Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Gluten or Not To Eat Gluten That Is The Question....

I can not count how many times I am still asked about this whole "Gluten" thing.  It is strange how after all these years there is still plenty of confusion surround it. So let me clear up a few things I do know.

1. It is not a fade or a diet.
The hardest thing about being out to dinner and saying "do you have that in gluten free?" is the looks you get. In the restaurant industry there is still an ignorance when it comes to this subject. Most owners still believe that Gluten intolerance or Celiac disease is a minority of their customers not the majority and only highlight the items on their menu that contain no gluten. They do not take the next step in creating menu items to support a more steady and returning customer base. They also do not take the time to educate themselves and their staff on this issue. They also are lacking in the area of other food allergies as well.  I find this most frustrating and why I now do food reviews for the restaurants willing to brave the unknown.  I also find it frustrating when friends or family make jokes around the subject because as with the restaurant industry they have never took the time to research what Gluten is and why it effects so many people. Most people I run into think it has something to do with the Adkins diet. I can see why, in that diet most people removed breads and found they were feeling better but still had issues. Years later it became clear that removing gluten was the key to better health not eating more meat.  Also removing gluten from your diet is not considered a fade that most of us jumped on. For most of us it is a journey to good health and healing digestive issues that have plagued us for years. To say it is a fade or diet really goes more to the fact that most American still do not connect eating to good health. They see it as a luxury not nutrition. Until we see food for it's true purpose regarding our bodies and health I fear this debate will continue. For the majority of us it has become a lifestyle not by choice but because without removing it our over all health will suffer.

2. That most American suffer from a range of digestive diseases from chrons to diverticulitis with out any relief from medication.
 Medications only helps with the symptoms but never changes or effects the cause. leaving most people to continue to suffer. Diets and eating habits are crucial in making a difference. Yet I find most people still eating food that effect them in many ways, some they don't even know about.  In my own personal research I have found that inflammation is the main cause of most disease and getting a handle on it can be the key to overall good health.  I also have talked to so many people who just experimenting with removing gluten made an impact on their daily lives. In my case most of my unexplainable health concerns were around food allergies I was not even aware I had, which caused inflammation and neurological issues, that then in turn lowed my immune system allowing for the virus to take hold more easily,  So as you can see in my case and most Gluten was a road block to healing or controlling digest disease.

3. That Gluten free is here to stay.
I have been battling not being able to eat gluten for so long I have kind of forgotten the days of carrying lemons in my purse for dressing, being able only to eat a plate of vegetables as an entree and feeling like a freak to others that didn't really care to understand. Dont get me wrong we have came along way from those days but there still is misinformation and ignorance around a grown number of people who each day are suffering because of Gluten. More and more I see people of different ages and ethnic background hovering the Gluten free items in confusing and sometimes shame over something that should be widely accepted. The idea that nut allergies and bee stings are mainly the only thing out there that can do damage or kill you when it comes to allergies are archaic and we need to move into a new understand and appreciation for those suffering from these types of diseases and illness.

So when it comes to Gluten or Not to Gluten only you can answer that question. You are the best judge of your body and how certain food may effect it. My only advise to those of you suffering digest problems, excessive gas and bloating, unexplained illness and fatigue. Before you write it of to old age and undiagnosed auto immune. Try changing the foods you consume and experiment in removing gluten from you diet for a month and see what happens. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones to find healing without gluten or maybe you will find nothing changes but you will never know unless you try. I also want to say I do hope more restaurants start to cater to the growing numbers of consumers looking to eat out while being respected for their dietary needs.  You might be surprised the new customer base you will get with just some small changes to your menu.

Here is a quick chart to get you started and remember; one mans bread could be another mans poison!