Thursday, July 5, 2018

Morning routines always set the day

I have found out that how I start my day really can set the tone for how the rest of it goes.
I fantasize like most people about waking up to the perfect day. Being able to take time to stretch before your feet have even hit the floor, the sun coming through your window the birds chirping, you get the picture but seldom does that happen in my household let alone anyone else's.

I use to start my day with Coffee and Facebook. Checking in with the world while waking up. Plan my day and the set out or sit back what ever the day called for. Some mornings I would write, paint or draw other mornings get lost in the endless posts and YouTube videos that filled the gaps in my morning routine.
Since taking in Ollie all of that has changed.

The fact that I have added responsibilities is helping to show me where my time was wasted and how better to use my time. He is my first priority when I wake up there is no doubt about that!
Good thing I do the fireman's drill in no time because getting clothes on and out the door is a must after a long nights sleep for Ollie. His face is like lady what do you mean wait, you just went? 😆

It seems that getting up and at em has been helpful on this challenge. The first thing I grab when we get back from our walk is a tall glass of water. With temps rising early mornings have now become the perfect time for cool drinks.. 
Funny how a walk and water would start changes for the day but it has for me.
The walk invigorate me, the fresh air and the brisk walk seems to awaken my sense and by the time we're back home I feel good about how I started my day. The nosies of my surroundings and taking the time to clear my mind gives me a sense of confidence that social media could never give. No matter how many likes or shares.
Once we are settled back in I am ready for some writing, yoga and planning my meals for the day. My mind seems sharper and ready to plan the day and I find that my check in time for social site are dwindling as I gain more time for doing the things I love while reclaiming my purpose.
My mornings are never perfect but they are a practice in finding what works best for me. I knew Ollie would force me to get out of the house and in turn help me create a healthy walking habit for myself, he is doing that and much more.

Thanks Ollie for the incentive it's helping my morning routine be more productive and self nutring. There is no better way to start the day than taking care of myself and the ones I ❤️!

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