yet also has brought  peace to nations and was but humble servants onto man. Today I am just looked upon as an American, a political party, a gender, a stero type of many things to many people but inside I still carry the essence of my people and I can not deny that any longer.
What has changed the most is a acceptance of who I am and why I do the things I do.
Let's just say I have learned to listen to my soul without fear of retribution.
I can walk tall knowing that I am lead by the moon and tide but I was schooled by life in human behavior and the limitless possibilities once I understood quantum physics. I walk in love and sensuality not because society says I must to be acceptance but because I enjoy being me. All aspects of myself and have falling in love with the whole story of my life not just the parts that were feed or distored to me.
This freedom does still have it's challenges but everyday I get to practice what I am learning.
Life is a journey, one with many roads and as long as I stay true to myself when I stray I will always be able to find my way back home..

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Another rainy morning but I can see the Sun is about to shine....

Another rainy morning here in the woods. 
The past couple of days the weather has reflected my many moods as my birthday approaches. 
This has been a time of great reflection as I watch myself let go once again of many concepts and beliefs that have kept me in a holding pattern. 
 People are coming and going out of my life, summer is slowly approaching and I am working hard to get my voice and life back.
I have been watching my own patterns while learning how to discern illusion from reality in others again. 

It's as if I have woke up in universe that looks like mine but in many ways is very different. That the small but important changes I see around me are just a reflection of what is going on inside me as well. Everyday I see more of myself that I am finally accepting and there is more I am not willing to tolerant as I once did. My value is not measured by how many friends I have by my side, that someone is attracted to me or not or even that anyone finds what I have to say of any intelligence use. I am valued because I see my worth even if those around me are still blind or afraid of it.
One of the freedoms I found moving to a new state and place was I for the first time since a child I was free to be me. To set the tone of who I was and that first year here was amazingly beautiful. I made deeper connects with myself and others around me in ways I had not in years. 
That changed as I took on a relationship that was very codependent and self sabotaging. Those years were tough because threw those I was also physically fighting for my life. What damage the virus did not do to my life that relationship did. By the time I had the courage to walk away from that relationship and the virus went dormant my ex husband put me into a emotionally charged court battle for two years. This took me away from my passions, caused my focus to not be on my spirit but on my fears of this world and the future of my son. I also began out of fear to censor my words, thoughts and life. This protection has been very hard to come back from.
And now that I want my voice and life back the world has become obsessed with words and it seems opinions are about to be outlawed. 
Where does that leave me now?
I really do not know. I seem to still be afraid to post words on Facebook not to offend anyone. So many posts deleted due to confusion of what is now acceptable or not. Words seem to have double meanings and now there are words I have never heard of before. 
I think I need a break.....
I have decided that as a gift to myself for my birthday it's time to find my voice and get to living my life. I thought about what has been missing and what has changed since the virus and it is time to use the Full moon energy to carry me back to some basics but also to create some new habits and passions. 

I have noticed how much time is wasted on Facebook posting and reading things that really carry little value to help my life except to confuse me or anger me. The occasional recipe or shared events are enjoyable but It's funny how now Facebook is like tv.. reruns of posted shared with little depth into really what is happening in each others lives and how we are helping to make a difference in the world even if it is just our little piece of it. 
In many groups I find the same thing, lots of people look but many never posting thoughts, ideas, theories or they are trolled so bad why bother being in them. I have decided that for the month of June I will be limiting my posting on Facebook. I will be sharing though pictures on Instagram and my blog. I will be keeping up with my page but it too may take on a new format..
I feel this will get me back in my creative mood while giving me space to write without fear of censoring myself. 
This also gets me back to the basics of myself...
The things that ground and center me while still allowing myself room to grow. 
I have also decided to not censor my blog anymore. 
It is true, it is a space I have been trying to create for many years and
I have found myself drifting back and forth trying to decide what this space should be and look like. This too is going back to basics!
This blog was called "This Is My Life" for a reason. 
The virus took a lot from me and I seem to finally be gaining it back and this Blog was created to share my journey, my life and my insights and that is just what I am going to do. This means that if you are part of my life then you will be part of this blog, uncensored and from my perception only.
Some of you will have no problem with that others of you might not but the truth is for me to be the best me I can be I need a platform to share my thoughts, ideas and concerns without having to censor myself for fear of hurting your feelings, telling you my truth or expressing my feelings about any given things that pertains to me. Over the years many people never gave a thought about how I might feel, it was always Justine will understand, she will be okay that much is true but now I am care more about me than you. Maybe a bit selfish and maybe even to others I might seem mean 
but I am done catering to those who won't do the same for me. 
Taking this month to reground in my Truths and lay a new foundation. I have given Facebook many years of my time and I love staying connected but I am looking for real connection now, real people in my life and a openness to words and discussion that will lead somewhere more than a post on Facebook. 
Am I sure where this will lead? No. Will I know what it will look like?  No
But isn't that the point of life.. to follow your heart regardless if it makes sense or you even know where you are going.. 
Thank you to everyone or anyone who reads my blog and I hope you will continue to share my journey as wild or boring it might become.
So if want to stay connected PM me, follow me on Instagram or this blog.. 
Either way it's my life and I am going to live it..... 

