I have felt this feeling before in my life. Years ago I use to say it's like being in a living theater and once a show closes all the characters go their way and a new cast and stage are put into place. Then as I got older it was more like a living library, a school of sorts. Where we can try out theories and experiment with this thing called life. I have heard some calling it a closing of one door and opening of another, some call it rebirth while still living (reincarnation in a sense). No matter what it is called or how you look at it. Life is about to change. Change does not always feel comfortable. We can only imagine what the butterfly is feeling or going through while in it's cocoon. We assume it's sleeping comfortable from the outside but I imagine that kind of transformation must be painful in someways that science hasn't even explored yet. The Caterpillar has becomes the metaphor for my life. I learned a long time ago life will change with or without me and if I choose to not change my ways, insanity will be in my life day after day. Like the Caterpillar, I must trust in the process and risk the unknown to see what is to come. How heart broken I am when I see friends or family living ground hog day year after year. It would be one thing if they were happy but their actions, words and deeds show clearly they are not. Me, as much as I enjoy the security of some things never changing, when life starts calling I listen. I can tell within my soul like a caterpillar when being called to the cocoon it's time for a change.
What I am feeling now must be what the caterpillar feels right before coming out of the cocoon or dreaming state. That eagerness to spread my wings and get on with the business of living life. Life over the past 7 years has been more then challenging, yet they have taught me many lessons. Many people have come and gone from my life in the last 7 years and to all of them I must give a HUGE thank you. These years have brought me to where I am now and the journey I am about to take.
Over the last few months I have watched like a game of chess many people in my life having their lives changed in so many ways. Moving to a new home, finding love or letting go of toxic love and relationships. changing jobs, having babies, the list goes on. The one thing they all had in common was they learned a lesson, took a risk, followed the call of the Butterflies..
That part of your life where in order to grow we must change. Listen I am one to speak, I have journeyed this path many times thinking this time I have made it, only to slip back into old patterns or behaviors but this is different.
I faced a lot of harsh reality the past 4 years. That my ex husband was not the man of respect and honor I thought he was, That the man I fell in love with 7 years ago was and will always be more in love with alcohol then me, That the virus that threatens by life will never be cured that the best we could ever do is keep it dormant and that blood is never as thick as water. I have learned that life is not always fair and you don't always get what you want but as Mick put's it, "you do get what you need!"
I have journeyed many lives in this one and each had it's joys and it's pain but isn't that what living is all about? Experiencing a full life? What if the Caterpillar choose out of fear to not build that cocoon, it would never know how beautiful and free it could be...
Just like the Caterpillar transforms into the Butterfly it's time for me to really spread my wings and fly. The Change has not been easy but arriving here has been so worth it..
On this New Moon are you hearing the Call of the Butterflies?
Are there any areas in your life you want to bring about a Change? a Transformation?
Use Today's New Moon Energy and Encouragement to help bring about those changes.
Take sometime today to reflect on your life and see where some small changes can make a big difference, the simplest acts sometimes are the foundation of GREATEST change. Or if like the Butterfly you are being called to Trust in the Process just remember that you wouldn't be called if it wasn't time...