Yesterday as I left to go shopping I was amazed to look up and see hawks circling overhead. My first thought was YES!! spring is on it's way but as I watched them circle and started to count the magic of numbers danced in my head 1..2..3.. counting on until I reached 7. Seven hawks in flight. The number 7 has many meanings but when it comes to Animals Ted Andrews would say it was the number of wisdom, a seeker and the truth. I could not help feel my soul smile as I felt that they too were giving their blessing for the new journey I am embarking on. I have often felt like the Hawk brings the message of "seeing the big picture" that when I rise above the emotions to see all the pieces of the puzzle laid out that I would get a better understanding of what lays ahead. Like the crow comes to protect and ask me to watch my thoughts and keep my eyes open. The hawk asks me to rise above to see the bigger picture and view the path ahead which is being laid by my actions. When I came home I decide to do a little studying up on what other wisdom may these Hawks be bringing to my life at this moment. I found myself drawn back to the number 7. I decide to see what Doreen Virtues's Angels Numbers 101 had to say{ highly recommend this book it you are drawn to lots of # in your life} 7- "You're on the right path,and the outcome will exceed your expectations!!" The number 7 is a sign that Divine magic is supporting you and opening doors of opportunity. Wow! did that not only make my soul smile but my heart as well. I went on to look up what Ted Andrews in Animal Speak has to say on the Hawks. As soon as I turned to the page I laughed out loud. Hawks; Keynote: Visionary Power and Guardianship Cycles Of Power; Spring and Fall Equinoxes- New Moon. What better a sign then to see 7 hawks flying over head on a New Moon.. I went on to read how hawks are one of the most intriguing and mystical of the birds of pray. They are the messengers, the protectors and visionaries of the Air {Air also being in my sign of Gemini }That they can live up to 14 years in the wild and that 14 is significant. The 14th card in the tarot deck is the card of Temperance. This is the card that represents the teaching of higher expression of psychism and vision. It also has ties to the activation of of your vital energies {kundalini}and the bold expression of it. As well as having ties to the archetypal forces that teach about beauty and harmony. In a nut shell, it holds the key to higher levels of consciousness. After reading that all I could do was take a deep breath. My mind wondered to the thoughts of the morning and that it is always a wonderful gift to have second sight in the things that seem to pass others by. Seems the Hawks had come not only to give their blessing but also to give me a deeper insight into the New Moon energy of Temperance, Harmony and the Beauty of Synchronicity. I could not help but walk to the porch and look to the sky in hopes that I would see them or at least one flying again over head. The sky was empty but in that moment I was drawn to remember another symbol of what I had witnessed. As they flew in a circle it was more like a spiral as the seven flew in formation but yet at different highest. spiraling upward and now from reading Ted Andrews they were also rising the Kundalini and opening a door of a deeper state of consciousness. In that moment I was taken back to what the Native American Shaman must of felt like as they looked to the sky and land to commune with Mother Earth and The Great Sky God. That those that are lucky enough to have eyes to see and heart to be open know we are never truly alone on our journey. As I typed those last words a very large crow flew past my window and is now perched on the wire right outside my door. Guess his presence is perfectly timed. I must say it is a wonderful feeling to know I am watched over and guided. Seeing the crow validates once again that there is no moment that is missed and no thought that goes unnoticed. I remember when I was first introduced to the concept "God" I was lead to believe he once interacted with the humans on this planet and that he used burning bushes and angels as his messengers and when it was really important he would make his presence known. That he loved us so much that he told Noah to save his people and even asked his only human son to die so we could be set free from sin. I was always confused and took back at after all that why Angels no longer came to visit and though the sins of the people of earth are still as bad as in the old testament or even sometimes worse that he seems to be content with leaving us with no help or even contact. That some how we were no longer worthy of such interaction. That even if you asked a clergyman if angels were real and still visited that you would probably get a vague and useless answers. This plagued me for years until my eyes were open to a new understanding, that "God" is in all things and he sends many messengers and has sent many of angels on this planet to help set his people free {now its seems it is a freedom of the mind he seeks}. I have come to believe it is the people that have closed their eyes not God who has turned his/her back. When was the last time you looked to the skies? The last time a stranger or a song said what you needed to hear? When was the last time you didn't feel alone or abandoned? Are you sure you have opened your eyes to see and your heart to hear? Maybe you are being spoken to or guided. Maybe just outside your door there is a crow trying to get your attention or a hawk flying overhead.. Whose really to say God did kick us out of the garden, maybe the truth is we turned our backs on him. Yesterday's messengers were more then a omen or sign. It was clear poof that "God" is alive and watching . No matter the word you use to describe him/her that is not what is important. What is important is that you realize you are never alone in your journey when you have eyes to see what is clearly being laid before you. When you learn to turn your eyes back to the heavens and open your ears to the whispers of the Angels. Angels come in many forms and yesterday they came as 7 beautiful Hawks....
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