This mornings Yoga stretch and meditation. ..

This morning with laying the foundation for a new commitment I thought it would be a nice idea to lay a crystal grid  and then while in Savasana place the
Crystals on my Chakras to help clear and ground me. It was amazing to lay there and feel the crystals radiate there healing 
properties through out my energy field and body. Once I was done and put away the crystals I had noticed I had left one out.
I soon realized that it would be the crystal I would be working with this month. I had asked to go back to the basics.
Working with crystals and stones were a major part of learning to work and sense energy many many years ago.. 
The crystal for this month is Celestite.. seems only fitting don't you think! 
Except for now feeling like I am floating, I am off to start my day and this new venture... 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Validating your love, worth or trust is not your job anymore....

In every relationship I have been in the last 7 years there is a fundamental consistency that seem to haunt each one. In saying that I really do not believe it's a personal issue more like society's ill.

It seems easier to distrust someone then let your guard down because no one wants to be hurt and everyone is looking for a guarantee they won't before they are even willing to commit, life doesn't work like that.

Kind of like most road rage. There was no accident, no one got hurt but just the idea it could of puts some people in a blind rage. In love it just keeps people blind or they bail at the first sign of " I knew it or see they are all the same". Humans play those silly games of if you loved me you would text back, if you cared you wouldn't hurt my feelings by telling me the truth and so on. What's the old saying if they want out of a relationship they will find any excuse and if there are none then they will make up one through assuming, insecurities and jealously.  Which really makes no sense, why did they get into a relationship only to doom it from the start.  Why bother. In life there is no guarantees so why should love be any different?

Once long ago in relationships you went with the flow without ever worrying about where it would lead to or what could go wrong. At least for me the Art of Dating was more like doing the things you love with people you like and if it turned out to be the rest of your life then so be it, if not you were grateful for the time and moved on. We enjoyed getting to know each other and building on more then looks, hooking up or worrying about does this person really like me or not. Those days are gone.
Everyone wants a guarantee before they even go out and seems most people go into relationship looking for what's wrong with the person before ever taking the time to really get to know them. 

I do not want to blame Internet dating but it really has changed how we interact or even what we expect from each other. It is more like browsing faces for possible hook ups and drawing conclusions about people then really looking for someone of interest. There are enough sex sites and Craig lists you think they could at least leave the looking for love sites alone. Which leads to the next issue people searching online have to rely on a few words and some picture to gage interest. Its hard to gage a person by a photo and a few words unless your looking for a shallow and meaningless hook up. So left to one assumptions it can lead to mistrust and doubt from the start by creating our own ideas about how someone is before ever getting to know them for who they are and then watching to see if they match your assumptions or not. Even if that assumption is not true. Maybe they are what you imagined or maybe not but you wont know by a website, or one coffee date or even a month of weekend dating. You will have to make a commitment to get to know them. Something most people wont do without that guarantee!!   You see in a world that distrust what they see, what people say and what the truth really is and because so many people in their past have lie or mislead them now everyone is judge by that other persons action. We now go into relationships with our guards up, common sense down and the lack of any commitment to giving it time for  both people to get to know each other and work through issues that come up instead of bailing out the first sign of trouble.
It's like love and relationships are not like an adventure any more, there more like lessons in human interaction.  Where did just being ourselves go and what ever happened, happened????

