Thursday, March 14, 2013

Taking The Next Exit To A Healthier Life....

Well I have made it past the 3 day mark with little food withdrawals and cravings. I must say It has been a bit hard as I have still had to cook Austin's meals, prepare his lunches and snack. I found that if I filled up on juices before I cooked for him I was not as tempted to taste or join in.
I was really worried about Wednesday's dinner. I was making my famous Buffalo Turkey Burger. {one of Austin's favorite, and I must admit one of the few meat luxuries I still indulged in}I wondered if I could fight off temptation and even tried making deals with myself but knew that only time would tell. As dinner time approached I decided to turn dinner in to an experiment not a meal. That I would try a new recipe {a healthier one} and even try baking them instead of cooking them on top of the stove. I took the turkey burger and added; diced onions, baby bells, some finely chopped parley added cracked black pepper and of course the buffalo sauce. I thought about adding celery but I didn't want to push it. You see Austin is a simple boy when it comes to his burgers. meat, bread and ketchup and occasionally pickles. Putting vegetables in his burger, well I was taking a chance. { not that I haven't snuck onions in before but that is about it }I told him I was going to cook them in the oven so they might taste a little different and I hoped between the two buns he didn't catch the rainbow of flavor and colors I was hiding. I set the oven for 350 and cooked them flipping them a few times for about 20-25 minutes. What a difference it made. First the house was not full of the smell of cooked meat but also they turned out fuller and looked very juicy.. This on one hand was great but my lips smacked of yummy.. I served his up and to my delight he enjoyed it so much he asked for seconds. Which saved the night!! with him eating the left over I was not tempted and without even noticing I was able to get more vegetables into Austins diet and favorite food. A win win for the both of us!
It was a nice feeling to know I have now created a new recipe and kept to my course despite my taste buds drooling and now I have something to look forward too.
I was so inspired I decided to go to the library and check out a few of  Isa Chandra Moskowitz books on Vegan eating. I love her recipes simple but yet Delicious!! while waiting for Austin I was listening to a man asking questions about Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw books. As I listen to the girl at the desk try to tell him how Raw food and Vegetarian style eating is the same I could not contain myself. I thought just say "I don't know" don't assume they are the same because they are not. As I still kept my nosy self listening I heard her sending him to my favorite area of the library.  I just couldn't let him journey off alone and now misinformed now could I.  What kind of Gemini would I be?, let alone just being myself made it hard to stay seated and my mouth shut. I said excuse me as I walked up to him and told him I was sorry for eavesdropping but could I please show him where to find what he was looking for. As a good tour guide I asked questions and shared some of my favorite books and we even talked about some you tube channels and in the end I gave him my card. It was a beautiful exchange! I found myself hopeful as he shared his story of wanting to change his eating habits and obviously take back his health. he like me is no spring chicken but as they say its never to late!!
I left the library armed with my books and a new sense that even in this small town in Maine people are waking up to changing there lifestyle and getting back on track to a healthier way to live. Hope sometimes comes disguised as angels and expressed by taking the time to reach out to one another. I know my eating habits are changing my household but its nice to know that what I am doing behind these wall is going out into the world and making a difference there too.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pardon My Rant... But Where Have All The Honorable Men Gone?

May I ask why on Planet Earth Men will fight for land and goods but they will not rise up against arrogance  and the protection of  women and children? I am not even ranting about a country or a certain war I am talking about the simple acts that can be done here in the states and in our communities!

A few years back one of the reasons I chose to leave California was an indecent I was involved in at a local fast food restaurant. The restaurant was quite full there was a family of four, The father and mother and two boys. Two gentleman and his daughter, a manger eating lunch and Me the man I was with and his son. There were also a few employees behind the counter busily working when a man ran in and obviously was running from something or someone. Before we could make out what was happening Two cars pulled into the parking lot. That is when the man started saying "he is trying to shoot me!!" Now at this time the man was not only standing in the middle area where we are but now putting us in danger as the men circled around outside obviously deciding weather to shoot at us all and hope to get him or leave the scene to kill him another time. As I looked around at all the men inside I saw none were about to speak up or even moving. It was as if they thought they were watching a movie so no one spoke up but me. " Look I don't know what is going on but you are putting children at risk at least move away from us!" I looked at the little girls whose father was not even putting his arm around her. I then motioned to her to get down. I looked for one of the men to say something and once again I got silence. He starts to mumble some nonsense which lead me to believe he started the whole thing by his actions. I then turn to the manger and said "are you going to at least call the police?" Then in Spanish she told the employees to make the call and finally from the father with two boys he said "Yeah we don't want any trouble in here were trying to eat" well at least he said something. At that moment one of the guys from outside came in and said " This isn't over!!" and in his hand was a bright shining gun. They got in their cars and drove off. The man then began pacing like a caged animal  who was trying to decide if he should leave or stay. I now stood up and spoke up again " Don't think about leaving after all you just put these kids through let alone us your waiting here for the authorizes." He sat down and I became disgusted at what I had just witnessed not only by the other men but the man I had come with. I was not sure what to blame the fact that they had be desensitized by movies and tv to see how real of a situation we had just experienced or that the men in there had forgot that their gender have boasted for centuries about their manliness, waged wars for lesser things but yet it was a  women who spoke up for the protection of herself, the children and even them.

