Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Putting On My New Years Resolution Training Wheels .....

So of course on the last day of the year I would wake up with some kind of head cold that has closed off my right ear and the right side of my face feels numb!!! Nothing like the universe challenging your New Years Resolution before I have even got started.

To be truthful Resolution have never worked for me in the past even when I was well enough to complete them. What is it about goal setting that seems to sabotage you before you even get started and whose idea was it to try and start some kind of diet right after you have been given candy for christmas or indulged in to many Christmas cookies and cakes. Seems like a form of guilty torture to me. There is nothing like being reminded at the end of the year you barley did anything you wanted and everything you still do gets you no where!!

Here is what I have tried in the past;

1. Writing them down (only to forget where I wrote them)
2. Tried getting a friend to join me in my goals ( bad enough you cant do them but getting your friends to because YOU want them to is like pulling teeth) 
3. Not writing them down ( in which you still do nothing because you never really committed to it) 
4. Did them for about a week until life got in the way ( realized life is always going to happen so what can you do about it.)

So in true Justine fashion, I will create my own way of having a New years Resolution, more like looking at this time as a Fresh Start.

Since I have been dabbling in the areas of Yoga and Food of course those would be key areas to invest in for 2015 but so are:

More Sleep
More Books
More Sunsets and Sunrises
More Creating
More Walks in Nature
More Laughter
More Hugs
More Love and of course More Peace and Harmony 

Maybe what I need are training wheels.  Training wheels are more about helping you get started then teaching you to ride and so are these silly things we call New Years Resolution. 

I am sure it can be simpler then we have made it and as far as I can tell there are no rules either.

Just Maybe I can make a Commitment to Take Better Care Of Myself in 2015 and make a Resolution by stepping up what I am already doing. Committing to doing rather then accomplishing! 

Making a Resolution to Living up to these Three simple goals or training wheels for 2015:

Making Simple Goals is so much better then Committing to unrealistic ideas for the sake of saying you did!!! Please do not misunderstand I do have dreams for 2015 and I do have goals but I know it is the small everyday steps that will get me there. Not a calendar on the wall or a ball dropping some where in Time Square. 

So like everyone else I will use those training wheels and:

1. Use the Vitamix More
2.  Purchase those Yoga DVD's from Seane Corn I have been wanting for a while now 
3 Commit to two class at the Y
4. Journal More
5 Rededicated myself to Blogging twice a week at the least. 
6. Take time for myself and my family
7. Expand my circle of friends... 

and know that what ever I do in 2015 has to be better then 2014 because I am surly not the same girl now I was then!!!!!

I am going to look  at 2015 like a chance at a Fresh Start. A New Approach to those goals and dreams I have been working on but haven't really dedicated myself to. This way when next year comes I wont be looking back at what I didn't do but looking back at what I did!!!!!!

I guess when you take away the fear of falling it gives you the courage to ride the winds of change and before you know it the wheels come off and you are ready to FLY!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!