Yesterday while in town doing some shopping I happened to notice a Man doing his shopping too. I took notice because of his bright yellow jacket and his hair cut. He definitely was law enforcement or military. As I strolled up and down every aisle in my own pattern he seemed to be doing the same. At first it was a polite excuse me as we got into each others ways and at other times awkward to be in the same aisle but sometimes the same shelf or opposite sides. I decided I would bypass a whole section and as I turned the corner there he was again. I started thinking if this was online I bet we would of already at least said "Hey, looks like we keep bumping into each other" or Maybe we would of sent a Friend request but here in real life we were at a lost for how to act. Seems we have create a world were we want to engage with people only from a distance but when they are right in front of us we don't know what to do anymore. Yet here we are in person we have had more then enough reasons to talk if we are both single or if he had a girlfriend or wife we could of laughed over "well you looked like you knew what you were doing" and moved on from there. No instead we ran into each other a few more times not knowing if we should smile or ignore each other. Finally in the Frozen food I just said "Guess were on the same course today and he said Yes, and I think I am going to crash and burn.." and we both laughed.
Now that wasn't so hard..LOL  All it took was some Trust and Human interaction..
Contact was made, no intention, no guarantees only two people shopping. If we cant practice it in real life, were only pretending to do it online and if we can do it with a strangers, we should be able to do it in our relationships. To often we don't.  As I headed to the checkout the only open one was on the far end and of course who was waiting once I pulled my cart into that line? Him. So I smiled and said" Well I thought since we shopped together it's only fitting we check out together" He smiled and then as he was leaving he turned back and said "Take Care" and I responded "Thanks for the company shopping".  Once he left I laughed about how assumptions, fear of face to face communication and doubt have cropped up into life in so many ways no wonder people are looking for hook ups more then relationship. Relationships no matter what kind or even how brief take work and commitment and no one wants to do that kind of work unless they are guaranteed they wont get hurt or worse rejected.

Hate to break the news but no relationship is a guarantee and no one can live up to unrealistic ideas another person might have of them or spend the whole relationship trying to validate or prove their feeling to you. Just the act of them being present in your life should be enough.

One of the things I have noticed is that sometimes instead of people creating these issues within the relationship they bring them with them into one from the beginning and so it is the small things that normally would work themselves out that become the big things people cant seem to be willing to work through.  Carrying these issues into a new relationship will bring about the end you fear along with keeping you trapped in a relationship pattern that in the end will only find yourself searching for something or someone who doesn't exist.

 I have found through my experiences that nothing bring a relationship to a dead end quicker then these things:

Assumptions are something that is a everyday day ill we take with us everywhere. Even more now with the Political movements and the Morality of society changing. It's no wounder we cant leave it out of our relationship. We would rather assume then ask, We would rather use assumptions to judge but most of all to give us excuses to do or not do things based on only our experiences not even ours with that other person.
Wouldn't be easier to ask? And if you have to assume; assume they are telling the Truth. At least until you PROVE they are not what you thought or lying? How about maybe even trying to get to know someone before assuming anything?To much work? To much time? Maybe try asking questions or talking it out? To often we scold people for doing things they haven't done yet or read to much into what is happening to see the truth of whats really going on. I haven't meet a person yet that liked being accused of something they haven't done or never planned on doing in the first place.
What do they say about Assuming?? You should know that one by now....

Insecurity comes out in many ways. It can come out in relationships as either very needy or even  very controlling and both are equally destructive and they both are based in doubt and fear.  When a person is uncertain they place a huge burden on their partner of always having to validate their feeling. I have been in this kind of relationship a few times. I once was the needed one and have been on the receiving side as well.  With my first husband I was emotional very young and found myself hundreds of times a day saying I loved him just so I could hear it back to make sure he hadn't changed his mind. My fear of rejection stopped me from asking if I had displeased him so instead I just would wait to see if he would say those words or kiss me goodbye in the morning. So of course the first time he didn't do either I Assumed he had changed his mind and the walls would go up and I would start to look for any sign he was going to leave. The great damage of doubt began and well the rest is history. It's really no different now then the game " I texted you last" or I texted you and you took an hour to get back to me". Reassure me, Reassure me....  Or Now the "Oh He Just Isn't Into You" Well maybe they are going to the bathroom or had a bad day and fear you wont like them if they call when they are upset. The reason are endless how hard really is it just to ask "Are you Okay?"  or "Thinking about you" and leave it at that.  They might even worry you might Assume they are not perfect and no body wants that so they sit in their fear. What happened to just speaking from the heart instead of Assuming and playing wasteful head games. Everyone has some insecurities it's what we do with them and how we address them that counts. No one is perfect or a mind reader. This is where communication really comes in.