I had forgot that event until this morning. At our bus stop we have been forced due to our cities lack of man power to have a small area in which the kids can stand and safely catch the bus. Because of that most of us including the kids are force to be closer to the street then what we would like. The sidewalks are not clear so a few of the kids including me and Austin are forced to walk in the middle of the rode to even reach the bus stop. The bus stop is on a corner and the street is very narrow. Lately there has be a parent {a man } whose bus comes after ours parking right on the edge of where we are forced to stand. Not only parking in front of the bus stop but directly in front of the stop sign, giving no one any room to pass let alone stand. Him parking there puts not only the kids at the stop in danger but also those that have to walk down the hill. It is bad enough he is parking right on pardon my french but our asses { and I mean literally} but he keeps he car running so we all must inhale his fumes. Every time I pass by him I look at him and give him what Austin would call the  "Look" for each day his laziness { since he lives no father then I from the stop} and his arrogance in rages my common sense. He drives because he is lazy, he parks so close because he wants to see the bus come without getting out of his car that he is not only putting us at risk but being very inconsiderate.  Now I have spoken to two of the Fathers there and there were even two other men there today making remarks and faces at how rude this man is being but do you think any of then had not only the courage but common decadence to speak to him? No of course not. There is no land to be had, no goods to be gained. All that they would of been speaking up for was the safety and protection of the women and children that stand in the cold { not in a warm car} every day all winter long.  Now maybe in our society men do not feel they must look over strangers but these are their children or at least children that have been put in their care. I once again feel nothing but disgust, divine anger and disappointment that once again it will be me who is the one that will have to stand up for what is right.

Yesterday I started to watch the History Channels new series Vikings. In the opening scenes the father is teaching his son to fight he is 13. At first I was set back because I believe in peace not war but as the story line played out my mind listened as it was time for the boy to become a man. His father on his trip to his initiation told him the story of how he had fought a bear to save his mother and that is how they met and afterward said to him " Will you protect the family?" The boy said "but Father you do that" and he answered "Son someday I will be gone and it will be your duty to keep the family safe and cared for!" . the boy looked into his fathers eyes and said " I will!" .. Where have those days gone? When did the men forget their oath to their forefathers and to God to look after the young, the women, the sick and the elderly?  Is that why we have so lost our way. That men are afraid to stand up for common senses and the protection of other. Men go to war everyday for what they call freedom and liberty of all but who looks after the women and children left behind.

Do not get me wrong like in the movie "Thor" where Odin talks to Thor about war and the protection of its people " We do not seek war but we are always prepared for it".  I believe that not every action that is took in disrespect  needs to be reacted with in anger or hast but I do wish that the men of this planet would start standing up as the protector and as teacher to this younger generation of boys that there is honor and love when protecting those that either cant or shouldn't have too.  It is sad that they are leaving it to women like me to teach boys how to be men and to teach men how to respect not only life but those in it.

I guess it will be me who teaches Austin to stand when no other men will, It will be me who teaches him to be a man of honor but it is sad that the only thing his Dad will teach him is how to use a gun... and even worse it will be society that  teaches him that complacence breed arrogance and arrogance breeds a world full of dishonorable men. I can only hope that one day the men of this planet find their worth in the things that make them stronger and do not keep their minds in what blinds them. That they will find their way back to the day's of old when men were taught honor and respect for all and were willing to die for their belief in it.....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Hawks Have Brought A Message....

