Friday, July 6, 2018

2 weeks in and are already seeing changes..

Hard to believe it's been two weeks since I started my 30 day challenge.  
It has had it's moments for sure.  
I have been pretty quiet the last week and a half as the 4th of July started our real summer routine. I had a wonderful weeks of playing around with recipes and reorganizing how I spend my time and pay my bills. 
The New Moon Eclipse has been calling in more than just being disciplined with new food habits, seems I am in for a change of lifestyle as well. 

I have lost 8 pounds and do feel more energy since I have started.  Emotionally the last week has been the hardest. I real have had to rely on journaling and yoga poses to start my day and keep me on track. 
The energy of the New moon has been challenging but also seems to have brought some stability in areas there hasn't been for a long time.. Funny how with each day my old habits are fading and new ones put in their place. 
I am still working on being more consistent with my blogging but that to is a challenge and I see why it's hard to post everyday. I will still be playing around with that but like I posted on my Facebook page sometimes it's more about effort than it is about completion!
OveralI,  couldn't be happier with my 14 day outcome and I hope over the next few days I will catch up on my recipes and food blogs along with a few other articles I have journaled. 
It's been such a journey so far I can't wait to see what the next two weeks will bring in both weight loss and displine!


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