Lack of "Honest" Communication is far from something new.  Weather because of Insecurities or Fear of Rejection this is where most of us go wrong. We politely try to get around having to tell the Honest truth. This leads to us hiding our true feelings about someone or something and in doing that we set up the doubt we and our partner are now feeling because things have changed.  Once you cant be Honest with another person about even the smallest things that is a sign this isn't the relationship for you. The moment we stop being honest with ourselves is the moment we are incapable of doing the same for others.  My last long term relationship I hid a lot of my feelings surrounding his drinking, lifestyle and negative actions and emotions. In doing that I lost a lot of friends and lost a lot of myself  as well because I was sure Love could conquer all and in time he would become the man I had Assumed he could be. I was dishonest with myself and with him. Lesson Learned.
Now I am sure I am too honest bringing attention to issues as soon as I have taken a look at my part and made sure it wasn't about me and really about the other persons actions and behaviors I speak to it the best way I can. Its not easy always speaking Honestly from your heart but it saves time and heart break, it even can heal things if given a chance.  It's took me about 5 years and lots of self refection but I have fond I would rather instead of Assuming something ask or speak to it, I will take a risk at hurting your feels and speak to an issue then waiting it out to see if things change. With more time becomes more entanglement and if your partner or yourself have any Insecurities or Lack s Honest Communication  and they don't get addressed this will only feed into Trust Issues..

Trust Issues are something the whole world is suffering from now. From Relationships to the White House, we are all in Flight or Fright or Fight mode with little to few of us live in between. I have come to believe the whole world suffer different levels of PTSD. This is compounded by Media and How Humans interact with each other now a days. I have often said that the moment the World could find worth in EVERY HUMAN BEING and supports them in being the Best them they could be everything else would magical fall into place. Even though everything I have been through  I have allowed a space in my heart to Trust until you prove me wrong, then we discuss, if it happens again then it something I have to choose to live with or without there is no between.   I often say if you never tell me how will I know. If you never discuss issues around Trust, it will never be resolved and it's bond to get in the way of having a Healthy Relationship. You know the kind where your allowed to express yourself, even if that emotion  happen to be anger, fear, joy, happiness, ect.
Relationship the word itself is telling. you must be able to RELATE to be in partnerSHIP and have Relations.. To do this you must go into it with TRUST!! Some time in the 80 or 90 there was a show called "COPS" and in the opening the narrator would say "These people are innocent until proven guilty." Later on during production they took that off because now our society and the law sees everyone GUILTY until proven INNOCENT. Doomed from the start because it's always easier to tell a lie then defend the truth. And easier to walk away then it is to see if you were wrong, right or just misunderstood.  Without Trust there is NO RELATIONSHIP with each other or the world around us.  Look if someone is willing to expose their life to you and allow you in it the least you can do is give them time to build trust without having to prove or justify their action and words all the time.  When Trust is freely given its not only a gift but a sign of someone who emotional has been working on themselves and their relationships.
 Innocent until Proven Guilty..... 

  The last one is Jealously.  This is one of those things that can be a symptom of insecurity and the fact that secrets about feelings or actions are being kept. It can stem from the lack of interest the person in taking in their partner anymore. Some might say the Honeymoon is over or maybe it never got started either way not having Honest Communication, Assuming without asking and Losing Trust can result in like what I call Road Rage angry. Nothing has happened but since I am afraid it could or will I am just going to act like it happened regardless the truth. This happens more often then anyone wants to admit. I must say that there are times when Jealously feeling are justified in that the partner is doing things that make you feel like you have to compete with people or even things. No one want to be set aside for Phones, TV shows, Pets, Alcohol, Drugs or even Friends when they are in especially the early stages of a relationship. Hard to relate to someone who is not present in the moment with you or even RELATING to you. ( There is that word again).  Everything in Balance seems to work or even compromise but build that foundation first. I promise they will respect you for it and those feelings of Jealously and Insecurities will be nonexistence. When it comes to Jealously there can be a million reasons why but the bottom line is if your  Assuming, Not Being Honest and Open to Trusting then you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place. Stick to the Hook Up's but be Honest about that too!!