Yesterday as I left to go shopping I was amazed to look up and see hawks circling overhead. My first thought was YES!! spring is on it's way but as I watched them circle and started to count the magic of numbers danced in my head 1..2..3..  counting on until I reached 7. Seven hawks in flight. The number 7 has many meanings but when it comes to Animals Ted Andrews would say it was the number of wisdom, a seeker and the truth. I could not help feel my soul smile as I felt that they too were giving their blessing for the new journey I am embarking on. I have often felt like the Hawk brings the message of "seeing the big picture" that when I rise above the emotions to see all the pieces of the puzzle laid out that I would get a better understanding of what lays ahead. Like the crow comes to protect and ask me to watch my thoughts and keep my eyes open. The hawk asks me to rise above to see the bigger picture and view the path ahead which is being laid by my actions. When I came home I decide to do a little studying up on what other wisdom may these Hawks be bringing to my life at this moment. I found myself drawn back to the number 7. I decide to see what Doreen Virtues's Angels Numbers 101 had to say{ highly recommend this book it you are drawn to lots of # in your life} 7- "You're on the right path,and the outcome will exceed your expectations!!" The number 7 is a sign that Divine magic is supporting you and opening doors of opportunity. Wow! did that not only make my soul smile but my heart as well. I went on to look up what Ted Andrews in Animal Speak has to say on the Hawks. As soon as I turned to the page I laughed out loud. Hawks; Keynote: Visionary Power and Guardianship Cycles Of Power; Spring and Fall Equinoxes- New Moon. What better a sign then to see 7 hawks flying over head on a New Moon.. I went on to read how hawks are one of the  most intriguing and mystical of the birds of pray. They are the messengers, the protectors and visionaries of the Air {Air also being in my sign of Gemini }That they can live up to 14 years in the wild and that 14 is significant. The 14th card in the tarot deck is the card of Temperance. This is the card that represents the teaching of higher expression of psychism and vision. It also has ties to the activation of of your vital energies {kundalini}and the bold expression of it. As well as having ties to the archetypal forces that teach about beauty and harmony. In a nut shell, it holds the key to higher levels of consciousness. After reading that all I could do was take a deep breath.  My mind wondered to the thoughts of the morning and that it is always a wonderful gift to have second sight in the things that seem to pass others by. Seems the Hawks had come not only to give their blessing but also to give me a deeper insight into the New Moon energy of Temperance, Harmony and the Beauty of Synchronicity. I could not help but walk to the porch and look to the sky in hopes that I would see them or at least one flying again over head. The sky was empty but in that moment I was drawn to remember another symbol of what I had witnessed. As they flew in a circle it was more like a spiral as the seven flew in formation but yet at different highest. spiraling upward and now from reading Ted Andrews they were also rising the Kundalini and opening a door of a deeper state of consciousness. In that moment I was taken back to what the Native American Shaman must of felt like as they looked to the sky and land to commune with Mother Earth and The Great Sky God.  That those that are lucky enough to have eyes to see and heart to be open know we are never truly alone on our journey. As I typed those last words a very large crow flew past my window and is now perched on the wire right outside my door. Guess his presence is perfectly timed. I must say it is a wonderful feeling to know I am watched over and guided. Seeing the crow validates once again that there is no moment that is missed and no thought that goes unnoticed.  I remember when I was first introduced to the concept "God"  I was lead to believe he once interacted with the humans on this planet and that he used burning bushes and angels as his messengers and when it was really important he would make his presence known. That he loved us so much that he told Noah to save his people and even asked his only human son to die so we could be set free from sin. I was always confused and took back at after all that why Angels no longer came to visit and though the sins of the people of earth are still as bad as in the old testament or even sometimes worse that  he seems to be content with leaving us with no help or even contact.  That some how we were no longer worthy of such interaction. That even if you asked a clergyman if angels were real and still visited that you would probably get a vague and useless answers.  This plagued me for years until my eyes were open to a new understanding, that "God" is in all things and he sends many messengers and has sent many of angels on this planet to help set his people free {now its seems it is a freedom of the mind he seeks}. I have come to believe it is the people that have closed their eyes not God who has turned his/her back. When was the last time you looked to the skies? The last time a stranger or a song said what you needed to hear? When was the last time you didn't feel alone or abandoned? Are you sure you have opened your eyes to see and your heart to hear? Maybe you are being spoken to or guided. Maybe just outside your door there is a crow trying to get your attention or a hawk flying overhead..  Whose really to say God did kick us out of the garden, maybe the truth is we turned our backs on him. Yesterday's messengers were more then a omen or sign. It was clear poof that "God" is alive and watching . No matter the word you use to describe him/her that is not what is important. What is important is that you realize you are never alone in your journey when you have eyes to see what is clearly being laid before you. When you learn to turn your eyes back to the heavens and open your ears to the whispers of the Angels.  Angels come in many forms and yesterday they came as 7 beautiful Hawks.... 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Juice Feast Basic Recipes ....