It seem like there is a pretty obvious theme running through this article. That Today's relationship only require hard work when we are not being Honest with ourselves about what we really want and are looking for when we decided to get into a relationship with another person.  That the old ideas of letting Love guide us and letting the Truth set us free really do create a more lasting and stronger relationships then starting off with expectations and doubt.  Maybe if we Trusted each other and the process there would be more Loving then Fighting and more Talking and less Blocking... LOL

Stop Validating Your Love, Worth or Trust it shouldn't be a requirement to be or stay in a relationship. If the person cant be honest with themselves and you or they can easily walk away then they weren't the ONE for you. Hold that Vision and Trust in the Process. It might not always be easy and you might have to work a bit or get out of your comfort zone but it will be worth it.

Remember if they are choosing to let you in then they should be worthy of your Trust and hopefully if your lucky someday Love. There is only one Guarantee in life and that is Death. Never waste what time you have on someone not willing to give you their best and let you give them yours....

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Yes, I made Chili and Wow was it good!!!

  Some of you have been asking did I end up making Chili and the answer is yes!! I did get sidetracked because for lunch I made Lentil Bean Burgers. Yum!! ( Yes, I am still working on a Vegan equal to Meatloaf and Bean Burgers.) So I got the veggie prep out of the way for the chili while making those. Oh and if your wondering they came out Delicious! Once I can get them to stay together a bit more then I will share. They taste good but as my CEO tester (my son) says they still fall apart a bit to much. I am really trying to stay away from to many bread crumbs and trying to go little to non even though I am using gluten free right now. Its a work in progress...

 I was hoping to freeze some tomato sauce this past summer but didn't so I am having to revert to using can which is fine but really takes away from the true flavor but for now you got to use what  you can.
 As you can see I added the Beyond Meat product to my Chili recipe. I have been trying out this brand and finding it very flavorful and filling so far. It crumbled a bit more then I would of liked but it would be great as a meat substitute in a spaghetti sauce.
 I use the Fire Roasted tomatoes because I love that flavor (if I am going to use the can ones I like something with a flavor that will add to the overall dish.) I also used a sauce with a roasted garlic flavor. I like all the flavors to blend since its the foundation of my Chili having that sweet tomato flavoring I am looking for.  
The seasonings change from time to time, so this time I was using a few different ingredients but I wanted to stay with the same base I have been building.  I used a Maine Chili premix that was a gift from a friend, it has the balanced chili powder base I have been looking for. I also added a Cocoa Chili seasoning to give it that chocolate and roasted flavor, I then added Smoked paprika for that overall flavor and finishing off of course with some ground cumin.   
The beans I used were a brand from Bush that caught my eye the other day and tried them. Liked the flavor so much decided to try them again. I love kidney beans and they are a bean I can eat easily, I also went with a smaller red bean for a change in the texture while keep the flavor. I usually like more then one kind of size or bean in my chili. Just strange like that I guess! They also come in a nice chili sauce of their own, I wasn't sure how those flavors would go together but they compliment each other quite well. I am really building on this slow cooked flavor but in less time theme if you cant tell by now.....

So the finally and most important ingredients, the veggies. So I always like to do a mixture of Onions and Bell Peppers for a base the rest is what do I have in the Frig. I thought this time I would lay off the garlic. I had it roasted in the sauce and have a great new Sea Salt and Garlic grinder that I know I will use while cooking. What I did have was some celery and I though chopped fine enough it would give it some flavor without any stringy texture issues. So I made it simple and just added the three, Onions, Bell Peppers and Celery. I had some set aside from early and it was just enough about a cup all together. 
Once my prep was ready I was off and going.... 

The  key to making Chili in less time with a slow cooked taste in also in the sauteing of the veggies. I usually brown the Beyond Meat and then add in the Veggies for just a few minutes before adding in everything else. Its a free for all. I normally season as I go and to taste. adding in a few things as the Chili is cooking. 

This week I wanted to add a little something different because last time I felt it lacked the sweetness and spice I was looking for. So I added some Organic sugar by just sprinkling a little in a few times, then about 2-3 table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar ( Bragg for you in this timeline and Braggs for you from mine LOL ) and with still looking for that warm slow cooked feeling some BBQ Sauce from Organicville. It has a wonderful flavor and is Vegan and Gluten free ( its great in Bean Burgers too ). Wow what a flavor combo this Treo has!! I was delighted with the outcome.   