There is a list of the  Basic Juice Recipes I will be working from
 and of course expanding and experimenting along the way.....

Soul Shine Juice
3 Honey crisp or Pink lady Apples { but you can use your favorite but make them sweet}
3 stalks of Celery 
1/3 of a Cucumber {adjust to add more if needed}
2-3 Lemons {Meyers are the best if available} 
1 head of Kale {or if bought in bunch 3 handfuls or so}
1/2 head of Romaine Lettuce

Immunity Juice
2 Celery Stalks
2 Carrots { greens too if you would like}
1 clove of Garlic
1  medium Apple {your choice}
1 1/2 inch of Ginger root 
1/2 Lemon

Green Machine
2 cups Spinach
2 Cucumbers or 4 stalks of Celery {or a combination of both}
1 bunch of Parsley 
1 Table spoon Ginger {whole}
1 Lemon

Glowing Green Juice
1 bunch of Kale 
3-4 stalks of Celery 
1 medium Apple {your choice}
1/2 of Lemon

Blue Green Power 
( This is a smoothie for those days when you need to just get over the hump  )
2 Table spoon Hemp Powder
1 Table spoon Maca Root
3 Table spoons Spirulina
2 Table spoons Flax Seeds 
2 Bananas  
                                                                    3 cups of Water { Fresh Spring Water is best when available }

Simple Kale 
      {For those days when your in a Rush}
1 bunch of Kale
        1 large Apple or 2 mediums {your choice}

I really hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do and remember you can add or subtract depending on your taste buds. All that really matters is that you enjoy the flavor and you learn that taking care of your body can not only be taste full but all so rewarding.  Oh and if you find yourself saying I cant afford to buy organic remember to buy what you can afford and trade out for organic when ever possible. For right now its not about perfection its about progress and discipline.. Now lets get to that spring cleaning... 

It's A New Moon and Spring is in the Air, Time For A Juice Feast!!

Today As we enter a New Moon in Pisces I have decided to use the energy of change and anew to embark on a week long Juice Feast..  As most of you know I have been slowly but steady moving in the direction of changing lifestyle habits and thoughts that have not only kept me sick but stuck in the same patterns over and over again. This has been a long journey with many glimpses into what is possible and I have slipped back enough times to now know what it is I do want versus what I have been use to. About six years ago I decided to test my inner discipline as well as work on building my immune system by removing all allergens from my diet and working towards a more plant type based diet. During those early months I could see a drastic change in my over all being so much that I started to do things I had never done before. One of those was to join a CoEd soft ball league. After only one practice I ripped my calf muscle and was not only benched for the season but my eating habits got set on a shelf as well. You see I was the only one in my household at the time that was not only preparing the meals but eating a more stricter diet and when it was left to my now ex husband it was back to fast food and easy fixes. I must say I can never blame him for the road I took after I was off of bed rest but the old habits had slipped back in and they have made themselves at home ever since.  It truly is hard to make food changes in a world that sees food in many ways. Some see it as luxury, comfort, self punishment, nutrition, ect.  I over the years have come to understand my body is made up of many facets. One being that my body is more then a meat suit in which my brain is housed but yet a beautiful temple in which my soul is able through my mind to express itself.  I also have looked at my physical attribute and found that my body is like a moving computer with complex circuitry that if it is not maintained can get viruses and if I do not every once in a while clean out my files it will start working slower and some programs will stop working all together. I have seen this many times in my own life as well as the lives of others around me. Those who feel that there is No connection when it comes to health and well being and food are truly fools. It is only western medicine that addresses the symptoms with medication and never bothers to expanded its treatment to include food or even mindset.  I have seen many miracles in my own life regarding what a powerful connection between Mind, Body and Spirit there truly is. That is why today I am stepping into the next spiral of expansion and experimentation. You see I look a Planet Earth as a living library and my experiences are really experiments in spiritual and mental growth. So today I embark on the exciting experiment of a detoxing juice feast or as I would say cleanse the body. To also clean out those viruses and files that are overloading my system along with challenging my mind in the area of discipline. I will drink nothing but juices over the next week and experiment with various recipes but sticking to certain vegetables and fruits that I know work best when detoxing the body. I will later today be posting some of the basic recipes in case you too want to experiment along with me and use this New Moon energy to reboot your system and challenge your mind in a new direction.. What can it hurt.. its almost spring and a little spring cleaning is in order and instead of starting with those closet how about starting with the most important asset of your life, YOU!!!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Since today's theme is change...