In the end I had a rich flavorful Chili that tasted like it was slow cooking all day on top a bonfire that was really made and done in about 30 minutes chili... 
(** warning amazing flavors and could be highly addicting** )

Again who says eating healthy has to be boring or flavorless. I hear it say often that eating healthy is expensive and that can be true but when your creative you can do more then you can even imagine. 

Take this chill, now it can be served over rice, on a baked potato or over waffle fries, made into a Nacho topping, you can wrap it in a burrito or make a quesadilla out of it. Make a big batch if you like it and you can have a few meals with it. It freezes well too.  Who knows maybe I will make it next time with more Beyond Meat, add a few more beans and Make it into a Red Bean BBQ Burger!! 
Sounds Yummy doesn't it.  

Chili can be a great winter meal but it also can be a easy go to when your looking for something to make quick and warm your heart. 


Monday, March 6, 2017

Out to Lunch..... The Tumbledown Cafe: Restaurant Review

While out and about and looking for a place to grab a bite to eat we came across a Farm to Table resturant in Sanbornville/Wakefield NH.  it's always a challenge to find something to eat it's also fun to explore new places. Even though the Tumbledown Cafe is a Barbeque and Meat eater heaven, it does offer a few things to nibble on!! 
There were a few Vegan and Vegetarian items on the menu but they offer no real meal to speak off or anything I could make into one but with the food fresh let's hope that means what we could eat was fresh and filling. 
I decided on a salad and Austin their basket of fries. The food was a bit slow coming to the table but the taste and service made up for it!
The French fries were fresh and delicous with a option of Bayou seasons for a extra spice. And for you Vegetarians that still do a little dairy the Ranch and a Dill Blue Cheese is in house and have an addicting flavor! What a difference in house made dressing can be both to your taste buds and stomach, if you know what I mean. 
The salad was a half order but was so filling I almost didn't have room to steal a few of Austin's fries. Looking around all the dishes look great and we have to come back to try their pizza. They also do have Gluten free options for dough and buns, so extra bonus for that. Probably not Vegan dough but we will have to wait and see. 
Service was great and the atmosphere is fun. The prices are reasonable considering Farm to Table and Non GMO. 
So if your ever driving through Wakefield/Sanbornville ( 03872 ) off 16 and looking for good food and great service then
Tumbledown Cafe @ 21 Meadow St. Sanbornville NH. You can find them on Goggle or call 603 522 8500 for special and hours of operation. 
Definitely will be back ( talked to server about adding a vegan burger option, crossing ) 
Thank you Tumbledown Cafe for filling our bellies... 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Enjoying Winters Last Days....

Not to say that I enjoy the cold but overall I have grown fond of the chilly mornings in front of the stove sipping on a warm cup of Marley "One Love". While enjoying a big Warm Fire Hug.
Its feels like it has served to nourish this soul of mine time and time again this winter. So in a way I am sad to see it go but I also am excited to have the warmth of the Sun and the smells of the Nature coming alive again.

Today it's going to be a cold one so that means Movies and some Experimenting in the Kitchen.
Nice Day For A Vegan Chili!!!

I have been wanting to watching Dark City, ( got the directors cut, always better ) I finally found it and hope to gain some personal insight as well as enjoy the mental roller coaster ride it looks like the plot has. It has now come up twice, Once as a suggestion and another in a video discussing Domed realities. Guess it a great day to check that out.  Along with this chili recipe I have been working on this should make for a interesting day.

Well off to enjoy this cup of coffee and then see what today brings....

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Just Thinking Out Loud.....

What a roller coaster this winter has been. Knocked off course a few times, under virus attack again and once again testing those boundaries and risking friendships and love in the faith that there is something beautiful waiting on the other side of all this.

This New Moon Eclipse must be like a deep cleaning of the inner truths and the outside lies. Asking us to choose our path Faith and Love or Fear and Hate. I have felt and said this before that the time is coming when each soul must make its choice of if it wants to keep repeating lessons or learn it and move on. This school is ending.