Mixing it up a bit with a fruit smoothie...
Blood organges, strawberries, bananas and blueberries..  Yummy!

Change Is Riding On The Wings Of A Crow......

  Those of you that know me understand that I believe that I am one with all things and that nature speaks if we have ears to listen. Since the beginning of the week I have been visited by crows, at one point over 57 perched themselves outside my house at the same time. They have been flying around all week and this morning has been no different. I jokingly said this morning on my Facebook personal page that their presence was either a sign that magic is in the air or I am being divinely watched. After what I just witnessed I think It is both!
  There are those times in life where change comes in many forms some easy and joyful others painful and destructive. I am not sure what cause and effect create each one but I have lived both and watched both many times in my life.
  Today at the bus stop one of the largest crow I have seen in a while was flying over head. She almost looked as if she wanted to land next to us as she circled. My eyes were drawn back to Austin as I watched  in that moment a car turned as Austin stepped into the street chasing snowballs without looking. In that second time stood still and I can say I lost my breath as I watched the crow fly in front of the car to stop the driver from moving forward. I called to Austin and he looked pale. I must of looked pale too, his face was one I will not forget as he watched the crow land on the wire above our heads. "Did you see that?"  one of the children said " That crow saved your life Austin!".  Austin and I both stood still I am sure saying a private prayer of thanks. As he came over to hug me and I reaching for him to comfort him we began to hear yelling. From above the hill there was something happening. I could here a mans voice and I could sense pain and anger. I looked at Austin and I said something is in the air today be careful. As I looked up the crow was still perched above us and the kids were staring in amazement just how big she was. At the next moment the bus turned the corner and the kids began to line up, the crow still watching. I could hear the yelling getting louder as I looked up the hill I could see where it was coming from. That house is usually very quiet and I have never really seen anyone but now what was happening was there for everyone to see and hear. I gave Austin a kiss as he got on the bus and whispered in his ear.. " If you watch I bet she will follow you to school".. he said "I know".. "  "remember to be watchful today Austin I think that is what the crows are saying".  No longer had the Bus closed its doors did she fly in the direction of the school. I took a deep breath and started up the hill thinking about what had just happened and the yelling that I was about to witness. As I came around the corner I could see him.. angry and her on the steps below.  Her letting him vent as she watched but did not move.. " No Hug? No Nothing?" .. "Why Don"t You Go Hug Your Other Boyfriend??!!!" she seemed to be frozen and I could sense his words were true... " Go Ahead Take The Easy Way Out!! You Always Do!!!!... I could not hear the words she spoke back.. She was half way up the stair and half way down with her purse in hand and a car waiting at the curb.. "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!!! You want it over.. IT'S OVER... I watched him go back inside while yelling " You Said It's To Hard But We Never Tried"  "Its Easier For You To Give Up"... Is That Love!!!!!!!  I watched as she followed him inside and I could still hear his voice coming through the walls as I headed farther up the hill to my house.
 I could not stop thinking that today their lives were going to change.  That some how today there are going to be lots of changes for many people coming in many forms, some painful and some joyous. I thought about how many times the painful choices I made caused lots of grief until to blossomed into something wonderful after the hurt was healed.  I could not imagine the pain that would of came from losing my son today at the hands of a careless move but we were spared by the winds of change flown on the wings of a crow. How that couple today somehow are getting a chance to walk away or come back together with a deeper understanding and love for one another.
It's is in the air today.. Action, Choices, Change! I can not promise you what form it will take in your life as I never know in mine but I will say that " what is to be, will be" for there are no mistakes in this world only experiences and it is what you do with them, what you learn from them and how grateful you are for them that really matters. The rest is just smoke and mirrors....
I was told one day I would be able to speak to the crows that watch over me.. I took that literal for years but now I see that it is more an awareness. A reminder to keep a watchful eye and an open heart because magic is in the air but it comes in many forms...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Getting Austin on board ..

Tonight I'm going to make Austin a
 Tofu Fettuccine with Alfredo Sauce.. A nice mixer, part health and part old fashion taste

What's for lunch...

Since a few people have asked me to share what I'm eating.. Let the pictures of food begin.. LoL
Today I'm having a roasted red pepper hummus wrap with spinach, carrots, tomatoes with extra roasted red peppers.. Wrapped in  gluten free tortilla..  Did I say extra Yummy... 

Loving This New Morning Breakfast...

Day Two of getting my Morning Greens On...
I must say this is Yummy, don't let the color fool you. Think of it as Green Beer But it's better for you... LOL
Come on you know you want some.. what do you have to lose... but some weight, maybe some diseases, a few allergies.. who knows...  Hmm.. Maybe even get a face lift from Mother Nature.. You don't think I got looking this good at 46 because I have good genes did you??? Really... Immortality takes a few brushes with Death {Check }, A bit of self awareness {Check }, and learning that you only get one Body so you better take care of it because if you don't nobody will.... { Double Check }..  and most of all Courage to step out of the comfort zone to make All your dreams come true... {working on that everyday... } So come on, take the challenge.. get your greens on at least once a day and lets make Magic Together.... Did I say Yummy... I meant Deliciously Divine..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Yummy lunch...

A  Hommus Wrap..
Made with roasted red pepper hommus, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, roasted red peppers and pepperoncini  wrapped in a ridicchio leaf..  Yummy.. A girl could get use to this...

Breaking the pattern and freeing myself from the old cycle

I have been thinking and watching and there are cycles or what I like to call patterns to my life and those around me. Like a small wheel of reincarnation that directs our destiny by the choices we make at those cross roads of life.  Some people seem to have many crossroad and other get stuck in the loop.. repeating the pattern until they awaken to the lesson. That is the hard part for the lesson is the same but it sometimes comes disguised as someone or something else. It seem from what I have observed it is a 3 month pattern. Watching those around me they to seem to align to the three month learn or get stuck pattern too. This learn thing is usually an action or surrender choice. Both roads take honesty and courage something that most humans on the planet at this time do not have. They may think they do in theory but asks they to look at the darker side of them self.  The self they hid from the world even from them self. That takes real courage and honesty. Sometime taking ones own accounting is easier then facing the same issues day after day. When you get stuck you have to have a deeper experience to bring out the change needed for personal growth. This is not always fun and believe me it gets hard each time the same lesson comes around.. It's Karma in action with no illusion of time." what you reap so shall you sow". Before you can move on you must look into a mirror see who is really staring back at you and your actions. you may also find yourself staring at the same issues that brought you pain the other day. the same ones that have plagued you for years. You know the things that keeps you from being the best you possible,  Yeah that one.  those patterns that stop you from being, doing or having all the things you have always dreamed of for yourself. I lost those dreams many times by being seduced back into old patterns that keep me always in the dream but never living them. I have watched my self repeat a pattern, even tried to stop myself but found myself right back where I started saying.. WTH!! {heck} Oh I tried to blame someone else, tried to blame the place but all I was left with was a saying my mom said in which I hated hearing. " It doesn't matter, you take yourself with you where ever you go" Oh I hated when she said that.. The problem was so her... funny how later in life I found myself saying Damn she was right. I might have a role here in my life and how it turned out. what an adventure that has taken me. I have now found myself in the smallest pattern in my whole 46 years of life on this planet and I am glad in the olden days a pattern could last up to two years.. that was hell on earth. Now I just have to break free at the next cross road and steady the course this time since I have found the pattern. I have to hold my routine for three months then I will break the pattern and be set free. Well maybe for a day or two only because I soon will be on the next adventure with it's own lessons. I must say it is exciting to see that all I have studied for the past 10 years have lead me to live another one of my theories.. that there are patterns to all things and all things work together when you learn to see your world for what it is not for what you have been told it is... Ahh first step in breaking a pattern is seeing the pattern... be the observer in your own world.. watch it like a movie.. step back and watch your world come alive and maybe even a hidden part of you too. I know my heart is beaming just thinking about what is waiting for me on the other side of this cycle... Change can be scary but what is more terrifying is staying stuck in one pattern for the rest of my life....

Just say NO to TV...

I just saw a clip from FOX NEWS.. it gave me the creeps!! Not having TV for over 7 years now guess I am not surprised it turned out like this... that is why I turned it off in the first place... YUCK.. I feel like I need to take a bath.... !?!?


Today I'm starting to take my health regime to the next level by adding a green juice to my morning routine.. It now will replace my breakfast.. Its called the "Soul Shine Juice".. And it has pink lady apples, celery, cucumbers, lemons, kale and romaine lettuce.. I will also be adding a 40 minute Pilates body band workout.. Which I will do 3 times a week.. Very excited to see the changes.. Goal now is to do this till my next  doctors appt.  on March 28th.. Here I go!!