I was doing some research and came across a video that explored many ideas I have often thought about not only with human consciousness and the direction our society is heading but with our connection to the past and the idea of, in order to know where you are going you have to stop long enough to see where you have been. In this all or nothing society that we have been taught to not dwell in the past and that much is true. Yet we have lost the gift of the past, which is to learn.

I am not into sports but I would imagine that after ever great loss and win the coaches and players watch replays of the games and moves they felt contributed to or sabotaged the outcome of the game. Most of us have lost the ability to do that consciously so the universe has a beautiful yet sometimes painful way of making us face those choices everyday and without a replay or a change of play, the game is bound to either keep repeating itself or explode by the sure insanity of it.

We must learn from the past but learn not to dwell there in it. Dwelling in the what if's keep you from experiencing the what could be's has always been my thought. My first question when talking with some one who is seeking my counsel over a painful event is Did you learn something? No really? not just the superficial “Not to do that again”. You see that means you haven’t went far enough to find the lesson that keeps looping. So your bound to have it happen again. There are patterns and cycles in everything. There is no coincidences. Not when you look deeper into the mean of things. Weather a curse or a blessing my brain takes notes of meanings in everything that is drawn to. Not to say every event is interconnected but depending on how deep into thought you want to get you might just find even if it is a string that is connected there. It's there for a reason. Yet as painful or happy the lesson. The key to not repeating it is to now move from the past into the present and applying what it was you learned. Believe me you will have an opportunity to do that...

Lets just say Eclipse season is like the push we need to make it to the next level of understanding ourselves and the world in which we are helping to create. Like each one that came before it brings opportunities to grow and change. Huge leaps in personal and global consciousness. It's like the exam is here and time to prove what we have learned and to see if we have enough courage to use it.

I have been researching and seeking answers to many questions over the past 20 or more years. Definitely since my Father died. And this much I have found to be true. Becoming and striving to be a solitary individual in a society bent on creating a hive mentality is a very courageous and brave act and those that find it seem to not only create their own happiness but seem to be the most intelligent people you will ever meet. They now live from where lessons are learned and new ideas applied. Where they are now experiencing life on life terms and accepting each event as an opportunity to expand their understanding and experiencing life from a new perspective. If it was only that easy....

I have been struggling along with everyone else in how t break free of old habits and patterns. Not only in my everyday activities but in my deeper thoughts and understanding of the world in which I reside in. This year the man made calendar will of said I have watched 50 sunsets and sunrises. You think that I would have more to show for that but it has taking me about that long to untrain my mind to the things that have never served me, to let go of the guilty that never belonged to me and learning to accept that as much as all my life I wanted to be like everyone else, I am not and never will. That I am responsibly not only to myself but especially to my son to be the best version of myself I can be and the greatest gift I can give him is to learn from my mistakes and help him learn from his. The lessons them selves are not always easy and what I am learning is it is just as hard sometimes to learn a new way of doing and thinking about things. Yet it is so gratifying to not have to be repeating the same lesson time and time again. I never believed we were here to just survive and if so we should already know from science that we are an incredible species weather Natural, Created or Hybrid. We have survived many events with less then we have now and lost it all to rebuild it again and again. We must only look to our own personal and global past to learn from and take responsibility for our actions and try and understand the other intentions and behaviors. Then when presented with an opportunity to now apply, do it without hesitation. That is what they say separates us from the other mammals. Our ability to think and reason for ourselves. Its such a shame we have lost this survival instinct. Keep in mind intentional or unintentional either way there is something to gain to make sure that lesson has served you well. Then move on to leaning new ways of perceiving and being in your world. You would be surprised how small action bring about big results. Just like small acts of Faith conquer life long Fears. 

Well it will be interesting to see what changes and new opportunity come my way through learning to set these boundaries and staying true to myself and remembering that, even if we have a zillion things in common no two experiences are the same even when experienced by the same person. ( No matter how many times they say, “I know how you feel” that's just a human way of saying “Hey, something like that happened to me too”. ) So I need to go easy on myself and allow new doors to open while keeping the Faith that as the road splits that I will have learned all the lessons I needed to make it to the other side. Peace will reign on Earth as promises but remember we have to go through the revelations first. Knowing something is only one half of then doing something about it. The first step on the path is always the easiest its those last few that take real dedication and applying what you have learned.

Eclipses season is the best time for inner perceptive and outer change. Use this time wisely, we never know when the road will split but we can be sure we want to be on the side of what we want, not more of what has been...